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Avria's Breeding/Trading Shop (closing, sort of -- Small Giveaway)


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Pokemon Requested: Larvesta

Online Username: Elderschnelle

Gender (Optional): female preferably

Egg Moves (Optional): doesn't need any

IVs (Optional): literally just female is all I pray for

Nature (Optional, free): timid or modest, if not i can just breed them onto one

Pokerus (Optional, free): up to you

Ability (Optional, free): again, anything goes

Other (Optional):


Offering: Scatterbug (shiny)

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):

Other (Optional): will also be willing to give you my togepi event egg, as i'm doing a bug only playthrough.

Edited by Elder Schnelle
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@seki108 That's fine, take your time! :)


@CaBoobi Sure thing. Could I get the shiny Ekans and Starly in return?


@Ragnarokalex Message me when you're ready to pick up Petilil. c:


@Anti_Hero o______o Wow, that's so funny! xD Even though Arceus isn't a Bidoof, it's close enough, haha. Message me when you're ready to pick up your next 'mon!


@Elder Schnelle Message me when you're ready to pick up Larvesta. ^^

Edited by Avria
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well I derped, I only read the requirement once and tought it would be fine with any mon, sorry but its nice you accepted

This time I hope I did it right, I hope you like my paint skills

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Edited by Anti_Hero
Wonder trade
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Online Username: Reina


Pokemon Requested: Pawniard

Gender (Optional): Male

Egg Moves (Optional): Sucker Punch, Psycho Cut

IVs (Optional): 31/31/31/x/31/31

Nature (Optional, free): Jolly

Pokerus (Optional, free): yes, please

Ability (Optional, free): Defiant

Other (Optional): ---


Pokemon Requested: Feebas

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): Dragon Pulse

IVs (Optional): 31/x/31/31/31/31

Nature (Optional, free): Bold

Pokerus (Optional, free): yas

Ability (Optional, free): I'm confused with this one, since Feebas changes its abilities after evolving (I want Competitive in the Milotic)

Other (Optional): ---


Pokemon Requested: Riolu

Gender (Optional): Doesn't matter

Egg Moves (Optional): Bullet Punch, Crunch

IVs (Optional): 31/31/31/x/31/31

Nature (Optional, free): Jolly

Pokerus (Optional, free): yup

Ability (Optional, free): I think it's Prankster to get later Justified (?)

Other (Optional): ---


I can offer any of the Pokémon here and a shiny Kabuto with 4IVs



Edited by Absolute_Zero
small mistake
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Pokemon Requested: Magikarp

Online Username: UchuuBishounen

Gender (Optional): Both is fine

Egg Moves (Optional): No egg moves for Magikarp XD

IVs (Optional): Any IV is fine

Nature (Optional, free): Adamant

Pokerus (Optional, free): Yes

Ability (Optional, free): Rattled

Other (Optional):



Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):

Other (Optional): I can give items you need equivalent for 1 Magikarp. (heart scales,focus sash,ability capsule etc)

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@Sara1404 Sure, message me when you're ready to trade!


@Anti_Hero Haha, Arceus > Bidoof anyway. Tell when you're ready to pick up the next Pokemon!


@Absolute_Zero Sure thing. In return, could I get these shinies? Skorupi, Torkoal, Pansear, and Klink.


@UchuuBishounen Could I get the Focus Sash please? Message me when you're ready to pick up Magikarp!

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  On 12/4/2016 at 11:27 PM, Avria said:

My name's Avria, and welcome to my shop!

Here you can pick up your favorite Pokemon, with some available as 5IV or 6IVs. I will also have raffles or giveaways from time to time, so keep an eye out for them.


Here the Pokemon for trade:


5-6IVs -- 


(hover to see egg moves and/or additional notes on blocks w/ the black triangle)


Keep in mind you can also put in a request for a Pokemon I don't have on there. It'll take a little longer, though. I don't breed for genderless Pokemon that aren't on the list, though, or for shinies. In addition, since 5IV genderless Pokemon are so hard to breed, I value them twice as much as a normal 5x31. A 4IV genderless has a normal value, though.

If you want to search for something specific, Ctrl + F is your friend. Keep in mind I put the lowest form of the Pokemon (whatever hatches when breeding). For example, I put Riolu instead of Lucario, and Marill instead of Azurill.


Shinies --



If I'm missing a higher evolved form of a Pokemon, you can trade me the base forms too. For example, if I'm missing Altaria, you can trade me Swablu. Exceptions to this are Porygon and Clamperl, where I do want the evolutions.


Here are some things I'm looking for:

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About values:

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You can offer stuff not on the list too. Don't be afraid to ask, I don't bite!

Note: Please make sure all Pokemon or items you trade me are gotten by legitimate means (no RPGMaker XP, Gemini, etc.) All Pokemon I trade you will also be completely legitimate. Thank you.


Also, use this ORDER FORM!


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Trades in Progress

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Derp Giveaway (:U)

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Hey Avria, Please check my pm to you

Edited by Ven Enfield
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Pokemon Requested: togepi 

Online Username: pduff79

Gender (Optional): any 

Egg Moves (Optional): doesn't matter 

IVs (Optional): 5x31

Nature (Optional, free): timid 

Pokerus (Optional, free): doesn't matter 

Ability (Optional, free): doesn't matter 

Other (Optional):


Offering: random mon w/ focus sash 

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):

Other (Optional): 


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Pokemon Requested: Larvesta, Smeargle, Snivy

Online Username: Korridore

Gender: Preferred female.

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs: I don't need 5-6IV Pokemon, I am a breeder myself, but I would appreciate some late-stage ones (3-4IVs).

Nature: Snivy - Timid, Smeargle - Jolly, Larvesta - Modest. Not required, as I said, I am also a fan of cycling through Obsidia for hours so natures are mostly irrelevant since I can get them myself, but it would be convenient if you had these natures on them.

Pokerus: Would love Pokerus since I don't have it.

Ability: I am not asking you for full IV Pokemon so the nature is mostly irrelevant, I also have quite a few spare Ability Capsules, but if you decide to be generous and you send over 5-6IV mons I would like Larvesta - Flame Body, Snivy - Contrary and Smeargle - Technician since those are the natures I'm aiming for. Otherwise the nature is irrelevant as well.

Other: Information on any TM locations. Lack of good TMs really limits my options in terms of team building (it wouldn't be so bad if the breeding mechanics were pre-Gen IV so I could breed TMs onto mons). I think I explored the world quite well, but I might have missed some good stuff and I really don't want that to happen. TMs like TBolt or Ice Beam could change up to half of my team members and it would be a shame if I missed those.


Offering: Corphish

Gender: Male :/

Egg Moves: Dragon Dance (sorry, no Aqua Jet on this one)

IVs: 5IVs, in the relevant stats (all but SpAtk)

Other: I'm just gonna send a Heart Scale as the held item for the Corphis regardless, since it's the only valuable thing I can afford to give away (I have a bunch of Heart Scales).

Screenshot 2017-01-21 20.47.17.png

Screenshot 2017-01-21 20.47.12.png

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Does this count?


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And the hail Stunkfish part
I did it on a friend
Anyway she jumped a bit (I like to scare her, so I go behind her without she noticing) she looked at me like I was crazy and said 
Were you sniffing Formol? (to clarify, I work a lot with a substance that is formaldehyde, toxic, cancerogenous and nauseous, inhaling it isnt good...)

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Even if my computer is not back in working order, I was able to mostly recover, except for some of the traded shinies.  I will post each trade/offer under a tag; I will also post a list of my other shinies (that I've confirmed you don't have some form of--did not include any that was listed as 'trade pending').   


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Also have shiny: Raichu, Corpfish (4 IV + Dragon Dance), Ryperior, Dodrio, Rufflet, Mareep, Blitzle, Grimer, Weedle, Hypno, Wynat, Aron, Porygon (can not get Upgrade since I'm still at Agate Fair).  I also have a regular 6IV Helioptile, if necessary.

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@AlphaJay Nice! Stunfisk is ready whenever.


@seki108 Everything looks good, the only one I don't have at the moment is Rotom. I'll message you with more details. ^^


@pduff79 Messaged you!


EDIT: Changed the guidelines for the derp giveaway a little bit. The giveaway will end on Wednesday 1/25/16 now, and if you do not have all six challenges done by Wednesday (but you've at least started one) you can still finish them.

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Pokemon Requested: Spiritomb (Shiny)

Online Username: Kamu

Gender: Any

Egg Moves: It's Shiny so w.e it comes with is fine with me :)

IVs: ^

Nature: Quiet

Pokerus: Sure

Ability: Infiltrator



Offering: Magby (Shiny) or Magcargo (Shiny)

Gender: Male and Female respectively

Egg Moves: Magby has Cross Chop




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I whispered "Hail Stunfisk" to my roommate the other morning when he was preapring breakfast. He was so stunned that he dropped the pancake batter on the floor. I pointed at it and said "You have done it, you have summoned the true lord and savior!". Tears welled up in our eyes.




I hope this counts for the shiny one, I caught this the other day. Added my trainer card so you can see I got it myself




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  On 12/5/2016 at 12:11 AM, Avria said:

Please use the order form in the future. ^^

(Part of it is my fault, I should make it more noticeable. xD)


I already have the female Riolu, but the female Torchic will take some time to breed. I'll try to have it ready for you tomorrow by 7:00 pm EST.

Are there any particular natures, IVs, or egg moves you'd like?


Can i have a shiny weedle please

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Well derp giveaway time:


So I remember when I was younger and playing Gold for the first time.  I had just gotten the game that morning and started up and was training my brand new Cyndaquil on the first route in preperation to actually try and catch things.  Once I finally had pokeballs in tow and was ready to expand my roster, I went out and immediately got into a battle with a Hoothoot, which for some reason flashed when it came onto the screen.  Thinking that I had done something to bug out my game, I immediately panicked and turned my game off, losing some of my training done.  It wasn't until years later when I had taken my pokemon game playing to the internet that I had realized that the hoothoot wasn't bugged, it was shiny...........


 Username: Ragnarokalex


And may as well leave this here while im at it.



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Edited by Ragnarokalex
attempting to upload bidoof pic.
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