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Avria's Breeding/Trading Shop (closing, sort of -- Small Giveaway)


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Pokemon Requested: Larvesta and Sableye

Online Username: Insomnia

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional):

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Donphan(shiny)

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):31 IV in speed everything else is bad

Other (Optional):


Offering: Toxicroak(shiny)

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):

Other (Optional):


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getting that trade done, i would also like to request another pokemon :P


Pokemon Requested: Snivy

Online Username: casuistry

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional): Glare

IVs (Optional): as high as possible matching HP fire IVs

Nature (Optional, free): Timid

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free): Contrary

Other (Optional): HP Fire


Offering: Shroomish (shiny)

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): Bullet Seed

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 31/31/31/16/31/31

Other (Optional):

Edited by casuistry
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EV training doesn't take anywhere near as long with the 3 times speed.  This really is my primary hobby at the moment.  Just 4 Pokemon this time.  Sorry for bothering you again.  


Edit: In case you saw it before, I changed the requested Goomy's gender because of a mistake.



Pokemon Requested: Goomy

Online Username: Seki108

Gender (Optional): Female*

Egg Moves (Optional): Acid Armor

IVs (Optional): 6IV

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional): 


Offering:  Shiny Male and Female Meostic (Since you didn't specify, I assume you would like both variants; will offer something else if needed)

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 

Other (Optional): Will throw in a Leftovers and Mind Plate (or other plate of your choice) for the extra trouble asking for a specific gender on a 6IV


Pokemon Requested: Zubat

Online Username:

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional): all mentioned

IVs (Optional): (31, 31, 31, x, 31, 31)

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shiny Helioptile

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): Electric terrain

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 4IV (4 in Attack and 1 in Spec Def)

Other (Optional):


Pokemon Requested: Lapras 

Online Username:

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional): all available

IVs (Optional): 6IV

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shiny Tynamo and Shiny Blitzle

Gender (Optional): Female and Male

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):

Other (Optional):


Pokemon Requested: Gligar

Online Username:

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional): 6IV

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shiny Litleo

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 5IV (7 in Spec Def)

Other (Optional):


Edited by seki108
Changed the requested Goomy's Gender because of mistake
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@casuistry Sure. Do you want the attack stat maxed out too, or not?


@seki108 Lapras and Zubat are fine, but I actually already have Espurr of both genders, and I only need a male Litleo.

I didn't specify the gender on Meowstic because I figured if anyone traded me a random shiny Meowstic or Espurr, I could keep one of the Espurr and evolve accordingly so I would have both genders.

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13 minutes ago, Avria said:

Lapras and Zubat are fine, but I actually already have Espurr of both genders, and I only need a male Litleo.

I didn't specify the gender on Meowstic because I figured if anyone traded me a random shiny Meowstic or Espurr, I could keep one of the Espurr and evolve accordingly so I would have both genders.

Can I substitute the Meowstics with a Shiny Flaffy and Shiny Bergmite (with the items mentioned)   and Shiny Wooper and Shiny Shinx for the other (can include a non-purchasable item)?

Edited by seki108
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38 minutes ago, Avria said:

Bump for updates!


Sad to see this go/slow down, but other things have to take priority.  I am sorry if my frequent orders have contributed in any way.  If you keep your shiny list up, I can send any still needed shinies your way if I get them (since I really don't have much interest in them).    


If my comment counts, I guess a female Flabebe.

Edited by seki108
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