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Avria's Breeding/Trading Shop (closing, sort of -- Small Giveaway)


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Pokemon Name: larvesta

Gender (Optional): any

Egg Moves (Optional): any

Nature: Any

IVs: Any

Offering: shiny slakoth or shiny rhyhorn or shiny tyrunt or shiny porygon 

Edited by sharkzilla
needed to add some mons
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Pokemon Requested:Azurill or Marill

Gender (Optional):Any

Egg Moves (Optional):Aqua Jet

Ability :Huge Power


Nature (Optional):Adamant or Jolly





Egg Moves:Dragon pulse

IVs :HP 31/ATK 16/DEF 31/SPATK 1/SPDEF 31/SPD 31
Ability:Swift Swim

Edited by CoronelEmpoleon
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Raffle 1 Results.png


The winner of the raffle is @Bloodhex, whom I have PMed!

Thanks for entering, everyone.Raffle 1.png


This week, we will have a Pokemon up for AUCTION. The week after, keep an eye out for a special Christmas Raffle

Raffle 1.png

Edited by Avria
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I would love to participate in the Christmas raffle.

anyway I would love a Larvesta


Pokemon Requested: Larvesta

Gender (Optional): Any

Egg Moves (Optional): no need

Ability (Optional): any

IVs (Optional; select a range):  I don't care if it your worst, I will love it

Nature (Optional): Any

Pokerus (Optional): No need


Offering: Shiny mankey or noibat or hoothoot (is all I have at the moment) And now a shiny feebas too, but its male...

If you are interested in those but think a larvesta is too much, then we can see something else

Edited by Anti_Hero
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I'd like to trade for an Axew.  I'm just at the beginning so all I have to offer is a torchic and a drilbur.  I'm happy to drop a black sludge on them though (I have an extra)



Pokemon Requested: Axew

Gender (Optional): any

Egg Moves (Optional): none

Ability (Optional): any

IVs (Optional; select a range): meh

Nature (Optional): meh

Pokerus (Optional): meh


Offering: Torchic

Gender: male

Egg Moves (Optional): none

IVs (Optional if they're not high): meh


Offering: Drilbur

Gender: male

Egg Moves (Optional): none

IVs (Optional if they're not high): meh



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Pokemon Requested: Torchic

Gender (Optional): Male

Egg Moves (Optional): --------

Ability (Optional): --------

IVs (Optional; select a range):  6IV

Nature (Optional): --------

Pokerus (Optional): --------


Offering: Shiny female Axew IV 0/31/31/31/31/31

Edited by Matgx
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Screenshot (25).pngI will like to join in the auction i'll offer these mons I NOW UNLESS MY SECRET WEAPON!!!!!!!!!! the eeveelutions have egg moves like stored power, wish, and curse and the have perfect IVs/EVs



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Edited by sharkzilla
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Pokemon Requested: Zorua

Gender (Optional): N/A

Egg Moves (Optional): Extrasensory

Ability (Optional): N/A

IVs (Optional; select a range): 25-31

Nature (Optional): Timid 

Pokerus (Optional): N/A


Offering: Shiny Pawniard

Gender: Female

Egg Moves (Optional): Psycho cut

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 27/26/19/30/20/7

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Desired: Snivy (don't need to be shiny) (also accepting a Larvesta, Riolu, Torchick and Axew)


Offer (One or two of these for any above pokemon) :

Lv 74 Dewgong (egg hatched, with Perish Song), fem (Amazing Ev, majorly for Attack, def, sp. attack and speed) Abi: Ice Body

Lv 59 Pangoro, Female (Has a lot of EVs for speed) Ability: Iron Fist

Lv 97 Typhosion, Male (Awesome ev, specially for attack, speed and defense) Ability: Flash Fire

Lv 65 Sudowoodo, male (Fine EV stats, specially for speed) Abi: Sturdy

Lv 74 Gastrodon, male (Great EV, specially for attack, def and sp. def) Abi: Sand Force

Lv 74 Dewgong (egg hatched, with Perish Song), fem (Amazing Ev, majorly for Attack, def, sp. attack and speed) Abi: Ice Body

Lv 72 Bearctic, fem (meh EV), Snow Cloak

Lv 70 Golduck, male (ok EV) , Swift Swim

Lv 58 Yanmega, male (great EV, mainly on sp. def, def and speed) Frisk

Lv 46 Zangoose, male (good EVs in def) Immunity

Lv 51 Spiritom, fem (good EV, mainly on speed) Infiltrator 


I do have a *Focus Sash*, too!

I also have every fossil pokemon, just ask me for any.

Edited by Rshiran
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@eggthief I will message you when Zorua is ready. Should be by tomorrow!


@Rshiran I'd be happy to trade you any of the above Pokemon. Does the Dewgong you mentioned have any 30-31 IVs? I'm also interested in the Focus Sash.


@Fyermind PP-Up and Ability Capsules can actually be purchased later on. ^^"

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