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Avria's Breeding/Trading Shop (closing, sort of -- Small Giveaway)


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Pokemon Requested: Misdreavus, Tyrunt, Swablu

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): Yes

IVs (Optional): 5IV, x on any stat

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Staryu

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high): through constant soft resetting I give to you a 5iv staryu except attack, lets talk about my other mons to offer in PM

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@Avria Hello, sorry for bugging you again :o. I just wanted to ask since I think I'm going to hunt for some shiny noibats, if I bring like three or so, would you be willing to trade three shiny pokemon for them? (I dont care much for ivs, I just want to build a team of shinies really). Does this sound applicable?

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Hello! It's been a while and your lucario is doing great, I see my egg move eevee has a big family now haha.


I'm interested in the possibility of obtaining the following pokemon with high IVs. I know they are a lot so I wil leave them here in order of importance


  • Klefki 
  • Koffing with destiny bond 
  • trick room Duskull 
  • Mudkip
  • Eevee (A high IV female would be awesome)
  • Drillbur 



Here are the detailed forms:



Pokemon Requested: Klefki
Gender (Optional): Prefer male, but not very important
Egg Moves (Optional): 
IVs (Optional): I would like HP/Def/S.Def to be as high as posible
Nature (Optional, free): Impish (Not a deal breaker if not)
Pokerus (Optional, free):
Ability (Optional, free): Prankster (Not a deal breaker if not)
Pokemon Requested: Koffing
Gender (Optional): Female
Egg Moves (Optional): Destiny Bond
IVs (Optional): 5 if possible
Nature (Optional, free): 
Pokerus (Optional, free): -
Ability (Optional, free): 

Pokemon Requested: Duskull
Gender (Optional): Prefer Female, but not very important
Egg Moves (Optional): -
IVs (Optional): 5 If possible -
Nature (Optional, free): Impish (Not a deal breaker if not)
Pokerus (Optional, free): -
Ability (Optional, free): 


Pokemon Requested: Mudkip
Gender (Optional): Male (I need him to replace the swampert in my main team and to breed a lickitung with nice IVs)
Egg Moves (Optional): -
IVs (Optional): 5 If possible
Nature (Optional, free): Adamant (Not a deal breaker if not)
Pokerus (Optional, free): -
Ability (Optional, free): -


Pokemon Requested: Eevee
Gender (Optional): Female
Egg Moves (Optional): Curse, Yawn, Wish
IVs (Optional): As good as posible. 
Nature (Optional, free): -
Pokerus (Optional, free): -
Ability (Optional, free): -


Pokemon Requested: Drillbur
Gender (Optional): - 
Egg Moves (Optional): -
IVs (Optional): 5 If possible
Nature (Optional, free): Adamant (Not a deal breaker if not)
Pokerus (Optional, free): -
Ability (Optional, free): Mold breaker? not really that important






Here's what I can offer you:



Somewhat Decent IVs (I'm not a great breeder haha):


Growlithe: male 31/31/30/31/31/22 - male 22/31/31/31/31/31 - (Close Combat, Flare blits, Crunch, morning sun)

Lillipup: Female 31/3/31/21/31/30 - male 7/31/31/21/31/31 (Thunder fang)

Litwick: Male 31/21/28/28/31/0

Larvesta: Female 30/30/18/31/25/23

Gengar: female 31/21/28/31/31/0

Starly: 15/31/26/16/30/20

Poliwag: male 31/6/31/29/31/31


Here are my shinies:








Let me know!



Edited by Aloha
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Hiya :3



Pokemon Requested: Clefairy, Zorua and Sigilyph (Whichever would be fine)

Gender (Optional): Female Clefairy and Male Sigilyph and Zorua

Egg Moves (Optional): Extrasesonsary for Zorua only

IVs (Optional): 31 Ivs in everything if possible.

Nature (Optional, free):Clefairy (Calm), Sigilyph (Timid) and Zorua (Timid)

Pokerus (Optional, free): Don't know what that is

Ability (Optional, free):Magic Guard for Clefairy and Sigilyph

Other (Optional):


Offering: The following Pokemons:


Capture777 - Copy.PNG

Capture44 - Copy.PNG

Capture555 - Copy.PNG

Capture666 - Copy.PNG


The egg is for Frillish ^.^ I can breed as much as you want :-)

Please let me know if you're interested and thanks in advance.

Edited by Rainlove
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Pokemon Requested: Larvesta

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional):

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shiny Boldore (lvl 54)

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): N/A 

IVs (Optional if they're not high): N/A




Offering: Shiny Wingull (lvl 52)

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): N/A 

IVs (Optional if they're not high): N/A


Via ctrl+f I believe you don't have these yet? I apologize if I've messed up somehow. First post on the forums...I just adore larvesta and would love to have one!



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@Aloha Hi, again! Your Eevee's family is too big, haha. @.@

I'm mostly interested in the shinies -- Machamp, Lickitung, Driftloon, Phantump, Cherubi, and Bidoof. I'll offer the first three Pokemon you requested (5x31 with egg moves and gender) if that's alright. ^^


@Rainlove Pokerus is a disease where your Pokemon gain twice the amount of EVs they normally would. I'd be happy to breed any of those Pokemon for you, but unfortunately I'm not that interested in your offer as I already have those Pokemon. ^^"


@ShadowTagKatie Shiny Boldore sounds good! I'll be available to trade later today or maybe tomorrow, as I am out for most of today.

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29 minutes ago, Avria said:

@Aloha Hi, again! Your Eevee's family is too big, haha. @.@

I'm mostly interested in the shinies -- Machamp, Lickitung, Driftloon, Phantump, Cherubi, and Bidoof. I'll offer the first three Pokemon you requested (5x31 with egg moves and gender) if that's alright. ^^


@Rainlove Pokerus is a disease where your Pokemon gain twice the amount of EVs they normally would. I'd be happy to breed any of those Pokemon for you, but unfortunately I'm not that interested in your offer as I already have those Pokemon. ^^"


@ShadowTagKatie Shiny Boldore sounds good! I'll be available to trade later today or maybe tomorrow, as I am out for most of today.

Oh these are the rarest pokemons I own. I think everything left I have in my box are very common. Thanks anyway and good luck^.^

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Just now, Avria said:

@Aloha Hi, again! Your Eevee's family is too big, haha. @.@

I'm mostly interested in the shinies -- Machamp, Lickitung, Driftloon, Phantump, Cherubi, and Bidoof. I'll offer the first three Pokemon you requested (5x31 with egg moves and gender) if that's alright. ^^



Hello! for the six of them?


I would ask you to add one more pokemon to the offer you made, if you don't mind. :)


If you don't have a good male mudkip right now (Or don't want to trade him), I can accept any 5IV male pokemon from the Monster egg group. I really need someone good to father the lickitung that will replace the shinny I'm giving away haha.


What do you think, sounds fair?

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21 hours ago, Avria said:

Noir and Lightseeker, I have PM'd you both. ^^


@BrownSycamore That sounds great, let me know when you can trade! I will be out almost all day tomorrow, though.


@Avria sorry but i unfortunately do not have the hawlucha anymore and also no longer would like the (lord) goomy

Instead, I would like to put in another offer:


Pokemon Requested: Metagross if you have it. If not, then beldum or metang if you have it. 

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional):

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional): Preferably a mid to high level (50+)


Offering: Sniny Nuzleaf or Shiny Stantler

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):



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Pokemon Requested: Larvesta

Gender (Optional): Female preferred, but male is fine as well

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional): 31 everything but attack if possible, but if its inconvenient i can take 31 on spatk and speed, 25+ on everything else but atk

Nature (Optional, free): modest

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free): flame body

Other (Optional): held item razor claw if you have access to it (i want my weavile), or a life orb if you can spare one, if you dont have either thats fine as well


Offering: Shiny lapras or shiny delibird if preferred

Gender (Optional): lapras is male, delibird is female

Egg Moves (Optional): lapras has dragon dance

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 

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