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Avria's Breeding/Trading Shop (closing, sort of -- Small Giveaway)


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@Aris Your female Larvesta will be ready by tomorrow at the latest. :) In return, I'd like the shiny Lapras.

I don't think Razor Claw is available in the shops, but correct me if it is and I'd be happy to give it to you. And I'm actually looking for Life Orb myself. ^^"

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Are you interested in breeding a 6IV male Smeargle for my own 6 IV male Smeargle (for breeding purposes)?

Pokemon Requested: Smeargle

Gender (Optional): Male

Egg Moves (Optional): -

IVs (Optional): 6IV

Nature (Optional, free):-

Pokerus (Optional, free):-

Ability (Optional, free):-

Other (Optional):-


Offering: Smeargle

Gender (Optional): male

Egg Moves (Optional):-

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 6IV

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my user is boodaliboo


Pokemon Requested:  goomy

Gender (Optional): any

Egg Moves (Optional): iron tail

IVs (Optional): speed and special attack you can pick anything else

Nature (Optional, free): adamant

Pokerus (Optional, free): yes

Ability gooey

Other (Optional): if possible can you train it to lv 30 if not its fine

Edited by boodaliboo
needed to add usr
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Pokemon Requested: Klekfi

Gender (Optional): Any

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional): 31/31/31/x/31/31

Nature (Optional, free): 

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free): Prankster

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shinies (hoothoot, Shiftry, skrelp, tentacool, panpour, pansear, wingull, linoone) your pick

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):




and do you have helioptile? i didn't see it in your list 

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Hello! I'm new in community. Are the new member giveaways still in?

It's hard choice between bulbasaur and gastly as both of them no longer obtainable in E15+


Trade Server Username: Arys

Pokemon Requested: Gastly

IV Spread: x/x/31/31/31/31

Level (Optional): 

Pokerus (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

Nature (Optional): modest

Other (Optional):

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@Nico_Robin Klefki is available whenever. :) I'd like shiny Shiftry in return, please.


@Arys Sure! Gastly will be available sometime tomorrow at the latest. Bulbasaur is obtainable, though, as a starter or later on in the game.


@HSB Wraiths Thanks for joining!


Also, to everyone who has joined the raffle, please check to make sure your entries are all in order.

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@Avria I'd really like to join your raffle! I just updated to Ep16 today and I notice it's the last day to enter! What luck! (Of course, if such a last minute entry is inconvenient for you, feel free to let me know). My trade name is the same as my username, sprx77. :)

Edited by sprx77
forgot to include username
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The raffle is over, and here are the winners!

Raffle Winners.png



Since 33 people joined, there will be 6 winners. Congratulations to ShadowTagKatie, Lightseeker, foznkr, Bafabon, CoronelEmpoleon, and lifesapity. Winners will choose their prizes in that order. I will message each winner when it is their turn to choose.

Thank you to everyone who joined, and Happy New Year!


EDIT: Realized it showed my IP Address. ^^"

EDIT2: Forgot CoronelEmpoleon.

Edited by Avria
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Pokemon Requested: Magby or Magmar

Gender: Female

IVs: 31/x/31/30/31/31


Offering: Electrike

Gender: Female

IVs: 31/18/30/31/31/31




Pokemon Requested: Hippopotas

Gender: Female

Egg Moves: Slack off



Offering: Tangela

Gender: Female

Egg Moves: Leech Seed

IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/10

Edited by Bafabon
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Pokemon Requested: Abra, Klefki

Gender (Optional): female preferred, but not needed

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional): 5iv on abra, x on attack, 4iv on klefki, x on atk and spatk

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shiny Klefki

Gender (Optional): female

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):

Other (Optional): I can throw in a focus sash if you think 1 for 2 is a bad trade

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Heya! I'm interested in the giveaway!


Trade Server Username: Donttos

Pokemon Requested: Binacle

IV Spread: 31/31/x/x/x/31

Nature (Optional): Adamant

Edited by Donttos
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Hi all,


Sorry for the late reply. Right now I'm at school, and my internet connection at home has not been working for the past couple of days. In the meantime I'll try to complete all your orders, and hopefully this can be resolved soon. I'll understand if you no longer want these Pokemon, though.



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Pokemon Requested: Pinsir

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional):

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shellder

Gender (Optional): Male

Egg Moves (Optional): Rock Blast, Bubble Beam, Icicle Spear, Aqua Ring

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 31/31/30/31/23/31


Pokemon Requested: Vullaby

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional): Roost, Foul Play

IVs (Optional):

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Gligar

Gender (Optional): Male

Egg Moves (Optional): Baton Pass

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 31/31/18/27/31/31

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Pokemon Requested: Gastly, Magnemite

Gender (Optional): -

Egg Moves (Optional): -

IVs (Optional): 30-31 in all but attack would be nice. Otherwise: Speed/Sp.Attk.>Rest

Nature (Optional, free): -

Pokerus (Optional, free): -

Ability (Optional, free): -

Other (Optional): -




Spearow (m)

Magcargo (f)

Noctowl (m)


Accelgor 18-31-30-31-31-31 

Kangashan 31-31-31-31-31-18 

Froakie 31-23-0-31-31-31

Tynamo 31-4-31-31-31-31


Please PM me if you are interested in one or more trades :)

Edited by Rapple
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Pokemon Requested: Natu and Duskull

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): N/A

IVs (Optional): N/A

Nature (Optional, free): N/A

Pokerus (Optional, free): N/A

Ability (Optional, free): N/A

Other (Optional): N/A


Offering: Litwick and Slowpoke


Just PM me if the trade's okay with you.

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Pokemon Requested: Elekid

Gender (Optional): any gender :)

Egg Moves (Optional): ice punch/fire punch

IVs (Optional):  decent IVs

Nature (Optional, free): if possible jolly:)

Pokerus (Optional, free): it's not a problem if it doesn't have it

Ability (Optional, free): static

Other (Optional): N/A


Offering: Shinies: shellos, noctowl, pikachu, charmander, kecleon, espurr (found another one lol), and : ninetails, delphox

Gender (Optional): F,F,M,M,M,F/ F,M

Egg Moves (Optional): charmander has flare blitz, ninetails have extrasensory and heat wave

IVs (Optional if they're not high): the shinies have bad Ivs, delphox and ninetails both have 5 Ivs

Other (Optional): N/A

Edited by Amine elhedhili
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