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Avria's Breeding/Trading Shop (closing, sort of -- Small Giveaway)


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Pokemon Requested: Gastly  

IV Spread: 31/x/31/31/31/31 (if possible)- I will be happy if they are over 25

Level (Optional): N/A

Pokerus (Optional):N/A

Egg Moves (Optional): 

Nature (Optional): modest, if possible

Other (Optional):


Pokemon Requested: Larvesta

IV Spread: 31/x/31/31/31/31 (if possible)- I will be happy if they are over 25

Level (Optional): N/A

Pokerus (Optional):N/A

Egg Moves (Optional): 

Nature (Optional): modest, if possible

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shinies: Muk

Gender (Optional): F

Egg Moves (Optional): 

IVs (Optional if they're not high): Muk has 22 in Att and 29 in Spe (other stats are below 15); 

Other (Optional): 


Offering: Shinies: Murkrow

Gender (Optional): F

Egg Moves (Optional): Assurance, Brave Bird

IVs (Optional if they're not high): Murkrow has 20 HP, 26 Att, 29 Def, and 27 speed (others below 15)

Other (Optional): 


If neither shiny sound appealing would you be willing to trade for a PP Up or a Focus Sash for either?  Sorry for editing this twice now.

Edited by seki108
I acquired another shiny
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Pokemon Requested: Larvesta

Gender (Optional): -

Egg Moves (Optional): -

IVs (Optional): 31/x/31/31/31/31 (if possible)

Nature (Optional, free): -

Pokerus (Optional, free): -

Ability (Optional, free): -

Other (Optional): -


Offering: Shiny gastly

Gender (Optional): M

Egg Moves (Optional): -

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 4/22/31/31/31/31

Other (Optional):

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Gender: doesn't matter

Egg Moves: deosn't matter

IVs: doesn't matter

Nature: preferably modest, or neutral nature

Pokerus: doesn't matter

Ability: doesn't matter

Just trying to get my pokemon back that I lost cause of a corrupted hard drive


Offering: Shiny Emolga

Gender: Female

Egg Moves:

IVs: 31 speed

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Trade Server Username: Kamu

Pokemon Requested: Archen

IV Spread: Any

Level: Lower than 30

Pokerus: Not necessary

Egg Moves: Is Steel Wing possible?

Nature: Lonely

Other: Just started a playthrough with a Bulbasaur and would love an Archen to cover the Fire weakness. Thanks for the Giveaway!

Edited by Kamu
Wanted to change the Pokemon I'm asking for, sorry for the inconvenience.
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Pokemon Requested: Shiny Swinub

Gender: Any

Egg Moves: Whatever yours has

IVs: Doesn't matter

Nature: Adamant

Pokerus: Yes

Ability: Thick Fat


Offering: Shiny Bulbasaur

Gender: Male 

Egg Moves: None :(

IVs: 28/22/24/31/21/27

Other: Modest

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Pokemon Requested: Torchic

Gender (Optional): Male

Egg Moves (Optional): 

IVs (Optional): 31/31/31/x/31/31 if possible, but I don't mind if it's not

Nature (Optional, free): Adamant

Pokerus (Optional, free): Yes

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):


Offering: Shiny Grimer

Gender (Optional): Male

Egg Moves (Optional): none

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 21/29/18/13/5/23

Other (Optional):


Thanks in advance! ^_^

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Hi, I apologize for not using your order form at the moment, but I just wanted to ask what kind of pokemon you're willing to accept for a trade. I have some Females with 31 IV in Attack, Sp A., etc. but it's more like x/x/x/31/x/x than  31/31/x/31/x/31. I just don't want to be presumptuous and offer pokemon you don't need for rarer pokemon, so please let me know anytime you're available what you want or willing to accept, and I'll get them.

Edited by Fabled Asian
unfinished sentence, doesn't sound right
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My InGame name is Cherr1m

If u have one of them and u would like trade with me, please write here and write what you want. :)

Doesnt matter the level and IV.


I have probably all other obtainable pokemons expect these.


I need these pokemons:


Balbasaur (starter)

Gastly (old event)

Staryu (Growlithe event)

Heracross (Pinsir or Heracross)

Treecko (starter)

Torchic (starter)

Mudkip (starter)

Shroomish (Growlithe event)

Azurill (Growlithe event)

Cacnea (daycare event, 50%)

Shuppet (i screwed up this event)

Drilbur (Growlithe event)

Frillish (Growlithe event)

Axew (Growlithe event)

Vullaby (Growlithe event)

Froakie (starter)


Edited by Cherr1m
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4 hours ago, Cherr1m said:



My InGame name is Cherr1m

If u have one of them and u would like trade with me, please write here and write what you want. :)

Doesnt matter the level and IV.


I have probably all other obtainable pokemons expect these.


I need these pokemons:


Balbasaur (starter)

Gastly (old event)

Staryu (Growlithe event)

Heracross (Pinsir or Heracross)

Treecko (starter)

Torchic (starter)

Mudkip (starter)

Shroomish (Growlithe event)

Azurill (Growlithe event)

Cacnea (daycare event, 50%)

Shuppet (i screwed up this event)

Drilbur (Growlithe event)

Frillish (Growlithe event)

Axew (Growlithe event)

Vullaby (Growlithe event)

Froakie (starter)



Something to keep in mind I know for a fact as of Ep 16 Staryu and Drilbur can be found wild, i'm almost certain Frillish can be too, Mudkip can be found in an event in episode 16 I know this as well as Treecko.


@Avria if not a burden, would it be possible to see images of pc boxes to show what Pokémon you have so it can be easier to identify what you don't have and therefore what would be ideal to try obtain for you?

Edited by Lord Drakyle
additional info
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5 hours ago, Cherr1m said:



My InGame name is Cherr1m

If u have one of them and u would like trade with me, please write here and write what you want. :)

Doesnt matter the level and IV.


I have probably all other obtainable pokemons expect these.


I need these pokemons:


Balbasaur (starter)

Gastly (old event)

Staryu (Growlithe event)

Heracross (Pinsir or Heracross)

Treecko (starter)

Torchic (starter)

Mudkip (starter)

Shroomish (Growlithe event)

Azurill (Growlithe event)

Cacnea (daycare event, 50%)

Shuppet (i screwed up this event)

Drilbur (Growlithe event)

Frillish (Growlithe event)

Axew (Growlithe event)

Vullaby (Growlithe event)

Froakie (starter)


Do you have a Shiny Swinub?

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Hi! I am just starting a new game and saw this giveaway option. I'd love to request my favorite Pokémon so I can start this journey :-)


Trade Server Username: AlphaJay

Pokemon Requested: Sneasel (gender doesn't matter)

IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31

Level (Optional): 1

Pokerus (Optional): yes

Egg Moves (Optional): Ice Punch, Fake Out, (Ice Shard)

Nature (Optional): Adamant

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My wifi is finally up and working again. :D


I have gone over the last few pages:


@Aris If you still need Klefki and Abra, I have both. I already have shiny Klefki though, but I'd like trade you Klefki or Abra for the Focus Sash.


@Donttos Binacle is ready. Tell me when you're available!


@shymango Any shiny Pokemon is fine for the starters, even if I already have it. ^^


@Shoutmon Pinsir and Vullaby are ready. c:


@Rapple I think I forgot to mention this, but I'd prefer not to breed genderless Pokemon unless I have a 6IV parent of them. (flashbacks to Beldum breeding D:)

I have 5IV female Gastly w/ the "x" in Attack if you'd like that, though. In return, could I have the 5IV female Kangaskhan?


@Lightseeker I already have Litwick and Slowpoke, but I can just give you a Duskull and Natu if you need them. :)


@Amine elhedhili I can trade you a 5IV Elekid w/ those specifications (x in Sp. Attack) whenever. In return, could I have the shiny Pikachu?


@seki108 I've already got a shiny Murkrow trade lined up, but I can trade you the Gastly or Larvesta for the shiny Muk. ^^


@Ramza Sure, tell me when you're available to trade.


@ShadowDefender Sure, tell me when you're available to trade.


@Kamu Archen is available whenever. Good luck w/ your playthrough! And sure to the Swinub/Bulbasaur trade.


@RudyRudy I've already got a trade w/ shiny Muk lined up. Sorry. ^^"


@Fabled Asian Any 2x31 female I don't have is fine. :)


@Cherr1m A lot of these Pokemon are actually obtainable right now like Lord Drakyle said.


@Lord Drakyle The only problem is that my PC boxes change a lot, and I think Ctrl + F is easier than looking for a Pokemon image. I'm planning on making some big changes to my first post soon though, to make it easier for everyone to see what's going on. ^^


@AlphaJay Sneasel is ready whenever!


@Eray2705 Is this for the new playthrough giveaway? c:



And everyone, thank you so much for your patience. Since it's been so long though, just tell me if you no longer need the Pokemon. Thanks!

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On 1/11/2017 at 3:29 PM, Avria said:

I've already got a shiny Murkrow trade lined up, but I can trade you the Gastly or Larvesta for the shiny Muk. ^^

Can I trade another shiny for the second Pokemon?  Since I posted this I acquired more shinies.   I currently have shinies of: Spearow, Mareep, Golett, Aron, Crustle, Abomosnow, Rufflet, and Togepi. If any of these interest you, can I fill them in for the Shiny Murkrow I offered?


If none of these other shinies interest you, I will take the Gastly in exchange for the Shiny Muk.

Edited by seki108
Caught Shiny Rufflet
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1 hour ago, Avria said:

@Lightseeker I already have Litwick and Slowpoke, but I can just give you a Duskull and Natu if you need them. :)

Lol avria's back. Can I add a combee, and I can offer shinies too, I'll PM you some of them later.

Edited by Lightseeker
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Pokemon Requested: Togepi

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): Nasty plot. Extrasensory if possible

IVs (Optional): 31/x/31/31/31/31 it's fine it its above 25too

Nature (Optional, free): Modest if possible

Pokerus (Optional, free): Nope

Ability (Optional, free): Serence grace if possible

Other (Optional): 5IV male ralts, pawniard and staryu no request for egg moves, nature and pokerus. Female on pawniard or staryu


Offering: Shiny skorupi

Gender (Optional): Female but i have males too but they're is not as good 

Egg Moves (Optional): Night slash, pursuit

IVs (Optional if they're not high): 0/28/29/3/30/30

Other (Optional): I have shiny kecleon, 5IV sneasel, torchic and a high iv goomy

Edited by superbutt199
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@Eray2705 Sure, message me when you're available then!


@seki108 I'd like the shiny Golett, please. Message me when you're available. ^^


@Amine elhedhili Alright, just tell me when you'd like to trade. And I do have an Electririzer, but I only have one. So it isn't for trade, sorry. :(


@Lightseeker Cool then. It's not necessary though, Natu and Duskull are catchable in the wild pretty easily so I don't value them too much. ;D


@superbutt199 Messaged you!


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