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Right, so I could use some team help


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So,I tend to make a lot of sub teams. But this one keeps disappointing me and it just feels liks something is missing.I feel like it's kind of flawed. But for the life of me, I can't figure out what to remove/add to fix it. Help me out here?


Baron (Swampert) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Torrent

EVs: 240 HP / 216 Def / 52 SDef

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Stealth Rock

- Ice Beam

- Earthquake

- Roar

Baron here is my SR setup. He normally starts up with Stealth Rock and he's bulky enough to rack up residual damage with roar. Roar also helps with those pesky setup sweepers. Earthquake and Ice Beam are here for coverage. Not sure if I want to switch out Ice Beam for Scald though... Rock Setup/Tanking role.


Solaris (Volcarona) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Flame Body

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Quiver Dance

- Fiery Dance

- Bug Buzz

- Hidden Power [Rock]

Alright, this guy is on almost every one of my teams. He's a basic Volcarona: Quiver setup, then sweep with Fire Dance and Bug Buzz. HP Rock is my Hidden Power of choice to deal with Flying types, as well as Dragonite, Gyarados and Salamence, who resist the other two moves and otherwise wall Volcarona. Special Sweeper.


Serena (Togekiss) (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Thunder Wave

- Air Slash

- Roost

- Aura Sphere

I'm not sure why I added her, to be honest. I guess I just wanted to go back to Paraflinch like in 4th gen? Probably. Either way, this is your basic Flinchkiss, it's basically if I run into something that would decimate the team and I need luck on my side. Nothing to really say here. Paraflinch/Special attacker.


Reggie (Scrafty) (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Shed Skin

EVs: 252 HP / 8 Atk / 248 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Bulk Up

- Drain Punch

- Crunch

- Dragon Tail

First time using a Scrafty and he is working GREAT. With his natural defenses I can get at least one or two Bulk ups in, and he can generally tank some stuff after that. Drain Punch for STAB and HP recovery, Crunch for STAB, and Dragon Tail is to help out with the rock residual damage. Might swap that for Ice Punch though. Physical Sweeper/Psuedo-Tank


Orion (Starmie) @ Life Orb

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Ice Beam

- Surf

- Thunderbolt

- Rapid Spin

Alright, with half of my team weak to Rocks, I needed a spinner. But I also didn't want to dedicate an entire slot to just a spinner. So Orion here has your basic Boltbeam coverage and Surf to hurt things. Self-explanatory. I WANT to try and add Recover, but I like the moveset as it is...


Sniper (Scyther) (M) @ Eviolite

Trait: Technician

EVs: 216 HP / 40 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Brick Break

- Aerial Ace

- Roost

Finally, we have a personal favorite of mine. Scizor is generally better, but with access to Evolite and Base 105 Speed, Scyther is bulky, fast, and strong. The missed priority can hurt, but you know. Favorites and all. So uh, this is a basic Swords Dance setup. Roost is there for longevity, AA for STAB, and Brick Break for those pesky Steels and Rock types.


Alright, so that's the team. I notice a lot of common weaknesses shared between everyone (Rock and Flying being most prevalent ), and coverage could be a bit better... but anyone have any thoughts or anything?

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Nah, OU. See, at first I wanted to make a viable team from favorites, but then I started playing with it, and while it's still good, it has some pretty big holes that I'm not sure how to fill. I'm thinking of replacing Kiss, it seems kinda redundant.

So yeah, any suggestions?

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To be honest, i'm not sure why this is failing you, other than the coverage is a bit dodgey. 2 of your pokemon have a 4x weakness to SR, and although you do have a rapid spinner, you dont have anything that knows taunt to stop them setting up in the first place.. Part of me would like to have an aerodactyl instead of Swampert, but thats my preference.

Also, if your not even sure why you've added Togekiss, it's probably better to remove it. Gliscor's pretty good, and is hit neutral by rocks, and covers the electric weakness, that 2 of your pokemon have.

I'm no expert, but i hope it helps a bit.

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