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How is Ep.16?


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Hello all! I haven't forgotten about Reborn and while I continue to fiddle around with my sun and moon team I would say I've been eagerly awaiting this game much more than the release of the 7th gen games.Though the new episode is out there are some questions that I need answered.


1. I was warned that the episode was a tad buggy so I'm worried my save file with be corrupted or something despite me being anxious to play the next episode.


2.I don't exactly know how to update my game so that I have access to the new episode.


3. What are your thoughts on it thus far?Storywise,gameplay wise,etc.(WITHOUT GIVING SPOILERS PLEASE)

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1: Yep, it's a community release, so there are bugs that won't be in future updates of this episode. There are no file breaking bugs, at least, not any that we know of.


2: Just download the new Episode, extract the folder, and then run it like you did episode 15. You don't have to mix and match files, it's all there.


3: Quite fun. Has some decently challenging battles, and the story is enjoyable as well. Tons and tons of sidequests too.

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