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[Ep 16] Music Quality (and money quality)

Timber Dragon

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Don't know if this has been complained about yet, but am I the only one who's not really digging the new music in this update? I don't mean the remixed 'White' tracks for the cities (they're actually growing on me, though I'm sure others out there may not like them), I mean the replacements for the battle music. I understand Ame was trying to save space by compressing the music or something, but now a lot of the tracks sound poor-quality and scratchy.


I know it's just personal taste, but I really preferred a lot of the previous battle music. I loved the Johto Champion Remix as the gym battle track. imo the new one sounds forgettable... like, I beat the gym leader like 15 minutes ago and I'm literally trying to remember what the music sounded like. It's kinda the same boat the new wild Pokemon battle music. I was going to give it a pass because of the changes in the city, but it looks like the new track is going to retroactively replace the previous one.


And onto the second half of the title. Curbing the money gain might've taken things too far in the other direction. A late-game gym leader battle just gave me a whopping 1500. Maybe that's actually a lot by Pokemon standards and I'm just used to Reborn's hyper-inflation, but I thought we escaped that whole 'eternally in poverty' issue and now I'm a little concerned. I know there's the rebattleable trainers, but still.


Anyhoo, those are my complaints this episode. Otherwise, yay ep 16, fun and pain and whatnot.

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Yeah, I noticed that a lot of the music was much lower quality sounding (like quality as in not liking the songs themselves, but the actual sound quality). Thankfully, it's possible to drag and drop files from older episodes to replace them, so that's a temporary fix for now.


The money gain was lowered? I wasn't really paying attention but 1500 for a late game gym leader doesn't sound very fun. There's a point where early game hell has to stop, and this is far beyond that point if it's been changed throughout the whole game.

Edited by Personthing
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The music is my only major gripe about E16, it sounds choppier and you really notice the degrade in overall quality. Though, that's honestly resolved by maintaining the old music files like I have and just swapping them out if you're as picky as myself with sound quality.

The money is actually pretty worrisome, I'm not as late game as some folks, but I feel like the money nerf adds unnecessary difficulty to an already difficult setting. I feel like having to constantly rebattle trainers only adds an unnecessary extra grind to an already pretty grindy Pokémon game. There are a few, not too many, but a few stretches where having field items to heal on the go is completely necessary; and having less money directly impacts it.

As for the music, I feel like a good way to mitigate it due to the simple file structure of the game, is to just upload higher quality versions of the music elsewhere for picky users to download if they prefer.

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I overwrote every new file with the higher quality ones from E15, dug through GlitchCity's and Ame's Youtubes, cut Battle- Meteor and Battle- Wild (since there were some cut out seconds compared to the original), reversed the new Battle- Gym for the ReverseGym and added the Fade In for Battle- Meteor, so overall it should be exactly the same music but in high quality!

I've uploaded it here, but for now it's only up for 30 days counting from yesterday (517MB rar archive): https://uploadfiles.io/e4540

edit: for Timber Dragon, the old Battle- Gym is still around but has been repurposed to Battle- Meteor Admin, so you can rename and overwrite if you wish to!

edit2: an overview (careful! long list) for what Music has changed and what's still the same: 


Atmosphere (35)
Ametrine     (from Episode 15)
Breeze       (from Episode 15)
Bright       (from Episode 15)
Broken Doll  (from Episode 15)
Crystal      (from Episode 15)
Dark Crystal (from Episode 15)
Diving       (from Episode 15)
Dramatic     (new Song! from GlitchCity's Youtube)
Explore      (from Episode 15)
Findmuck     (from Episode 15)
Fluid        (from Episode 15)
Fluid2       (new Song! from GlitchCity's Youtube)
Flux         (from Episode 15)
Giga Arena   (from Episode 15)
Gigagala     (from Episode 15)
High Energy  (from Episode 15)
Kindling     (from Episode 15)
Light Realm  (from Episode 15)
Majesty      (from Episode 15)
Mild         (from Episode 15)
New World    (from Episode 15)
Pace         (from Episode 15)
Paranoia     (from Episode 15)
Peaks        (from Episode 15)
Pine         (from Episode 15)
Ride         (from Episode 15)
Rush         (from Episode 15)
Smoke        (from Episode 15)
Splash       (from Episode 15)
Summit       (from Episode 15)
Surfing      (from Episode 15)
Tourmaline   (from Episode 15)
Triumph      (from Episode 15)
Waves        (from Episode 15)
Waves2       (new Song! from GlitchCity's Youtube)

Battle (14)
Countown     (from Episode 15)
Dramatic     (from Episode 15)
Gym          (new Song! from GlitchCity's Youtube)
Legendary    (from Episode 15)
Meteor Admin (from Episode 15, the old Battle- Gym.mp3)
Meteor       (new Song! from GlitchCity's Youtube, manually cut and faded in)
Misc         (from Episode 15)
ReverseGym   (new Song! from GlitchCity's Youtube, manually reversed)
Rival        (from Episode 15)
Trainer      (from Episode 15)
Trainer2     (from Episode 15)
Wild         (new Song! from GlitchCity's Youtube, manually cut)
Wild2        (from Episode 15)
Wild3        (from Episode 15)

Other (3)
Catch My Dreams         (from Episode 15)
Evolution               (from Episode 15)
Nightclub - Mirror Ball (from Episode 15)

RBY (10)
Battle - Champion (from Episode 15)
Battle - Trainer  (from Episode 15)
Battle - Wild     (from Episode 15)
Lavender Town     (from Episode 15)
Mt Moon           (from Episode 15)
Pokemon Mansion   (from Episode 15)
Rocket Hideout    (from Episode 15)
Victory Road      (from Episode 15)
Victory Trainer   (from Episode 15)
Victory Wild      (from Episode 15)

Reborn (12)
8 bit Opal    (from Episode 15)
Beryl         (from Episode 15)
Reborn City   (from Episode 15)
Coral         (from Episode 15)
Jasper        (from Episode 15)
Lapis         (from Episode 15)
Obsidia       (from Episode 15)
Onyx          (from Episode 15)
Opal          (from Episode 15)
Peridot       (from Episode 15)
Seventh       (from Episode 15)
Reborn Center (from Episode 15)

deleted file: Reborn Theme (when opening the game)

Other (6)
Sinister Uprising   (from Episode 15)
Strings Be My Wings (from Episode 15)
To Greater Heights  (from Episode 15)
To Lesser Depths    (from Episode 15)
Victory!            (from Episode 15)
Victory2            (from Episode 15)

White (8)
Beryl   (new Song! from Episode 15 as "Reborn Light- Beryl")
Coral   (new Song! on Ame's Youtube)
Jasper  (new Song! on Ame's Youtube)
Lapis   (new Song! on Ame's Youtube)
Obsidia (new Song! on Ame's Youtube)
Onyx    (new Song! on Ame's Youtube)
Opal    (new Song! on Ame's Youtube)
Peridot (new Song! on Ame's Youtube)


Edited by CrossImpact
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8 hours ago, Ursidae said:

major gripe about E17

Meanwhile I'm still in E16...


Anyway, the money issue can be a problem given we need to be rich to complete certain sidequests, and even the 40k for Calcenon was too much for some people. 

This can be solved by adding more trainers in the Routes 1-4 now that the city is refurbished. I understand that for some it may cause lag due to many event tiles, but some like Route3 and 4 are practically empty. Battle arenas at the school and during surfing the lake could also work.


About the music, I suppose that's how it stays until they find way to compress the size of the game without hurting more important features. 

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Thank you! I was a bit disappointed about the gym music change. Don't get me wrong, I love that piece, but it doesn't fit the whole gym challenge. Plus, the reverse gym music for Shade sounds much less menacing now. Same with the original gym music being given to Meteor bosses. It doesn't have that menacing tune that fit the Team Meteor bosses so well. I think a good idea would be to save the legendary theme remixes till we start to encounter more legendaries. The Kalos trio remix would be great for when there an event with one of the Kalos trio legendaries. Same with the Deoxys remix.

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Yeah, I miss the old gym tracks as well.  I'm replaying the game, so I'm actually legitimately considering going to my Ep. folder and copying the old gym battle theme from there to see if it will effectively change the themes in Ep. 16.  I felt like the old one was a bit more fitting.

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I like the way some tracks were shuffled a bit, since some of them were extremely unfitting in some cases, but that's not why I'm commenting here! I'm calling out the money mechanics, because it's kinda- no, not kinda, extremely skewered.


Playing E16, I get into a battle with the rematchable trainer in the Grand Hall. If I lose, I have to fork over 20k. If I win, I get 1.4k. Those numbers are incredibly slanted. I'm not going to say bring the win money back up to the point where you're a billionaire, but, the player shouldn't be getting 1.5k for beating a Late-Game Gym Leader, and forking over 20k for a loss. I understand that grinding for money off the rebattleable trainers is a thing that will happen, but slanting the gain like that is... really disastrous. You'd have to either slant how much you lose as well, to bring it back up into a somewhat understandable range, or bring back up the money you get to like; in either situation, I'd call ~5k the ideal spot. This is also hardened by the fact that, if I remember correctly, we don't get access to the Amulet Coin or a Luck Incense, so we don't have the option of doubling gains if we do win.



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Concerning the gym music, i found out while i was upgrading e16's tracks by replacing them with e15's, that it has been switched with the meteor music. Dunno if that was a mistake or not, I switched them back anyway.

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Meteor Admin was broken for many people which is why it had to be replaced.


given the amount of feedback on the matter, the compressed tracks will be reverted for the public release. 

CrossImpact, that download is pretty helpful even for me, it will save me a lot of time in reverting them; thank you.



About the money gain... Is it consistently ~1.5k for all trainers in the late game? Because that actively seems... blatantly incorrect based on the parameters I discussed changing. Those low of values are not intended. I'll review this. 

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I honestly didn't notice the money gain until I got to the gym leader, where I got waaaaay less than what would be appropriate for this point in the game. But based on what Kapsyla up there mentioned about the trainers in the Grand Hall, the low money might be consistent across the board.


Glad the compressed tracks will be reversed for the public released. Would you also consider reverting some of the battle music back to the original versions? Again, personal preference, but I FAR prefer the original wild battle, gym leader, and Meteor admin (which I didn't know had issues) tracks. The new ones just don't sound appropriate to me. I at least like most of the other shuffles, though, especially the new Apophyll and Azurine Island songs. Plus if the changes bother me that much, I could always just switch the music files.

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Just wanted to gauge some opinions here. Which of these do you guys think would sound better as the battle theme when we finally face off against Lin?


Weather Trio Theme Remix



Cyrus Theme Remix



Edited by WujiKyurem
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14 minutes ago, WujiKyurem said:

Just wanted to gauge some opinions here. Which of these do you guys think would sound better as the battle theme when we finally face off against Lin?


Weather Trio Theme Remix



Cyrus Theme Remix




Between the two the Weather Trio is more fitting imo, but I think it should be used when we encounter the legendaries.


I personally think that the Sky Peak Final Pass remix would fit quite well as Lin's theme:



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5 minutes ago, Farnsworth said:
6 minutes ago, Farnsworth said:


Between the two the Weather Trio is more fitting imo, but I think it should be used when we encounter the legendaries.

Fair point; I liked it because of how dark it sounds.


7 minutes ago, Farnsworth said:

I personally think that the Sky Peak Final Pass remix would fit quite well as Lin's theme:



As her battle theme, or her encounter theme?

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Eh, I really didn't like the Johto champion theme as the gym theme, it was way too serious. I like using the XY legendary theme a lot more, it's far more energetic and exciting, like what a gym match should be.


Too many of the battle themes are too 'serious', champion themes really shouldn't be used for ordinary trainers or wild Pokemon, I'm glad the wild theme got changes to something calmer.

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I set my day to Saturday to see if I could gain money from other trainers... the Double Battle gave me around 75000 per battle.


Basically, I was full of money after 12/13 battles.


That's a bit too much, I guess.

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So, about the music.

I said it few times, but no one seem to noticed it :/ (probably posted in wrong places though)

Right now, every music in the OST plays twice per file. It's a waste of space. Instead of reducing it's quality, cutting the music in half and taking care of proper loops would be much better. It would sound the same, but take less space.

Looping this might be a problem though, because the music doesn't loop perfectly and it's slightly less noticeable if it's longer. It should be possible to make a script that takes care of this, but I don't know how good would that work in RPG Maker.

Anyways, doing this, I was able to reduce the size of Atmosphere - Light Realm (I just used it somewhere >.>) from 10MB to 3MB, without noticeable loss of quality.

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