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5 perfect IV bred pokemon and some shinies for trade (Over 200 pokemon!!)


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So, i have some pokemon with 5 perfect (31) IVs for trade.

I can give them pokerus if u want.



My lists:

(31 IV):

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I'm looking for 5x31 IV pokemon that are not on my list, and shinies (I have more shinies than the ones listed but i only have them once so you'll have to ask me about that). I have complete pokedex so i dont need any non 5x31 IV non shiny pokemon.


Most of my bred pokemon don't have moves bred onto them yet but i'm working on it. 


My online name is Asuta, I don't have a fixed time which i'm playing, so if you want to trade leave a comment here and i will contact you.



Edited by Asuta
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  On 12/6/2016 at 6:02 AM, Jmanultrax1 said:

ill trade you a seel (perish song) for the shiny/regular sandile (your choice) and a staryu for the feebas


both were from the event eggs.


I've got a 30 HP 28 SpA 30 Speed Feebas if that offer is an open one.

Edited by IcewolfDark
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hey, im interested in your shiny eevee and a feebas with good IVs on everything except attack (if u can get one of those..)

also im interested in your zorua (1 shiney if IVs are decent, 1 common)
i could offer a 3x30/3x31 bug type (larvesta) for future breeding or some other high IVed pokemon (speaking of 30/31s on all 6)
or some shinies, got a lot of those.. (purrloin, mantine, oddish, sunflore, arbok, druddigon, bouffalant, wailmer, sandshrew, magcargo, spheal, bidoof, ducklet, woobat, mankey, porygon, paras, noctowl, bellamy, kecleon, charmander, beedrill...)

greetings :)

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I have a Shiny Cyndaquil with 31 in Special Attack and Speed with Extrasensory, Lileep, a lot of 5 x 31 Litwicks, some 3-4 x 31 Torchics, and the like. PM me your interests and we'll work something out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love any of these female 5IVs: Seedot, Scraggy, Skourpi, Yamask, and Vullaby.

Also, do any of the shinies have high IVs? ^^


I can offer any 5IVs in my breeding shop in return.

Edited by Avria
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