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I'm Nothing Special, but Please Welcome me Nonetheless


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Hello. Welcome to my little introduction!

After lurking on these forums for a while I thought that I ought to finally join these forums with the release of Episode 16 and all.


So, what is there to say about me? Well, to tell the truth. Not much I'm afraid.

I play video games, watch anime, go to school and hang out with friends.

I adore the Fire Emblem series, and my favorite animes are Clannad and Spice and Wolf.

Pretty normal stuff, I reckon. But here's a little super suprising fact about me... I love Pokemon.

What? That didn't shock your worldview? Well, there's also the fact that I can ride a unicycle and solve a Rubix Cube in 60 seconds.

Yup, pretty average stuff. But it's what defines me, and I won't belittle that.


Though then again, I doubt my enterence into these forums will change much,

Soon I will likely become part of the nameless masses that comrpise these forums.

But still, despite that I appriciate you taking your time to read my little post.


I anticipate meeting and interacting with you all. Hopefully we will have many fun times ahead of us.


ps. I ship Izzy X Mimi, like... a lot (though Ash X Serena is kinda cute too)

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Welcome! I hope you enjoy yourself here.

You like pokemon?? That's amazing and totally unexpected! So do I!


Actually, though, it's really cool that you can solve a rubix cube that quickly...

Anyway, have fun! Meet people! Make friends!

Edited by Strider
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Welcome to the forums Athena, never assume anyone on the forums is one of the 'nameless masses' they aren't in the Forbidden Lands after all, we are all just unique folks sharing a common interest, casting sanity and souls aside, every member of the forums is 'special' in their own way, we all were reborn, I hope you enjoy your stay...it's eternal...just joking (or am I?)


Anyhow, once again Welcome to the forums, Athena, make yourself at home and if you find yourself stuck, the forums is bound to have someone able to help.

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Welcome to Reborn!


You have to remember, we were all part of the nameless masses at one point... it's why ya gotta make a name for yourself, and just the fact you've already started with the onyx arcade and doing an intro post means you're already better off than most. If you'd like, you should should check out the Reborn Discord and Showdown server... there's links to them at the top of the page under the Misc. heading, and they're great places to chat with other members, get to know the community better, and battle, if that's your thing. It's a party, I promise.


Anyways, enjoy your stay!

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21 minutes ago, Athena said:

Soon I will likely become part of the nameless masses that comrpise these forums.

Y'know, I wouldn't count on that.
If you're around for a bit you start recognizing the regular posters, and if you're a regular poster, people start recognizing you. Same goes for hanging out on the showdown server.
So hey, stick around a bit and see what happens.

Welcome to the site! Hopefully you won't feel so terribly out of place here as a Pokémon fan.

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So, here's a little story for our guest.


A little girl once cried when she lost her marbles in the desert.
She searched the desert for one hundred years.
The little girl cried when she thought she might've lost them in the sea rather than the desert.
She searched the depths of the sea for one hundred years.
The little girl cried when she thought she might've lost them in the mountains than the sea.

How long will it take for her to realise that she had never lost them to begin with?


Convincing herself that she had lost them, she made the thought into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In turn, thinking oneself average is the surest way to become so. 

Be wary of your own thoughts, for they can be as deadly an enemy as the sharpest sword.


Do enjoy your stay here though, since you seem nice. 


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Thanks so much everyone. Your warm welcomes make me very happy.


@Strider personaly I think 60 seconds to solve a Rubix Cube is kinda slow. But I don't want to take the time to become faster :/ It's quite the dilemma I'm in!


@Lord Drakyle I'll be sure to remember that. Thanks for the words of encouragement =)


@Tempest That sounds wonderful, I'll be sure to check those out.


@ZEL If I am to imprint myself in the minds of the people on this forum, then I surely have a big project ahead of me. Will I ever reach such a destination? That I do not know. But surely the journey will make it worthwhile?


@Tartar That's an interesting story. I'll take your words to heart.


@PBX5 Is your avatar Xion from Kingdom Hearts? O_o


@Motomiya *Gasp* That Veemon is so cute. I need to get myself a cool signature like that...

Edited by Athena
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Oh hello, welcome to Reborn!


I'm also a fan of FE, and of course, pokemon. There are currently two Fire Emblem on the Forums rps going on over on the rp forums, which might be worth checking out if you're interested. I happen to co-host one of them, so feel free to message with any questions, or just to talk if you'd rather.


In any case, I hope you enjoy your stay.



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Welcome to our fora.


Everyone is special in their own way, and we all have our quirks. The sum of your qualities define who you are, thus creating a unique combination. So technically, you are special. If we expand this however, if everyone is special in their own 'special' way, no-body is. So, if you wish to consider yourself part of the masses, that is your choice and yours alone. If you wish to strive for greatness, as you seem to do in your everyday life, that's fine as well. Remember that not everyone has the same goals, and as soon as you are content with your achievements, you shouldn't care about what others feel.


Given that the first time I got a Rubic's cube, I took ~20 minutes to figure out how it works and solve it, 60' is quite fast for me. I should practice more I guess, because 5 minutes might seem like a decade to you. So, there, compared to me, you are special. 


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To be honest saying that you're nothing special is self deprecation, and not everyone can appreciate self deprecation, and that makes you a little bit special don't you think? Insane troll logic aside it doesn't really matter what you think will happen; I mean you should have lived long enough to know that sometimes random things happen; who knows, maybe in a couple of weeks you might have written a compelling fanfic, or joined an RP and became competent at it, or maybe, just maybe you find a bug and help squash it; we all get our moments in the limelight my dear.

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Pfft, this newcomer has the audacity to ask for a welcome????


That's almost as bad as my replying to this thread two days late!


Really though, welcome to the forums, that's an interesting introduction,




Except the part where you referred to the forums as "nameless masses" because everyone has names >:[ you can't post unless you have a name.


Tsssk, kids these days.. all hopped up on jelly beans and Pokemon..


Back in my day...







Welcome to the forums.


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