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Cat Chat Blog: My Curse with Technology

Miss Kitty

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I am back again, with another attempt at finding some kind of hobby to keep myself entertained. This time, I thought I'd give it a go with blogging about random things! Because who doesn't love blogs (especially ones that give the humor feels)? Without further ado, I present the Cat Chat Blog!! Enjoy~


My Curse with Technology

When I was a wee kitten, at the soft, tender age of 15, I was presented with my first computer. "Finally! Something to tinker with" I thought as I was setting it up. It was an old, dinky desktop, millions of years old, the 80's version of successful technology. The only problem with it, was that I had to wipe the computer clean and perform an installation of Windows XP every week. Every single week. So it wasn't stable; no biggie. Surely I can keep up on it. My fellow cats (and dogs, I guess), this was the beginning of a terrible downfall-- The beginning of... The Curse. -insert scary music here-



(Okay, maybe it's not truly as scary as this, but it's still pretty f'in scary)


Eventually, more like a few months after I got the computer, it died. It could not handle being wiped and reinstalled every single week. Mind you, I was still using floppy disks to install Windows. For those of you who may not be old enough to remember floppy disks, they're simply medium-sized square frisbees. You throw them in the air and let your pupminions catch it and play with it; it's a fun game! Anyways, the computer just couldn't handle doing it anymore. So I trashed it and bought a laptop that was actually made within our own generation. Yaay!



(Or not, it's cool, whatever. This doesn't mean that my luck with technology isn't bad! It just needs... Work. Right?)


Within the first two days of having my brand new laptop, it freakin' broke due to a Windows update! Don't they have safeguards for these kind of things? Apparently not. Luckily, with my handy-dandy tech skills from my previous computer, I was able to uninstall the update and my computer started functioning again. Yaay! I was able to keep that computer for at least a year and then the hard drive failed. Almost literally the day to the year I had that laptop. "That's okay!" I thought to myself, "I can just buy a hard drive and reinstall Windows (yay for OS disks!)" For this laptop, every year for the next two years after that, I had to buy a new hard drive. Eventually, I had enough of it, so I bought a new laptop. Surely, this hard drive mishap was only for that laptop. 

And so I went happily along, enjoying my newer, nicer laptop with the fancy Windows 7 (cuz that was the 'it' OS system of that time). I was having so much fun, everything seemed right as rain, life couldn't bring this piece of bad-boy technology down!





My computer needed a new hard drive. Again. And a year later? Again, too. I gave up for at least a year and a half before I attempted becoming friends with technology again. Every time I saw a computer? Nope. Won't touch it. I even broke my husbands computer when we started dating. Why did he stay? idk, but he was totally unaware of my curse, although I did try to tell him. After I started going to school online in early 2014, I went out and rented-to-own a computer because while I was paying for it, they'd replace it for any reason. I was thinking ahead this time. A year after I got the computer? The hard drive died. Thanks to my thinking ahead, I was able to get it repaired (they had to, surprise, install a new hard drive). I got it back the week my very last payment for it was due, so now I was on my own if my curse decided to muff me over. And sure as shit, it did. It happened in October of this year, 2 months overdue for a failure in the hard drive. But this time... It was my fault. El sigh.



(Really? This happened? REALLY?!)


Only this time, my husband finally realized that I'm an absolute mess with technology. He suggested that I stay far away from his xbox so I don't break that, too. Because oh, yeah, I break other technology too. As far as I'm aware, it's nothing I do consciously that causes this curse I have with technology; I don't visit weird websites (other than Reborn, obviously), I don't download weird unnamed files. The tech gods just really dislike me. I've done my best to re-trace my steps to see where I may have angered the tech gods; I've reviewed the errors on all five collectable hard drives I've accumulated and they just die. It wasn't where I've gone, or what I downloaded, the hard drives just can't handle in a laptop. I have tried different brands between Dell, Acer, and Asus, with different versions of Windows, but I think my real problem is the Windows OS. That is the most common factor I can provide between all these computer deaths. 


For now, I decided to go desktop to see if my curse could break itself free from my life. It's still Windows, but that's mainly because I can't work a Mac. I've tried. But knowing me, I'll probably break a Mac faster than ya'll can say catnip. I can't go Chrome, either, because my Sims games don't work with that OS and I've heard it's a pain to find programs that'd convert the platform. Fingers crossed that this computer doesn't die on me because of my curse, but it might. With these fancy new desktops, I swear that if this one had a touch screen, it'd just be an oversized tablet. I was super weary on getting this one because it doesn't need a tower, but I've grown to like it a lot. I love my computer :3


(Except... Yeah, that.)


Thanks for reading! If you want to read more of Cat Chat Blogs, like the post (if that's still a thing) and I'll begin posting a few a week! If you would like for me to blog a specific topic, leave a comment below!

All images were retrieved from Google Images search and are not mine. Just search for things and it pops up! Ahh, I love Google.

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I got my own version of curse with technology. No matter just how much external HDD I bought. They tend to fail after 9 months to a year of usage. And I'm absolutely not rough with them. Of course the memory tends to be near full (that's why we buy external HDD do we ?). I defrags them regularly and avoid junk files or virus but they still broke after a set of time. I've seen others use it the way I do but their last until 2 to 3 years. I'm despaired by this. Not just the money I spend but my anime stash as well ...

Edited by Nagisa_Hideyoshi
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Kitty, next time you get a computer, get one with an SSD... they have no moving parts, have very little that can fail, last a lot longer than HDDs, and are much, much, faster as well. 


If you can get one, your HDD troubles might go away for good.

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