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[SM] Breedject Mimikyu Giveaway!

Despair Syndrome

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So I'm not sure if this is the right place to put it, I'm not sure if anyone's even interested and I'm not sure what to do with my life (but that is irrelevant)

I haven't seen anything like this on the forums, and I'm kinda new to giveaways so uh. Apologies if I do anything wrong~

And mods, feel free to delet this post if I'm breaking any kind of rule.


Anyway, I'm giving away a boxful (that's 30) of breedject Mimikyu for Pokemon Sun and Moon! Hooray!



  • All of them have at least 4 perfect IVs, but about ~70% of them have 5 perfect IVs.
  • The IVs may not be distributed optimally (they're breedjects for a reason)
  • All of them are Jolly in nature
  • They all come in Luxury Balls, so you can love and care for it easier.
  • OT is  Despair. in case that's actually relevant information
  • All of them are legit. No hacks, no clones.



Step 1. Read all of this carefully. >:T

Step 2. I'm giving away the Mimikyus via GTS. You can access that through the Festival Plaza, unlocked ~40 minutes into the game.

Step 3. Comment what Pokemon you deposited into the GTS, it's level, gender and your ingame name using this format:



Pokemon Deposited:

Pokemon's Level:

Pokemon's Gender:



Step 4. Request a Mimikyu. If it isn't in your Pokedex yet, scroll all the way to the bottom and tap "What Pokemon?" and type Mimikyu.

Step 5. Set the Level of the Mimikyu requested to "Lv 1-10". This is to prevent sniping.

Step 6. If you want a specific gender Mimikyu, you may request it in your post but do not set the gender in the GTS. I may have ran out of a certain gender and you'll likely be skipped.

Step 7. If you get sniped and I haven't seen your post yet, you may deposit a new Pokemon into the GTS and update your post. If I have seen your post and skipped you, feel free to make a new one.

Step 8. One Mimikyu per person. Don't be greedy.

Step 9. Love and care for your Mimikyu. for it is the superior Pikachu



What to deposit: Wingull, Magnemite, Slowpoke, Grimer and Cutiefly can all easily be found early in the game. Depositing these will ensure the least chances of getting sniped too.

What not to deposit: Lv 1 Pokemon, any of the starters, legendaries/shinies, Dittos and Abras are all pretty popular and have a high chance of getting sniped. Do not deposit Yungoos, Ratatta, Caterpie or Pikipek, the GTS is flooded with these and it'll make it harder for me to find your request.


Just shoot me a PM if you want a Mimikyu to prevent flooding this thread!


And that's all. If this catches on I may do more giveaways in the future. What with Reborn's online functionality, I might do a giveaway there too. Maybe.

I'm mostly targeting this giveaway to people who just got their copy of Sun and Moon or just started competitive breeding to get a head start. But everyone's welcome! c:

Oh, and just to prove that you've read everything, tell me what your favourite Ghost-type is in the requests too.


Mimikyus Left: 27


UPDATE: Have to sleep, I'll trade when I wake up about 12 hours from now, so feel free to request!

Edited by Despair Syndrome
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Cool, I want to start breeding in S/M too but I'm still SRing for good natures, IVs and hidden powers for all gift/stationary pokemon.


I'll gladly take a Mimikyu, thank you for doing this.


Pokemon Deposited: Alolan Rattata

Pokemon's Level: 6 male

IGN: Justin

Edited by crashteamalphing
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Thank you for the Mimikyu in advanced!!!
Pokemon Deposited: Lillipup
Pokemon's Level: 13, Male, Japanese
IGN: Kenny
Cheers! :D
Got sniped so I gotta deposit a new one
Pokemon Deposited: Yungoos
Pokemon Level: 4, Male, English
IGN: Kenny

Edited by kinnydiaper64
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53 minutes ago, crashteamalphing said:

Cool, I want to start breeding in S/M too but I'm still SRing for good natures, IVs and hidden powers for all gift/stationary pokemon.


I'll gladly take a Mimikyu, thank you.


Pokemon Deposited: Slowpoke

Pokemon's Level: 7 female

IGN: Justin

Couldn't find your Slowpoke. I think you got sniped. Feel free to redeposit! c:

EDIT: Sent, enjoy your Mimikyu~


41 minutes ago, kinnydiaper64 said:

Thank you for the Mimikyu in advanced!!!
Pokemon Deposited: Lillipup
Pokemon's Level: 13, Male, Japanese
IGN: Kenny
Cheers! :D
Got sniped so I gotta deposit a new one
Pokemon Deposited: Yungoos
Pokemon Level: 4, Male, English
IGN: Kenny

Sent~ Enjoy your Mimikyu!

Edited by Despair Syndrome
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29 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

I guess I'll take one for dex data.


Deposited: slowpoke, male, lvl 6

Trainer Name: Maelstrom


i thought this thread died

I was too late, you got sniped. Well, at least you got the dex data! that 5% encounter rate is quite the bitch

Feel free to redeposit though~

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16 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

Well, since this topic deals with mimikyu, I have to ask- how does its ability get triggered? does it just block the first attack that comes at it or is it on rng?

Mimikyu blocks just the first incidence of damage that it receives. 

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