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A Board for Clan Management (request)


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I think clans in Reborn would be stronger and more prominent if we had some sort of official registration area such as a board.

every clan would get a thread (after being approved) and list it's rules and founders in the first post.

later posts would reserved for the initiation of new clan members. this would help keep the clans organised and raise the competitive nature of clans 10 fold and might even increase traffic on the server and forums helping Reborn Grow and EVOLVE

please consider thank you

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It could well be, but at the same time it could be easier to have some kind of a board/child board specifically for clans, making it easier for those interested to find clans and see which ones appeal, rather than potentially digging through other topics unrelated to clans.

Just my thoughts.

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I've never seen that happen, with the exception of just one infamous group over at Mysidia. o_O

I can see where you're coming from though Owen, in some situations it can segregate people. However it is dependent on the community in question, since from MY experiences, clans have worked out great, and there has been no barrier between groups because everyone just gets along outside of clan related battles.

Obviously if clans WERE introduced into Reborn, there would probably need to be rules put into place for them anyway, which would hopefully further prevent any issues like the ones you've seen in the past. It would need someone or some people to overlook clans and such to make sure there isn't any rule-breaking or anything. But I feel, given the size of the Competitive battling community on our PO server, clans could potentially be a great idea.

EDIT: Also, there are already clans forming on Reborn anyway. This idea would only highlight them I should think.

Edited by Legacy
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It could certainly be done, but the issue I can see with isn't whatever may happen between them; the server rules apply to everything and respect is one of them. I think it's more a question of interest. I haven't been on the server lately, but from what I know, the only established clan on Reborn at the moment is Kaito and Miku's Sakuna Uta... But creating another subforum would be easy, so for now I say just stick to what Mashew said and if there's enough interest we'll do it. Same thing happened with the RMT thread/forum.

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Owen is probably referring to the old STK clan, which grew quickly last year and caused a lot of tension. However, some of that was due to poor moderation. SU has been perfectly fine, and there's nothing wrong with encouraging clans provided they do stay in the rules, which really shouldn't be a question anyway.

However, I dislike to make boards for things only to see them unused. While I realise that having such a section may foster clan activity, I would rather not create that until there is forum-based clan activity enough to warrant its existence.

In other words, you all can make your clan topics as you see fit, probably in Trainers Journal, and then if there get to be enough of them, I'll make a section just for them.

Sooo what I just said?


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SU keeps to themselves,

STK only got out of control because of all the random fools who "joined" and disrespected the server, which eventually gave us a bad name... right now there are only 4 stk members and they are like SU, they keep to themselves...

i have seen other clans on reborn... but they really haven't said or done anything to leave a mark in reborn... some swing by and are like "YA WE ARE DA NEWEST CLAN OF R380RN!" and disappear a week later, so far the whole topic things sounds random, but what i know of about SU and STK is that they communicate by their own means, i know SU has a back channel, and STK used to have a private server

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In a way it would also, in a sense, help to keep a catalog of all the clans that are around at this time. I know of a few people who are considering setting up clans, and now I know where to direct them, so this topic is certainly useful at this stage to judge how successful clans can be here at Reborn.

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Wait, I don't understand, Ame. Why wait until clans have activity before having a place for them? Like you said, having a suitable location for such things will warrant activity. If there's no place for clans, nobody knows where to post them safely without knowing if they can avoid the repercussions of possibly posting in the wrong place, or try to bet on whether or not they are even approved for such threads / activities. A clan forum would be the only way activity would even start in the first place.

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As Ame said, clans have their places in the Trainer's Journal for now. It can grow in there until it becomes too big to be contained with all the other things that board was meant for. Just as long as people know that there is a place in reborn for clans, clans can created and become active. It just won't get special treatment until it's big enough to.

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Well, I have an old clan name that I was going to bring back, and I'm confident in the interest I can get from old correlated members. For what it's worth...you can add that as potential.

Also, [i4] has 4 total members, but from what I remember at least 3 are active anyway, and they're content. As far as others I won't speak for what I don't know of.

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