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[Shop] Trading Off Pokerus Infected Pokemon


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Do you want a lovely Pokemon that's been infected with this miracle disease? If your answer is yes, than look no further than Combat's Disease Ridden Shop*! Where the children play forever!


I'm not a picky man, so what I'm looking for ain't much. Since I'm like a magpie, I do enjoy having rare shiny Pokemon to add to my collection. In fact, that's all I'd really need for a trade! I've go so much Pokerus, its coming out of my ears! Of course, I'm not one who'd just take any old shiny Pokemon, I'd like to see some event ones. Because if I get one more shiny Woobat...


Here's some shiny event Pokemon I don't need:







Here's some shiny event Pokemon I'd LOVE to have:

Rilou Female (I already have a male)

Yamask Male




I could also really use a Goomy, but that's for a different day. I'm not so hot on its shiny sprite.


*While supplies lasts.


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3 hours ago, Churrasco said:

I have a shiny purrloin, eevee, pidove and meowth for trade, but bad nature and not so good stats
PM me if you are interested


2 hours ago, Sara1404 said:

I have a shiny sawk, sandshrew, koffing, sewaddle, and bellsprout up for trade

Thanks for both of your offers, but none of those Pokemon are that appealing to me. Thanks though!

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3 hours ago, sharkzilla said:

i have a shiny yamask (male) if your interested as well as a shiny duskull and buneary

Oh, perfect. So you'd like one infected Pokemon? You can PM me to make it easier if you'd wish.

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