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[E16 Spoilers] If you're having trouble with the gym, here's my suggestion.

Mao II

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git Gud Get Excadrill.





Team composition for Adrienn was great; having Granbull and Mawile with Intimidate while having other specially defensive bulky mons was a great idea to help check Iron Head or Flash Cannon. I'm also pretty sure they removed Drillbur form Tanzan a couple episodes ago, but for those that got him back then, well the gym sort of becomes a yolk. Granbull and Gardevoir can't touch Excadrill and you can lead with a fighting type with Protect along side Excadrill (ala Chesnaught with Spiky Shield) to abuse the AI and set up with swords dance and sweep with even just Metal Claw.


Still enjoyed the episode very much and plan to continue exploring the finished city and all the new side areas. Just wanted to give this feedback on the gym since this mom kind of broke the battle's clever and deliberate design.


Excadrill's EQ also OHKO'd Pulse Magnezone i'm really sorry


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I had fun with both Excadrill and Crobat here. Dealing with the Intimidate can be annoying, but lining up the attacks is well worth it. Ever since Fairy type has come into play, I haven't had as much appreciation for the Crobat line or for some poison types in the past.

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My MVP for pretty much the entire fight was my Metagross. Meteor Mash did ridiculous damage to Adrienn's Pokemon without the field change. My Lucario took out his Granbull with an Iron Tail, and I used Sneasel to take out the Togekiss with an Icicle Crash. The rest was all Metagross.  

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In my case, I used a team compostition: Galvantula to set up the web, Metagross to beat most fairies. Pawniard was supposed to help, but ended up attracting an Aura Sphere from Togekiss (at least my other mon survived enough to kill it) and the rest was Metagross and Hawlucha beating up his team

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Pyroar and Aggron did the job for me. 

Short summary: Fire Pledge + Water Pledge -> bye bye mist, hello rainbow. 

Pyroar in -> Hypervoice -> 80 + STAB + item which boosts normal moves + rainbow which boosts sp. atk normal moves. hypervoice hits both pokemon. oh yeah. abuse hypervoice till Pyroar dies.

Gallade in -> Trick Room. Do your best Gallade, you will die soon.

Aggron in -> Steel very strong against fairy -> faster due to Trick Room.



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Two mons pulled the team in the battle with Adrienn for my Monogen run:


Golem brought the pain to some things (such as Gardevoir) with Heavy Slam before being KO'd.


Nidoking destroyed many things with Sludge Wave, and OHKO'd Mawile with Earth Power. (Praise Life Orb + Sheer Force)


After that, the rest of the team easily demolished the other members of Adrienn's team.



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