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Try to Trick me into Giving Optimistic Answers (AMA)


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10 minutes ago, Strider said:

Why is Lelouch among your favorite anime characters?


Well, to get the obvious part out of the way, I'm sure it helps that he's the main character of my favorite anime. I also tend to like smart, mastermind type characters. But with Lelouch, I think there's more than that. Despite the fact that his grand plan requires him to wear a mask, I find him extremely genuine. To elaborate... Code Geass spoilers:



Masks and lying are among the themes of Code Geass, but I find that anime and Lelouch especially very symbolic of the ways our selves and the personas we project can intermingle. Lelouch dons the mask of Zero to make a better world for his sister to live in, but that mask changes him, forces him to look at the bigger picture. I find the scene at the end where everyone is cheering his death except for a crying Nunnally to be especially potent. It's representative of the bittersweet ironies I see so often in the world. In the end, the one person he thought he wanted to save was the only one he apparently failed to. But that's not because he was incompetent. It's because he was perceptive enough to see Nunnally's mask - that fake smile she so often wore - not for the surface-level lie it was, but for the truth it showed. He understood that everyone lies, but that by doing so, they're expressing core realities about themselves that they may never even realize if all minds became one. And he used that knowledge to make a world where everyone had the chance to learn a little bit more about others and, by doing so, themselves.


Okay, now I just sound corny, so I'm gonna stop talking.



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19 minutes ago, Rshiran said:

What do you love about yourself?


What is your favourite sport and what do you like about it?


1. I... ugh... um... well, I'm smart...


2. I don't like any sports. Sorry! <3

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9 minutes ago, Noir said:

What do you think constitutes your main characteristic and why?

Your favorite reading genre?

Your favorite music genre? Give examples, if you may.


1. Um... probably negativity.... depression and such have sort of taken over my life. x.x


2. Fantasy


3. Welll.... mostly anime music, I don't know what genre they'd be considered. xD (Nerdiness > 9000.) Stories from Code Geass is one of my favorite songs. I've also been listening to the RWBY soundtracks a lot lately... Divide is my favorite there.

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