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Clans "Reborn"


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I know i know (Omg Clans woot woot) don't get all of your Poke balls in a bunch just yet hear me out first.

i suggested that we start a board on this forum just for clans... pretty cool huh well idk i guess practical at best?

and this is what Ame said about this

Owen is probably referring to the old STK clan, which grew quickly last year and caused a lot of tension. However, some of that was due to poor moderation. SU has been perfectly fine, and there's nothing wrong with encouraging clans provided they do stay in the rules, which really shouldn't be a question anyway.

However, I dislike to make boards for things only to see them unused. While I realise that having such a section may foster clan activity, I would rather not create that until there is forum-based clan activity enough to warrant its existence.

In other words, you all can make your clan topics as you see fit, probably in Trainers Journal, and then if there get to be enough of them, I'll make a section just for them.

Sooo what I just said?


reasonable if i do say so me self now here's the deal if you have a clan make a post below with your clan's name members and anything you'd like to say about your clan try to keep it brief it's for advertising purposes and raising [Clan] awareness so we want people to be able to scroll and see all the clans

now go nuts

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We go by many names. Yank, NWO, Myn, SS, Anbu Sex Squad, Bitch Please.

The only members that you Rebornies know would be

The Traveler


The others lurk, and walk the dinosaur.

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I have been on Pokemon Online for a long time but never have I seen such annoyance and ignorance in a clan. The SU Clan is dominating in the reborn server and we cannot let them have this much power. I Palkial am starting my own clan to help those like myself, who have been rejected from the clan, or have suffered from their ignorance. Just put the tag [PA] before your username, and if you wish to be a bodyguard , put [PAB] as a tag.

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Well certainly that post was interesting...

I'm not sure why you'd assume they're gaining power. They have two people as authority, with the clan tag up front, yes. But I'm not sure what you mean by them having power...

It's clear two higher up members are in one clan and outrank the SU staff in both longevity and position.

Also, the ignorance thing just begs to be explained.

Lastly, they have the right to refuse whoever they wish. That's part of a clan. I don't think this should be your main force and I hope it isn't.

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I'm umm... not really sure what to say to this. ^^; At all...

Err, look. We're not really looking to dominate or anything. I'd like to think I keep the members of [sU] from causing trouble and being too annoying. I was rather surprised at first when I was approached as a mod candidate, honestly, so I never expected any power at all around here, it just kinda happened. As for ignorance... yeah I'm not totally sure on that either, so skipping that point. And the reason we refused you is because myself and Miku wish to keep the clan from growing too large and not being able to have a handle on it, since last thing I want is chaos. We refused you since we hit our member limit a while back, is all. And until a certain Brave Soul comes on and helps me out with organization of how many members are in, we're not accepting. Purely an organizational thing.

Also, not sure if this is supposed to be a serious reply or if some kind of clan storyline is starting up... eh, I'll go with the former.

... waitimnotthatannoyingami? ._.

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i feel like it's my responsibility as a pioneer for clans on Reborn to keep clans that register in line (or at least from causing too much trouble) but since i have no real authority i decided to take him under my wing into my own clan hopefully changing his perspective on [sU] and i apologize on his behalf and thank you

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My clan is [TTD] were not about gaining control or anything. Were actually a group of laid back people. TTD stands for Trained to dominate. kind of corny i know, but hey i like it. Our current member list is: Allan, [Ninja]Erick, [TTD]Summer, and myself. well Allan isn't wearing the tag ATM because his name is listed as owner so he cant change it. Erick has had his tag for a while and i wouldn't expect him to change it, although he has agreed to sometimes wear it. Summer and I have no excuse so we wear it. If you wish to join the clan i usually have a channel open where we can talk about your membership, but for the most part all are welcome. well there you have it and make sure to stop on by (:

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PS: I'd like to point out that no clans have any real political weight in auth decisions. A few members of a clan may be among the auth but they are still held accountable for their actions, so they must treat everyone equally and fairly.

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I've actually got a clan of my own; [TWH]

What does it stand for? This:

The Wolves from Heaven

But I have a problem with this; I'm the only member

If you'd like to join, PM me on the server or on forums.

But first: About us.

We are a battle ready group who simply aims to be the best ^^

In other words; We're good battlers who want to get better.

We help each other out with battle stuff, movesets, techniques et.c

Please Join!

(Also this is a new clan, but if people join, I have loads of things in mind!)
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