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Ask Me Anything And I Probably Won't Answer Like a Disney Villain!


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Since my last AMA went so well, here's another one.


With the new website finally here, and another delicious plague of AMAs upon us, I figured I should make my own one. I mean, its not like this is a desperate attempt to give myself more attention because I feel insecure about myself! Of course not, don't be silly! So, throw all of your questions at me, and I'll answer them in a non Disney villain like manner!


Image result for skeleton wants pizza gif

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4 hours ago, Gaunt said:

Who is your favorite villain?

That's kind of a tough one. If we're going off of anything, I'd have to put Vlad from Magicka, King Dedede, and Maxwell from Don't Starve on the list, but really I could go on for a while here. I'll probably update this post if I think of more.

4 hours ago, Strider said:

Who is your least favorite villain?

Also, where did you get all your knowledge for that "survive the zombie apocalypse" thread?

While there are plenty of badly done villains, I'd have to put Sephiroth on the top of my list only because of how over rated he is. I do love "One Winged Angel" though.


Pop culture and beer.

3 hours ago, HYCROX said:

Would you rather heal or kill?

What's your favorite meme?

How am I supposed to answer that one? Just look at my name, I'm a living paradox.


Memes are like my children, I can't really say I have a favorite. Some of them I show off to my friends, while others I lock in the attic and feed them fish heads once a week.

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23 hours ago, KosherKitten said:

What color is your hair if it's been dyed blue?


How many fingers am I holding up?


Am I abusing the AMA system to ask random troll questions?


Why are you even bothering to answer these?

If I dyed my hair, it would be nothing. I'm bald.


Since you're typing, probably eight.




Because no one says no to Gaston!

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15 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

Did you know that Rath is also not a vampire? he does have lifesteal effects though

What are you favorite Christmas movies?

Do you say "Merry Christmas" or some other holiday greeting? Why?


Suuuuure.... (Obvious Winking)


Probably Rare Exports A Christmas Tale. My sense of movies is very strange though.


Depending on the situation, I usually say Merry Christmas, though in some setting I'll go with the Happy Holidays. I don't work in a place that requires me to say Happy Holidays, so I don't feel like I need to hide my religion.

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