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42 minutes ago, ZEL said:

I don't think I can do this, Ody.

If you could travel to any place in the world without having to worry about expenses etc., where would you go?


Italy. Turkey. Central Europe, fuck me, all the big cities there (Vienna, Budapest, Warsow, Kiev), Russia even, and then a nice trip to the softer side of South America (Peru, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay). France.  Spain. Egypt and the countries on the northern coast of Africa. Lots of places. 


42 minutes ago, Spineblade said:

Who's your avatar?

What's your favourite thing about Greece?

Do you feel sad that your rep is gone?


Random -punk girl avatar found by Mael. I know nothing more than that, sorry, ask the man himself. Propably some artwork he found. @Maelstrom, haelpstrom!!! My favourite thing about Greece is that... There's a certain vibe that the crisis hasn't taken away completely. A certain openness that I can't really describe or explain, even to myself. Wearing our emotions on our sleeves and being so  much ourselves that we can't even make an internet alt without plugging our name there. 

Nope. I feel pissed that the exp ain't coming. Gotta report more posts and threads for spoiler tags? Find more bugs in the game? Ask that exp is given to people? Wait and recieve? I really don't like the exp system, it's gone pretty much unexplained.


Speaking about rep, the 4-per-day limit we got now is bollocks.


41 minutes ago, Strider said:

How are things going?

How long have you been at Reborn?

Why the name entreflores?

What made you pull the trigger?


Things are going kinda stupid if you ask me. I gotta pull my shit together in some facets, and I gotta actually do it.

Registered end of last year's February, started being active that spring.

Entre flores fandaguillos y allegrias, nació mi España, la tierra del amor... had discovered Pokemon Showdown, needed an alt, didn't wanna use my name for fuckin' once, and I used that, the starting words from the song "Viva España

The itch on my finger. It's infectuous.


31 minutes ago, HYCROX said:

Any last words?

What's the thing that you find the most amusing in Reborn?

Why are you so fond of standing between flowers?

"And a happy new year."

Some things the memeing, joking or shittalking chemistry just clicks and everyone builds on each other's thing. Also the game's pretty fucking enjoyable. 

It's "among", not "between". Fucking @Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ always messes this up. Also I have an aesthetically-meant boner for floral motiffs. 


Song of the post, I never glid before, by Gong

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3 minutes ago, Lugruf said:

What's your opinion about Syriza?

As cliche as it sounds, power corrupts. This government started somewhat promisingly, but ended up behaving in similar authoritarian and inhumane ways as the previous ones. I'd never equate this regime to the previous ones, but I've been disappointed. The only party I can trust is the hard line, fossilized, and unyielding to the times, Communistic Party of Greece. Honestly.


4 minutes ago, Alex said:

am i cute

Yes you are, Alex. But you're kind of a stern hardass when you tell people off :ε

Yes, I can do this, oh the wonders of the greek alphabet. :εεεεε


A Passage to Bangkok, by Rush

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15 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

Yeah, it's just something I found through pinterest. it's apparently just a 'doodle' by an artist called Krenz.




Doodlicious, to say the least. You're a golden god at doing this, Mael. Also, here you go @Spineblade


5 minutes ago, Arkhi said:

Post Rock, Alternative Rock, or Classic Rock?


(Listening to this as I typed this)


Post? Stop! Alt? Halt! The rock music from the early seventies is such and amazing melting pot. Everyone did what they wanted, everyone's very, very distinct, and they were all just discovering what could be done, and this blind energy just lead to brilliance. No one sounds like the next one. Also, in unrelated news, I got 30 sotds to pick and choose :]


Speed King by Deep Purple, an encore from the lives that became Made in Japan

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20 minutes ago, Dobby said:

aside from basic numeracy and literacy, what was the most useful thing you've taken away from education, if anything?


Good question. I got a couple stuff. Various "how does X thing in nature or society work" tidbits, german (I visited a german school), first-hand experience of bad teaching. Also various stimuli which I then built up on. Or didn't. Uni education is kinda better, unless your interest, well, plummets.


The Mexican, by Babe Ruth

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