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Larvesta, Trapinch, magnemite, slakoth, ralts



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Larvesta you get from the egg quest in the Police Station, do however note that the egg can give you other Pokemon (it's random and I don't remember the full list), so the Larvesta is pretty rare.

Trapinch you get from trading a Mothim in the Chrysolia Forest.

Magnemite you get from the Abandoned Power Plant (Shade's Gym).

Slakoth by headbutting trees in Obsidia Park.

"Ralts: In the Abandoned Railnet, the part where you have to connect the tracks there are darkened sections of wall. These walls can be rock smashed down and one of them will contain a corrupted pokeball. Bring the pokeball to the pokeball store and there will be a npc in a white coat. He is a ball designer and after some dialogue referencing Missingno he will ask for magnet powder bought on 7th street to fix the pokeball. Bring the magnet powder to him and you'll get a ralts."


For future reference there is a thread here with the location of all available pokemon. Do note that it isn't updated with E16 pokemon.

Edited by Farnsworth
wow, triple greninja'd that has to be a new record or something
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ralts you get via event by finding a currupted pokeball in the railnet in the zone with the track puzle.

magnemite in shade's gym.

larvesta via mytery egg.

dont know about the other ones but for pokemon locations check the location guide.

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2 minutes ago, FZASY said:

Wait how do you get the egg in the police station?

Find all the missing policemen then they'll give you a Growlith.


You can trade that in for a mystery egg but be sure to breed that Growlith before you do since you can't ever get it again after this event.


Also you aren't guaranteed a Larvesta when you hatch the mystery egg, there are several other powerful ones you can get from a mystery egg.

Edited by 5hift
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Just now, 5hift said:

Find all the missing policemen then they'll give you a Growlith.


You can trade that in for a mystery egg but be sure to breed that Growlith before you do since you can't ever get it again after this event.


Where do you trade it in (already breeded lol)

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