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If your pet was a pokémon, what type would it be?


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Oh, gosh no. What would I want a Pokémon for?


Then I'd have to feed it, play with it, socialise with it and what not. And due to there not being any other Pokémon out there for it to level up against, it'd be stuck at a low level, and therefore being pretty useless.

Let's also not forget that we'd have to hide the thing from the government, so as not to get it taken away from us. So yeah, I'm gonna say no thanks to having a Pokémon, it's way too much work for too little pay-off. 

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Normal/Water for Nick the Labrador~



...With a number of ground moves, I suppose :')


As for the cats... I'd like to joke that Jasper is an Ice type seeing how he is perfectly willing to climb into fridges.

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1 hour ago, ZEL said:

Normal/Water for Nick the Labrador~

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...With a number of ground moves, I suppose :')


As for the cats... I'd like to joke that Jasper is an Ice type seeing how he is perfectly willing to climb into fridges.

Dig, Howl/Growl, Sand Attack/Tail Whip, Lick? @ZEL


As for the pets at my house, the rabbits would be: Dig, Stomp, Bite and Water Gun (the rabbits will piss at you if you aren't careful), Ability: Run Away


EDIT: Type would be Normal

Edited by Lord Drakyle
forgot a detail that when omitted strays the post off topic
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Psychic, so i can communicate with it, help me with stuff using telekinesis,  and so that it can maybe train to make the minds of surrounding people to simply not noticing its pressence, or to even forget that they saw it, worst case scenario.

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My dog would be a Dog type with a Derp nature and it would know the moves Lick, Slack Off, Howl and BegForFoodAllDayLong


It would have the abilities Klutz and Truant


Bruno is a big, friendly, stupid, excitable goof...even though he's growing older now, already 8 years old.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have two pyraneese, one of whom doesn't like strangers and one of whom who likes to get the other into trouble and escape out into the town


Rowdy: doesn't like strangers

Type: Normal

Ability: Intimidate (he's huge!)



Take Down



Daisy: Keeps getting out


Ability: Thick Fat 

Play Nice

Phantom Force (for escaping)

Agility (she's lethargic when she isn't making a break for it)



I have a few stages of goats, since I live on a goat farm:


Baby Goats:


Ability: Gluttony/Cute Charm

Bite (more like Nibble)

Play Nice




Adult, Yealing Does: 


Ability: Gluttony/Rock Head




Double Kick


Adult, Older, Cantankerous Does


Ability: Thick Fat/Rock Head


Rock Climb

Double Kick

Head Smash




Ability: Rock Head/Rivalry/Stench (Distinctly unhidden ability)


Head Smash


Make Everything They Touch Smell Like Them


I also used to have four cats, though now I only have one:


Tippy, The Scaredy Cat Pokemon

Normal/Ghost (Deceased)



Play Nice

Astonish (what the heck my cat is back from the dead!?)



Spotticus, The Fat Cat pokemon 

Normal/Ghost (Deceased)

Ability: Thick Fat/Cute Charm

Play Nice





Carmen, the Totally Awful Cat pokemon


Ability: Contempt-this pokemon hates literally every living thing.




Spit Up


Igor, The Only One Doing Work Around Here Pokemon


Ability: Stakeout



Fake Out


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Land Turtle called Mokoi = Ground Type. Bio : Chills with Blanco at midnight and walks 3 times around his house at 2pm est.

Cat called Blanco = Fighting Type. Bio : Fights/kills anything that pisses him off he even killed a Boa and An other cat Chills with Mokoi at midnight.

Dog called Bronks = Normal/Fighting type. Bio : Loves to fight/play and crazy to say the least he once frontflipped over the fence.

Parrot called Parrot = Flying/Dark Type. Bio : loves to cuss and flip shit.



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