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[E16] Teddiursa Chase in Peridot Ward? (SOLVED)



Sorry to add to the list of Teddiursa threads that has accumulated over time (has there been many idk?) but I cannot for the love of me find the fleeing Teddiursa in the Peridot Ward. I first encountered it in its normal first spot (past the two fences just north of Grandview Station), then again between the small houses between the Name Rater and Seacrest's House but after checking all of its other known locations I can't find it. The forecast is clear skies (and I have PokeSnax too but that has nothing to do with it iirc) so it should be around but I wanted to ask around to see if anyone could help before I start calling for the possibility of the event being broken again

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I don't know much about the Teddiursa event since it has been forever since I've done it. But see if this video helps.



After doing some more research seems like the location is randomized, although the last few seem to require clear weather. Here's another possible location.



This video seems to have all locations of the quest.

Edited by Farnsworth
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I think that the weather is kind of glitchy right now, considering I just watched the Weater Channel and it said it was snowing. Yet when I went outside the weather was clear skies, and the ice cream lady was there (she only appears in clear days IIRC). So that is what might be glitching the Teddiursa sidequest (since it depends on weather to an extent).

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7 hours ago, Litherin said:

im sorry for opening this up again but Ive checked all those spots and teddy isnt there anymore for me, im glad you found yours but i want mine QQ lol


check if you have proper weather and if you have searched for it at proper time

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