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Potential Team


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Hello, so I am at the third gym, but I already have a potential team, that team being Blaziken,Azumarill,Mamoswine,Honchkrow,Magnezone and a psychic type, at first I was considering adding Gardevoir, but training ralts has been really hard, so I though of picking Alakazam(for the fast sweeping) or Reuniclus(for bulkyness), there is also the possibility to swap Magnezone for Galvantula and then put Metagross as my psychic type(I got a beldum in the box), so I would like your opnion.

Note 1:I am also considering on switching Honchkrow for a Spiritomb just for the sake of having another bulky mon, but I am fine with any of them.
Note 2:Keep in mind that Blaziken and Azumarill are fixed members.

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It's really down to preference as Alakazam, Gardevoir and Reuniclus are all amazing pokemon. But I don't really see the need to add a Psychic mon since Azumarill, Honchkrow and Mamoswine already covers everything a Psychic type would kill (that being Poison and Fighting types). The only things that adding a Psychic would cover would be Levitate Poison types, and AFAIK the only ones are Weezing (which shouldn't cause you any trouble) and Gengar (which gets smacked by sucker punch Honchkrow). As for what to add, it really is up to you, but I'd recommend going for a strong special attacker since most of your mons are physical attackers. Chandelure, Volcarona, and Alakazam are all great choices, though I'd recommend Chandy since it has less resistances overall.

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Thanks,I was just thinking of psychic type just because of the special attackers, If I end fiding a litwick then he might be the sixth member, as for honchkrow, I don't think I really need a flying type since I have blaziken for grass/bug and Azumarill for Fighting types, and even if I end up using chandelure, the repeat type won't hurt due to Spiritomb having only one weakness. 

Edited by CoronelEmpoleon
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9 minutes ago, CoronelEmpoleon said:

Thanks,I was just thinking of psychic type just because of the special attackers, If I end fiding a litwick then he might be the sixth member, as for honchkrow, I don't think I really need a flying type since I have blaziken for grass/bug and Azumarill for Fighting types, and even if I end up using chandelure, the repeat type won't hurt due to Spiritomb having only one weakness. 


I'd say to keep the Honchkrow because your team is very ground weak, having Mag, Blaziken, and (potentially) Chandy weak to it and no resistances to it. So having a Flying-type adds some much needed synergy. Personally, from my experience I don't think bulky mons add that much to a team, since most of the time you'll want to play hyper offense to not get destroyed by the leaders (since they hit VERY hard, you want to KO their pokemon before they even get to attack).

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