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LF Mystery Egg Pokèmons


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Hey everyone, I'm looking for a few more mystery egg pokèmons, which are:






It doesn't matter if their IVs are bad. I just want one so I can breed them myself.


Now, what can I give as a tradeoff? I do have quite a few mons with 5 perfect IVs to give away. Pokèmons with such IVs are:

-Torchic (this one only with 4 perfect IVs)


-Goomy (this one aswell only with 4 perfect IVs and one with 4 perfect IVs + defense IV at 30)


-Charmander(this one has 4 perfect IVs and special attack IV at 30)


-Abra (just one with 5 perfect IVs, and one with 4 perfect IVs and speed IV at 29)


If anyone is interested, let me know and see if we can get some trading going! :)


EDIT: Only looking for Azurill now!

Edited by Keala
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1 minute ago, laggless01 said:

E16 spoiler, you've been warned:

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Staryu can be fished with the super rod in Coral ward, Togepi is an event mon after a certain city upgrade.



I removed staryu. About togepi, I don't mind. I have plenty of 5 IVs to give away. Thanks for your warning though :).


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Okay, I've obtained all of these pokèmons, thanks everyone for trading!

Now I was just wondering: I heard Bulbasaur can be caught in the wild if you chose to restore Azurine Island (was that the correct name? idk). If that is true, does anyone have one to trade?


Edited by Keala
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