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Saphery's Farm


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Since I've been breeding Pokemon for quite a while now I wanted to trade them for the ones I'm still missing.


Pokemon I need: Amaura, Ditto, Gothita & Mandibuzz. I'm not that concerned with the EVs/IVs.


What i can offer:


Abra, Beldum, Bronzor, Bulbasaur, Buneary, Charmander, Clauncher, Feebas, Foongus, Froaki, Gligar, Heracross, Inkay, Kangaskhan, Karrablast, Larvesta, Litwick, Machop, Magnemite, Marill, Mawile, Medite, Mudkip, Noibat, Numel, Pawniard, Pinsir, Poliwag, Ralts, Rhyhorn, Riolu, Rotom, Shellos, Slowpoke, Snorlax, Solosis, Squirtle, Swablu, Treecko, Vulpix.


One of the IVs is mostly sub perfect (although it's mostly still 20+) with a few exceptions. Some of them have usefull egg-moves like (Close Combat - Pinsir, Aura Sphere + Dragon Pulse - Squirtle, etc) and/or are breed for a Trick Room team.


For more information simply reply or pm me.


Edit: I am willing to temporarily exchange Ditto for one of my Pkm and trade it back after I got an egg (you can trade it back for any Pkm I'm just interessted in having another Dito for breeding purposes)


Edited by Saphery
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5 minutes ago, Avria said:

Do you have any female Bulbasaur, Froakie, or Squirtle? I have all of the Pokemon you wanted on the list, except for female Snivy.


I do. However the IVs are not that great (Bulbasaur: 14/6/31/30/12/31, Froakie: 31/17/4/9/31/31, Squirtle: 20/4/31/30/29/31). Anything else you need?

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6 minutes ago, Avria said:

@Saphery That's fine! Which three Pokemon do you want from your list?

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot I already had a trade with Female Bulbasaur pending. x_____x Could I get a female Snorlax if you have that instead?




Azurill, Goomy & Togepi, online name is the same

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1 minute ago, Cyanna Cyril said:

Do you still need a misdrevous? I'd trade one for a treecko if you'd want. Gotta do it tomorrow or in like 6 hours since I've got my last final in 2 hrs.


Yeah, but we need to trade tomorrow since im going to be asleep in 6 hours :)

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