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[Closed Indefinitely] Adoption Center: 5iv breeding stock


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Greetings, High Chancellor of the Adoption Center.

UserID: NotaBot

Species: Goomy, Togepi, Magikarp, Axew

Gender: any

Which stat gets the x: Sp.atk, atk, sp.atk, sp. atk

Special Requests: A +speed nature, but if it's not possible no special requests. 

Demonstration of loving home: 
Goodra and Togekiss are bae, will be used for main story, maybe online battles. Gyarados same but it's not as bae and is intimidating. Haxorus was my mvp in my PW2 run, and I love him.All would be trained EV wise. Also, fuck Lin.

Offering: 5 IV Sigiyliph (hp is only 5 iv though), Horsea, Jigglypuff, Skiddo, Bouffalant, Mantine

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UserID: Mamine

Species: Marill 

Gender: anything

Which stat gets the x: Attack 

Special Requests: Adamant nature , aqau jet/belly drum if not its okay 

Demonstration of loving home: i'll use it on my main team, its gonna be treated well

Offering: combee, shiny woobat


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UserID: lifesapity

Species: Inkay, Dwebble, Feebas, Phantump, Magikarp

Gender: Male, Male, Female, Male, Male

Which stat gets the x: Sp. Atk, Anything, Atk, Anything, Sp. Atk

Special Requests: I would love a shiny feebas but if you dont have one I can just breed one myself :)

Demonstration of loving home:
The Water type pokemon are for a mono-water team, the other two will father many children :)

Offering: Ghastly, Starly(Double Edge,Roost), Lapras, Zorua(Dark Pulse, Extrasensory), Tropius(Dragon Dance)

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UserID: Aris

Species: Drilbur

Gender: female preferably, but male is fine

Which stat gets the x: if the x means not 31, sp atk, if it means which stat gets the 31, atk and speed, but im fine with 25+ hp, 30+ atk, speed, 20+ def, spdef

Special Requests: Adamant if possible, but anything is fine

Demonstration of loving home:
the second steel type on my main team to beat a certain *cough* gym leader *cough*

Offering: i have an axew, ivs arent perfect but im willing to give it up, i can also catch a sandile for you, and i also have gligars

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UserID: BlackRum

Species: Magikarp

Gender: preferrably male, but I'm open for anything

Which stat gets the x: If 'getting the x' means this is the not-31-iv stat, then special attack please, though anything other than speed or attack will do fine

Special Requests: Give it a nickname


Demonstration of loving home:
I've had a tough time finding a nice water pokemon to add to my friends. My first attempt was a piece of work. A Squirtle, gave me quite a bit of sass and kept blowing bubbles everywhere. One day we had a falling out as a consequence of which he stole my sunglasses and ran off to
join a street gang. Apparently signing him up for the junior fire department wasn't cool in his book. I guess he didn't care that I only wanted to find him a way to make good use of his exessive energy. I later rescued a Piplup from a drug addict. It seemed a little wonky but I thought it would work out. Sadly his previous owner's bad habits must have affected it. It had heaps of trouble learning even the most basic tricks let alone anything useful. I consulted an expert and he said without the help of some technical machines he'd never be able to keep up with his peers. I want to be a good trainer, but I have no experience fighting addictions. I kind of just accept them and let them happpen to me. So I left the poor sap in professional care. It's better for everyone involved. After these troublesome experiences I was longing for something simple. So I got myself a Slowpoke and well it surely was simple. Quite a bit too simple. Sure it wasn't stupid, it actually learned its new skills quite easily. But when you have a 5 minute delay between giving an order and him understanding it that puts you at a tactical disadvantage. Especially if the order was "no don't do that.. not on the rug, man". One day a Shellder bit him on the head and he's changed. He set out to find and lead his people, because apparently he's royalty now. I begged him not to leave and waited the usual 5 minutes, but apparently his heart was set.

So now I'm looking for a Magikarp. I heard these guys don't do much aside from splashing water around. Sure their tackles are surprisingly fast but their flailing will barely tickle you if you make sure not to hurt them. Sounds like an ideal fit. After all, what could possibly happen to make these guys go out of control? So yeah hit me up I'd love to adopt one of your babies.


Offering: I'm offering you a lvl 71 female pickup Dedenne. The ivs are around 13-22, but judging from this whole topic that's not an issue you can't overcome.

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I loved your post, so I bred you a special fish.  Meet Blood Noodle:




She is a very special and excitable fish, but she's basically just a pointless Goldeen, so don't expect too much of her.  It is, however, of the utmost importance that she keep her special rock.  Without it she may go berserk.

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Ahh, it seems you are looking for a Sandile in the Especially section. For sake of helping out a generous adoption center host, I guess I'll offer a nice one.


UserID: Noir

Species: Dwebble

Gender: Female

Which stat gets the x: I can take anything so long as it's 5 x 31.

Special Requests: Spikes as an egg move, perhaps? Again, I'm doing this to help you out with the Sandile, mostly, but well, it'd be great if this were possible.

Demonstration of loving home: The poor thing isn't something that people would usually use, not to mention how the Crustle near Agate were abused with powder for jumping purposes out of their tender caves and homes. I'm leading a "save our Bug/Rock crabs" movement to counteract the abuse and show people the true power of the glorious crab.

Offering: 5 x 31 Sandile with Thunder Fang as an egg move.

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I would like some of your dudes please :D


UserID: Dorian

Species: Snorunt

Gender: Male

Which stat gets the x: Sp. Attack (This means Sp Attack will be the low stat right? because that's exactly what I want)

Special Requests:  Not really

Demonstration of loving home: I want a glalie haha. I also need a nice father in the mineral group


I can offer a gengar if you'd like one

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UserID: Mamine

Species: Drilbur

Gender: anything

Which stat gets the x: Atk

Special Requests: Adamant or brave, if you dont have any bature would be ok

Demonstration of loving home: its for my team, its gonna have a great time

Offering: igglybuff 


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The Overlord of the Adoption Center, Fyermind, will accommodate your needs and will go above and beyond the call of duty. I am now the trainer of 5 new pokes Axew, Togepi, Larvesta, Goomy, and Magikarp. If you need a pokemon, the Adoption Center is the place for you!

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I really like the service here, this center rocks :) 


UserID: Mamine

Species: phantump

Gender: anything

Which stat gets the x: i thought this meant the stat gets a boost bust since its random sp atk gets x

Special Requests: horn leech if possible, and can you raise it to level 36 please? if you're busy its okay

I used to have a roselia but i'm substituting her for him/her

Offering: zangoose + a free durant and a beldum

@Fyermind didn't you see my post :(


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UserID: Lightseeker

Species: Kabuto, Charmander, Chimchar

Gender: all male

Which stat gets the x: any, sp.atk, sp.atk

Special Requests:Maybe a siny chimchar and charmander

Demonstration of loving home:
I have reserved 1 box for them and their offspring.

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This is one of the best the best trading center, i got a lot from here


Most of the pokemon that you need are in my posession and/or i can get them easily

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Species: SNORUNT


Which stat gets the x: SPD

Special Requests: SHINY IF POSSIBLE

Demonstration of loving home:


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UserID: Kokonatsu

Species: Goomy

Gender: male

Which stat gets the x: special def

Special Requests: rash nature or any neutral nature

Demonstration of loving home:ill raise him good, be part of my poke family and together help me in my reborn league journey



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Goodness there are a lot of folks here. OKAY I am BACK!  This means a couple of things 1st I have a lot of trading to do.  2nd I have some breeding I've told folks I'd work I need to actually work on.  3rd I need to get in touch with everyone who wants to trade and make sure we work everything out.

SO here goes.  If you don't see your name here: it means you got lost in the shuffle.  That's OK this is a home for lost pokemon, and lost trainers fit in just fine, but if you want to be found again, just tug on my coat sleeves.  I don't hate you, I'm just up to my eyeballs in skorupi.

@carlpoppa Your larvesta is beautiful.  Keep her.  I have a 31/31/31/31/25/31 Relaxed male Goomy for you.  If I get a chance to breathe, I can heart Scale it to a different nature.

@Hood The shiny drillbur has moved on to a loving home, but I have a 31/31/31/31/6/31 docile male Drilbur for you.  As I said to Carlpoppa, I can reset the nature if things slow down on my end.


@ENERGYGAP I don't have the snorunt you deserve, but 31/31/16/31/31/31 naughty male Snorunt is the closest I can get right now (or a 31/31/31/11/31/31 female, your call).  As always, I can try to keep the psychologist in business, but I wasn't kidding about the skorupi.

@Lightseeker  31/31/31/8/31/31 Male Kabuto, 31/31/4/31/31/31 Male Charmander (Dragon dance and Flare blitz bonus), 31/31/31/10/31/31 Male Chimchar (shiny bonus).  Sorry this took so long.  You know I love you.
Riolu is yet to be bred, but is next on my list after Skorupi.


@Amine elhedhili I don't remember if I traded you the drilbur already, but I have this one for you just in case: 31/31/31/21/31/31 Gentle male Drilbur.  Phantump I have at 31/31/31/6/31/31 male gentle.  I can reset the nature and level it up after I solve the skorupi problem.


@Aloha I honestly don't remember if I gave you your snorunt.  Come to think of it, this may be why I have a 31/31/31/26/31/31 Male snorunt in my outbox.  Growlithe and Geodude are on the stack after Skorupi and Riolu.

@Avria I don't remember if we had any trades lined up, but I have a choice specs skorupi for you?  I don't know how it got there, but you do want it, yes?

@Noir I have your spikes Dwebble.


@ploktrox Do you still need that shroomish?


Did I miss anyone?  Let me know!

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@Fyermind you already traded me a drilbur -thanks for that- and its now an excadrill :D

as for phantump i don't mind it being gentle lol, you have a lot of trades already so you can leave mine when you're free ^_^ 

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UserID: Arguzil



Species: The ones I would Love to Adopt is Togepi, Phantump, Chimchar and charmander
Gender: Anything the others dont want
Which stat gets the x: For Togepi Atk
Phantump: Anything goes, he just needs someone that cares about him/her or whatever this pokemon identifies himself/herself/itself
Chimchar: Sp Atk
Charmander: Def. 
(but anything goes, i dont want to discriminate, if you have any  for a really long time there, those are the ones I want)

Special Requests: Before they go, please tell them to be themself 
Demonstration of loving home:
first Togepi is just adorable, I dont think there is a pokemon more cute than this one (my personal preference talking)
Second Phantump, his story is just heartbreaking, I just want it to grow happy
Third Chimchar is the Son Goku of pokemon, do I need to say more?
Charmander, oh charmander, my childhood was filled with this guy, so  want to give him a good place

But I would love to give you one to adopt too, a Smeargle, male 5IV, 2 female 6IV (if you want). Exept for egg moves they have a talent to paint you a portrait. 
I have also some Vulpix with 5 and 6 IV (egg moves included)

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UserID: vitor
Species: Snorunts, dwebble , kabuto and phantump

Gender: males

Which stat gets the x: hp or atk if possible (sp. atk too but is less preferable)

Special Requests: none

Demonstration of loving home:
I will give then a loving home where they can have a bunch of bbs.

Offering: Chansey 5ivs 30-31 with aromatherapy and seismic toss and a dolphan ready to take on any boss or pulse battle if you feel like cheesing some hard fight ( F.E.A.R, have endeavor,ice shard and sturdy)

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UserID: CoronelEmpoleon

Species: Charmander , Phantump, Magikarp

Gender: Any Gender

Which stat gets the x:SP.Def(if possible),Attack, SP Atk

Special Requests: That shiny charmander if possible

Demonstration of loving home:
They will be part of my rotation empire, who will conquer the Reborn Region, don't worry, they are safe there

Offering:As for shinies you can choose from the images below, but if you want I have a Male Drilbur 31/31/21/31/6/31, a 6IV Female Growlithe(Crunch,Flare Blitz and Close Combat) or some bulbassaur and mudkip with 5 IVs that I got from wonder trade.

shinies 1.png

shinies 2.png

shinies 3.png

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