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1 hour ago, Nico Robin said:


should be no problem

do you a helioptile? dont care about IVs or anything

if not, let me know what other good IVs mons you have

I have the evolution and he's at level 45, but if you want I can make an egg.

Are you sure you want a Helioptile? On E15 you can can find him on a roof in Beryl Ward when its sunny.

Edited by Blue.lcgp
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4 minutes ago, Blue.lcgp said:

I have the evolution and he's at level 45, but if you want I can make an egg.

Are you sure you want a Helioptile? On E15 you can can find him on a roof in Beryl Ward when its sunny.


yeah a female one would be appreciated :)

i'm having weather issues and havent seen sunny weather in forever

so i can't do the event :P

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8 hours ago, Nico Robin said:

No, i just collect shinies regardless of IVs :P 

if it's a shiny pokemon i dont have i'm okay with it :P 

which mon(s) do you want though?


Well that's good! I'm interested in a lot of them to be honest, but I would mainly like a 5IV's Mudkip with avalanche and a 5IV's special attacker Treeko. Here are most of the shinies that I have: 



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28 minutes ago, Nico Robin said:


yeah a female one would be appreciated :)

i'm having weather issues and havent seen sunny weather in forever

so i can't do the event :P

I have already you Helioptile, it's not shiny but it have 2 perfect IV and the nature is Hardy.

It's a female one. Here's a pic.


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30 minutes ago, Absolute_Zero said:


Well that's good! I'm interested in a lot of them to be honest, but I would mainly like a 5IV's Mudkip with avalanche and a 5IV's special attacker Treeko. Here are most of the shinies that I have: 




I'm PMing you :) 


16 minutes ago, Blue.lcgp said:

I have already you Helioptile, it's not shiny but it have 2 perfect IV and the nature is Hardy.

It's a female one. Here's a pic.



It's perfect :) 

I'm PMing you 

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Hello again.  Sorry for placing another bulk order, but I decided to go ahead and give into my desire to have all the starters available with at least 5 IV's.  Can I order 5 IV's of Chicarita, Chespin, Turtwig, and  Oshawott, with any available egg moves?


I'll offer 4 pokemon that may interest you (screenshots inclued.  If some or all don't interest you, I can make other offers of some other 5 IV's and a few shinies. 


Shiny Togepi (4 IV's, 3 egg moves)


Screenshot 2017-01-13 20.05.15.pngScreenshot 2017-01-13 20.10.24.png


Febass (5 IV's, 2 egg moves)


Screenshot 2017-01-13 20.10.38.pngScreenshot 2017-01-13 20.10.41.png

Shiny Murkrow (three IV's above 25; 2? egg moves)


Screenshot 2017-01-13 20.19.58.pngScreenshot 2017-01-13 20.20.01.png

Shiny Crustel (high leveled; two IV's about 25)


Screenshot 2017-01-13 20.22.14.pngScreenshot 2017-01-13 20.22.17.png


Edited by seki108
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14 hours ago, Darak said:

The 6IV Snivy? I have a shiny Venomoth if youre interested.


the 6 IV one will be a bit trickier to get

i'm willing to trade it if you have a mon that is shiny with good IVs (5 IV)

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Hey Nico, do you still have a Shiny Treecko? or at least a treecko with a good sp atk and speed IV, since that's what I'm looking for to complete my team I can offer you my Shiny Charmander buuut its not that very good or I can trade you some pokemon that is also a shiny I got from the wild, I just need that treecko, also I could throw in a ability capsule if needed
bandicam 2017-01-13 11-42-18-921.jpg bandicam 2017-01-13 11-46-20-328.jpg

bandicam 2017-01-13 11-44-59-484.jpgbandicam 2017-01-13 11-47-38-875.jpg



Edited by Ven Enfield
got one wrong picture lol
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mmk, so I have a strange request for ya, although first off, would you be interested in a shiny Pidgey?  I am looking at one of your 6 IV mudkips, and was curious if I could get you to part with one of them for said pidgey plus maybe an ability capsule?  Let me know if this is something that might maybe interest you.

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10 hours ago, Ven Enfield said:

Hey Nico, do you still have a Shiny Treecko? or at least a treecko with a good sp atk and speed IV, since that's what I'm looking for to complete my team I can offer you my Shiny Charmander buuut its not that very good or I can trade you some pokemon that is also a shiny I got from the wild, I just need that treecko, also I could throw in a ability capsule if needed
bandicam 2017-01-13 11-42-18-921.jpg bandicam 2017-01-13 11-46-20-328.jpg

bandicam 2017-01-13 11-44-59-484.jpgbandicam 2017-01-13 11-47-38-875.jpg




yep don't have a good IV shiny anymore :/

but i can trade you a regular one with good IVs

PM when you're available


9 hours ago, Ragnarokalex said:

mmk, so I have a strange request for ya, although first off, would you be interested in a shiny Pidgey?  I am looking at one of your 6 IV mudkips, and was curious if I could get you to part with one of them for said pidgey plus maybe an ability capsule?  Let me know if this is something that might maybe interest you.


i've already for a shiny pidgey :P a good IV one too 

anything else you could offer?

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2 hours ago, Ragnarokalex said:



Curses, everyone has the shiny pidgey :p.  And unfortunately I don't have anything else I'm not already using, cause I'm just starting off still.


if you'd like i could trade you a 5IV mudkip with x in sp. attack cuz no one uses sp. attack on mudkip anyway :P 

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11 minutes ago, Nico Robin said:

sure thing :) happy to help out. any shiny would do 


mmk, ill stick an ability capsule on the pidgey for it then.  Could i make a strange request though?  If you happen to have access to them, would it be possible for you to tack a Sun Stone onto the kip?  I really badly need one and don't have access to them yet.

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I'm interested in the 6 x 31s -- all of the available ones, (Totodile, Torchic, and Mudkip) in particular.  


I have 5 x 31 of all of these, and am willing to do say, a 3 for 1 trade for each: Porygon, Baltoy, Bronzor, Rotom, Togepi (Nasty Plot), Cincinno (Knock Off), Flabebe, Growlithe (Close Combat/Morning Sun), Houndour (Sucker Punch), Eevee, Klink, Ralts, Duskull, Litwick, Petilil, and Poliwag. 


As for as Shinies go, I have Shiny Luvdisc, Shiny Cubchoo, Shiny Darumaka, Shiny Misdreavus, Shiny Zigzagoon, and Shiny Scraggy. PM me to discuss details and for us to work out a trade.


Edited by Noir
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14 hours ago, Ragnarokalex said:


mmk, ill stick an ability capsule on the pidgey for it then.  Could i make a strange request though?  If you happen to have access to them, would it be possible for you to tack a Sun Stone onto the kip?  I really badly need one and don't have access to them yet.


haha sure thing

i've got quite a few of those


9 hours ago, UchuuBishounen said:

Hi i would like a shiny Charmander and Shiny Froakie,i got a few Heart Scale/Ablility Capsule for trade,whichever you want. I dun mind the ivs,tqvm!


have them ready :) 

2 ability capsules would be wonderful

i'll take any mon you offer


2 hours ago, Noir said:

I'm interested in the 6 x 31s -- all of the available ones, (Totodile, Torchic, and Mudkip) in particular.  


I have 5 x 31 of all of these, and am willing to do say, a 3 for 1 trade for each: Porygon, Baltoy, Bronzor, Rotom, Togepi (Nasty Plot), Cincinno (Knock Off), Flabebe, Growlithe (Close Combat/Morning Sun), Houndour (Sucker Punch), Eevee, Klink, Ralts, Duskull, Litwick, Petilil, and Poliwag. 


As for as Shinies go, I have Shiny Luvdisc, Shiny Cubchoo, Shiny Darumaka, Shiny Misdreavus, Shiny Zigzagoon, and Shiny Scraggy. PM me to discuss details and for us to work out a trade.



PMing you

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like:







I've got:


Female Cleffa - 31/13/26/31/31/30 (Egg Moves - Metronome, Stored Power and Wish)

Male Bunnelby - 31/31/31/31/26/31

Male Rampardos - 31/31/18/31/31/31

Female Chimecho - 19/4/31/31/4/31


Random Shinies




Edited by Animefan666
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