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Reborn League Team


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Hey guys I'm relatively new to competive battling and Reborn, and I decided I wanted to take on the Reborn League. I've been watching some leader battles to figure out the whats what and I decided an offensive team was the way to go. Basically this strategy is to sweep early, and for double and triple battles hit really hard. This is what I decided on to be a good team.



Blaziken (F) Leftovers

Trait: Speed Boost

EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

Nature: Adamant ( +Atk, -SAtk)

-Swords Dance


-Flare Blitz

-Hi Jump Kick

Blaziken is pretty straightforward lead, take out as many things as possible before going down. The goal is to get a Swords Dance up and start to sweep straight away. Hi Jump Kick and Flare Blitz are obviously there just to hit hard. I prefer Leftovers over Life Orb because it works great with Flare Blitz and Protect, and with Life Orb it dies REALLY quickly.


Breloom (F) Toxic Orb

Trait: Poison Heal

EV's: 244 Atk / 12 HP/ 252 Spd

Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SAtk)



-Focus Punch

-Seed Bomb

No sleep clause screamed Breloom to me. This set is pretty effective, Focus Punch for power and Seed Bomb for STAB. The only thing I'm worried about is its effectiveness in double and triple battles. I'm considering replacing it for a Technician Swords Dance set, but I like the safety that a substitute brings along with Poison Heal. What would be better against the League?


Salamance (M) Lum Berry

Trait: Moxie

EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

Nature: Adamant (+ Atk, -SAtk)

-Dragon Dance

-Dragon Claw


-Rock Slide

I love Moxie. I feel its completely overpowered, but it is my favorite ability ever. I was going to use DD Scrafty, but I already had two fighting types so I went with DD Mence instead. Lum berry is great for a free DD if they try to status me first turn. I choose Dragon Claw over Outrage because I don't like the idea of being locked into a move, and with a Moxie boost it hopefully won't matter too much. Earthquake and Rock Slide for EdgeQuake coverage, but I'm open to other suggestions here.


Cloyster (F) White Herb

Trait: Skill Link

EV's: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd

Nature: Naive (+Spd, -SDef)

-Shell Smash

-Icicle Spear


-Rock Blast

Shell Smash is just great. Cloyster is here to break sub users and be a solid mixed attacker. Surf is great for double battles with Bronzong using Light Screen or Blaziken using Protect. chose White Herb because I hate Life Orb, but I'm open to other suggestions item wise. So yeah, not much else to say.


Alakazam (M) Focus Sash

Trait: Magic Guard

EV's: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

Nature: Timid (+Spd, -SAtk)

-Calm Mind

-Focus Blast

-Shadow Ball

-Psychic/ Psyshock

I needed a special attacker and a revenge killer, so here he is. Hopefully, I will be able to get a CM off if they switch out and then attempt to do damage. Focus Sash because it works great for revenge killing, but Life Orb is also tempting too because there is no recoil. I think I'm going to choose Psychic over Psyshock because of the better base power and I won't have to deal with Chansey or Blissey.


Bronzong (N) Light Clay

Trait: Levitate

EV's: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SDef

Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spd)


-Light Screen

-Gyro Ball

-Hypnosis/ Stealth Rock

Bronzong is a crucial member to this team. It allows my set up sweepers, like Salamance or Cloyster, to get off a DD or Shell Smash by providing Screen support. It is also a great poke to switch into on things that want to Earthquake Blaziken. The big question I have is to have use rocks or Hypnosis. Are entry hazards necessary or helpful in the League? I registered Hypnosis because I figured that no sleep clause would be great in double and triple battles, but its inaccuracy has let me down. Also some help on the EV's would be nice.

Well there's my team. Like I said, I'm new to battling so I wanted to see if this would be good against the League. I haven't tested against the League yet because the server's been down, but I've used it on Reborn some and it has worked relatively well, provided there aren't too many entry hazards on the field. So let me know what you think, does this team have what it takes?

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Calm Mind on Alakaspam is pointless tbh, maybe. If it gets into a tangle with Scarf'd Chandy that Shade may pull out


Otherwise it's Singles orientated, which my team was too, kinda but yeah w/e.

Just put in some multihit moves.

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