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What Do Your Animals Look Like?

Miss Kitty

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So we have this thread, it's pinned, and the title is 'What Do You Look Like?' I've been thinking, and why not include our lovable animals that we're always talking about in chat?


This one is only two of the four animals I have. The Husky is Buddy, and the cat he's laying with is Hazel.



This one is of my other dog, a German Shepherd named Chantilly (She chose to sit in the carseat. There was plenty seat room that she could have used, but she chose the carseat)




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I have these two, along with a few other animals but these girls are the most photogenic. Here is the elegant and majestic Laynie:


She's not being aggressive or anything, gravity is just pulling her lip down.


And here is Chaos. If she were human she would be a very bad person.


Do not trust that cute little face and absurdly long whiskers (seriously, they look way too big to be functional). 

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The best topic I've seen in here tbh, well..I have three cats in Athens and I miss them so much! The brown one is the oldest and it's named King, the white one is named Onour (god bless mom and her former love of Turkish tv series..) and the girlie in the right is named Hurem (or whatever it's spelled) and she's the youngest of them all. 



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Couldn't get a better shot with just Harvey. But then again, I guess he's just allergic to good camera shots, because that's something my sisters have complained about for years. Anyway, here is my chocolate labby. And also me because I didn't think to use a better position before Harvey started getting difficult. And the webcam sucks.


Harvey, the Chocolate Labrador


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This is a rare photo of Tucker, caught in his natural habitat ^.^ He's been spoiled his whole life, and now refuses to sleep anywhere but on our beds. He'll sit outside the bedroom door and constantly boop it all night long until I let him in. I'm just out of college and can't wait to see him for the first time in half a year this Wednesday :D


Edited by OraCLesofFire
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Now that I'm home from school and have had time off from the holidays, I can post a picture of my brother's yet unnamed snek who I've taken care of for the last 4 years whilst he's been away at college. I think he's older than our dog, which puts him somewhere around 8-10 years old I think.







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