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Down by the...River?


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Okay so I was babysitting and a 6 year older gave me the funniest idea! ..Also credit goes to Skeleton for giving me the other half of the idea. SO GUYS! I was thinking..do you all remember maybe being a kid and at least hearing the song "Down by the river, where the watermelons grow, back to my home~" Something along that line? And you were suppose to say what you spotted down by river. So lets make this pokemon style! For example: I'd say "Down by the river, where the watermelons grow, back to my home, I shouldn't go~ Have you ever seen a Mareep in midleap? Down by the stream~" So I thought it'd be funny to bring back our childhood sometimes with that! Now, rules, we'll mix this up!

1. Must be pokemon(obv) type doesn't matter

2. Lets call people out on this~

3. Item has to be..legit(like don't say ever seen a Pikachu holding a black sludge xD)

4. Try not to repeat pokemon, to keep that from happening, we'll have the next pokemon begin with the letter of the last pokemon(i.e. Gyrados..next pokemon could be Skiploom)

I'll start: Down by the river, where the watermelons grow, back to my home, I shouldn't go~ Have you ever seen a Pikachu eating a leppa berry? Down by the stream~" I call out to..Lets say Amethyst ^.^ I'm sure maybe he'll play Since usually no one does ;;

Edited by Elizabeth
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