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Field effects and more


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I apologize in advance for the wall of text but after playing through E16 twice now I just had to praise this game for it's field effects. It allows for a much more dynamic gameplay than what I've ever experienced playing the original franchise online. Can't beat Adrienn? Invert that field and let that crazy Calamar beat xis ass almost by himself. What I'm trying to say is, field effects are one of the main reasons why I love Reborn so much. When it comes to online gaming most players choose to play without field effects because it's less luck based. The problem isn't really the player base but the dynamics of field effects, there are (atleast for now) very few reliable ways of creating and changing the terrain. I'm not quite sure whether the dev. team of Reborn wants to keep it that way (mostly fixed terrain with a few exceptions) or make it more dynamic in the future. I thought about which moves ( in addition to the ones that already have an effect on terrain) could be used to change or create terrain and I came up with the following list.


() denote ingame notes upon terrain changes

[] denote additional options


Rocky Field – Using Avalanche, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb and/or Rock Throw twice or Rock Wrecker once ( Rocks have been scattered around the area - The field is littered with rocks ) without any active field effect. 3 turns


Mountain – Using Rock Wrecker while Rocky Field is active, won't change the terrain if it's a miss or the attack is not very effective ( The birth of a mountain ) or using Dig while Cave terrain is active ( The battlefield was uplifted ). 5 turns


Cave – Using Dig once ( The battlefield is being dragged below the surface ) or Earthquake/Magnitude twice ( The earth begins to crack up – The battlefield collapsed into a cave below ) while Mountain terrain is active. 5 turns [Using Eq/M twice causes type scaling rock type damage to Pkm without Flying type or Levitate]


Desert – Caused by Desolate Land or by using Sand Attack/Sand Throw twice ( The sand is buildung up – The Field is rife with sand ) without any active field effect [using Cut twice while Forrest terrain is active ( The forrest was thinned out – The forest has eroded )]. 3 turns


Dragon Cave – Using Lava Plume, Magma Storm or Eruption while Cave terrain is active. 3 turns


Water Surface – Using Surfer twice or Hydro Pump/Cannon once without missing ( The water level is rising – The water surface is calm ) or caused by Primordial Sea without any active field effect. 3 turns


Mirror Field – Using Reflect Type while Magic Room is active without any active field effect (terminating the Magic Room effect in the process). 3 turns


Glitch Field – Using either Magic Room or Wonder Room while Trick Room is active (terminating the M/W/T Room effects in the process). 3 turns


Wasteland – Using Gunk Shot without any active field effect or missing the attack. 3 turns


Forrest – Using Seed Bomb or Bullet Seed twice while Grassy Field is active. 3 turns


Factory – Using Autotomize while Magic Room is active without any active field effect (terminating the Magic Room effect in the process). 3 turns


Big Top Arena - Using Bulk Up twice while Magic Room is active without any active field effect (terminating the Magic Room effect in the process). 5 turns


Starlight Arena – Using Darkpulse/Nightdaze + Meteor Mash/Swift without any active field effect. 3 turns


Fairy Tale Field – Using Relic Song, Disarming Voice, Round and/or Chatter twice or using Wish while Magic Room is active without any active field effect ( A voice can be heard in the distance - Once upon a time ). 3 turns


Ashen Beach - Using Lava Plume/Magma Storm/Eruption + Sand Attack/Sand Throw while Water Surface/Murkwater Surface terrain is active. 5 turns


Holy Field - Using Meditate twice while Magic Room is active without any active field effect (terminating the Magic Room effect in the process). 5 turns


Flower Garden – Using Flower Shield during rain or harsh sunlight while Grass terrain is active. 5 turns.


I know some of them may look a bit odd but if you try to use your imagination, most of them ( one or two atleast :D ) make sense. Whether you like my ideas or not, feel free to comment. I'm rather curious what everybody else thinks and would love to discuss the matter.




P.S.: So glad we got to see that Fairy Tail Field after all. Btw, is this the right place for that kind of post?

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This is very nice! I made something like this in another thread, where Pokemon holding a certain held item (don't know what it should be called) would be able to set up a field by using the field's Nature Power move. The item would be like a Mega Stone in that only one Pokemon per team can utilize it. So for example, a Breloom using Rock Tomb while holding this item would create a Cave, which would last until terminated. Since that capability could be game-breaking in a lot of circumstances, I added as a caveat that the item will only allow Pokemon to create fields that can actually be terminated (with moves not named Electric, Grassy, and Misty Terrain) -- and something like the Water Surface would also count under this, since you could theoretically use Blizzard followed by EQ to terminate it. Alternatively, one could use a Magnezone (w/ item) to set up the Short-circuit Field by packing Electric Terrain and Discharge; or even (w/o item) use ET, Volt Switch out into a Lapras (w/ item) and use Avalanche to create the Snowy Mountain Field. So basically since the only way to terminate the Snowy Mountain is to use one of the terrain moves first, those would be the only avenue to creating it. Granted, my whole concept is more simplistic than yours (since I thought of it with competitive in mind), but what you have here looks great! I really hope we'll get to see something akin to what either of us proposed in a future release. Crossing my fingers for both :)

Edited by WujiKyurem
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Very interesting, never thought about Nature Power being retro active. As for the use in a more competetive environment ... my solution aims mostly for doubles. Some field effects are harder to setup because they grant much more benefits and/or can't be terminated yet. I tried to derive them logically and balance their availability so that more than just the Misty/Electric/Grass/Burning Field can be accessed in any regular battle.

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