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im a beginner but Perhaps add focus blast to Reimi, and make sure honchkrow has super luck, it goes well wwith night slash ( u can give it razor claw too)

and i know its a lot to ask for but will u be kind and show tell me how you got azumarill?

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I'd switch Thrash on Mamo for Stealth Rock, it's really useful with pokemon that are weak to rock and you would use Thrash very little.


I don't see the need for Pain Split on Reuniclus, since 90% of the time it's better to heal using items like hyper potion. I'd recommend using Shadow Ball or Grass Knot in the last slot (or rotate them depending on the battles). And as soon as Focus Blast is available use that instead to not get completely walled by dark types. However, if you are set on having a recovery move use Recover instead since it is much more reliable.


I don't see the need for Tri Attack of Magneton, you'll either end up using one of the STABS or switch out 99% of the time. Give it Signal Beam or Screech/Metal Sound, the latter can be very clutch when combined with Sturdy allowing you to easily take on the super powerful mons like Mewtwo, PULSEs, Dittoceus, etc.


And lastly, Wing Attack is useless in Honchkrow. Give it something else for that last slot, I'd recommend Tailwind if it is available in the move tutors. Toxic and Taunt are also nice support options. As soon as Superpower is available in the tutors give that as its last move.




As for items, give one of your mons a Life Orb since it's much better than the STAB boosting items (I'd say give it to Blaziken). And for Azumarill a Sitrus Berry is better then leftovers since it combos with Belly Drum really well. Also you could try using a Choice Band in either Mamo or Honch for more brute power (just be careful using Sucker Punch and Stealth Rocks).


@Amine elhedhili

You can get Azu from the mystery egg event. If you got another pokemon from it you'll have to trade for an Azumarill online.

Edited by Farnsworth
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7 minutes ago, Farnsworth said:

I'd switch Thrash on Mamo for Stealth Rock, it's really useful with pokemon that are weak to rock and you would use Thrash very little.


I don't see the need for Pain Split on Reuniclus, since 90% of the time it's better to heal using items like hyper potion. I'd recommend using Shadow Ball or Grass Knot in the last slot (or rotate them depending on the battles). And as soon as Focus Blast is available use that instead to not get completely walled by dark types. However, if you are set on having a recovery move use Recover instead since it is much more reliable.


I don't see the need for Tri Attack of Magneton, you'll either end up using one of the STABS or switch out 99% of the time. Give it Signal Beam or Screech/Metal Sound, the latter can be very clutch when combined with Sturdy allowing you to easily take on the super powerful mons like Mewtwo, PULSEs, Dittoceus, etc.


And lastly, Wing Attack is useless in Honchkrow. Give it something else for that last slot, I'd recommend Tailwind if it is available in the move tutors. Toxic and Taunt are also nice support options. As soon as Superpower is available in the tutors give that as its last move.


@Amine elhedhili

You can get Azu from the mystery egg event. If you got another pokemon from it you'll have to trade for an Azumarill online.

@Farnsworth How unfortunate, i got a vulpix and i already have arcanine, Also im using a Pc i dont think i can trade :(

Edited by Amine elhedhili
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1 minute ago, Amine elhedhili said:

@Farnsworth How unfortunate, i got a vulpix and i already have arcanine, Also im using a Pc i dont think i can trade :(


Umm, using a pc shouldn't make you unable to trade. All you need is an internet connection, you can find the option of online play in the Pokegear menu.

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5 minutes ago, Farnsworth said:


Umm, using a pc shouldn't make you unable to trade. All you need is an internet connection, you can find the option of online play in the Pokegear menu.

Hold on i will see that now :) thnks

I diid it, now who will trade me ?: i can give anything i have for one azumarill

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