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Post your current team, and current state of progress (as long as it doesn't have any spoilers for members behind you- unless using spoiler box, of course)

As of right now...

Castle (Squirtle)- lvl 15 and raring to evolve. If the first gym wasn't electric, I'd probably feel comfortable busting the doors down and snagging that badge. Withdraw lets it tank like a boss while water-gun spits in the eye of pokemon who spam growl or use withdraw themselves.

Felicity (meowth) lvl 11/12- sadly, has pickup instead of technician, but it's helped out a lot. Fake out, bite, scratch, growl.

Viscous (grimer)- lvl 9. my 2nd poison pokemon, cuz my ekans wasn't cutting it. Poison gas works as well against most of these punks as it does against me and the immunity to poison is a must. I can't help but imagine mud slap as a pimp slap that knocks the foe silly, making it harder for them to land a punch in return.

Swoop (zubat)- lvl 8, really weak. leech life really really really sucks with all these poison types around and supersonic induced confusion does more damage to a foe than a SE hit on a grass pokemon. Takes hits like a ripe tomato. Hopefully it'll learn some decent moves soon.

Sera (ekans)- lvl 10, not faring that well but has helped with its immunity to poisoning. wrap doesn't do much and it finally learned bite, which has helped.

Anyways, been taking my time because I need to raise other pokemon that aren't gonna take electric and grass hits too bad. Just ran into Fern.

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I have just beat the leader, quite difficult but not too bad.

Prinplup Level 24, Yes i picked this piece of shit. Empoleon is good on the simulators and i think it looks good, but i had not idea that it didn't learn any decent moves untill bubblebeam.... I lost the first battle against both of my rivals. LOL

Zubat Level 15, OMG i do like to make things hard for myself. really want a crobat. Learnt bite which helps, (at level 14 maelstrom keep at it). but it still acted as fodder in my gym battle. i think it was just bad luck as to the first leaders type. needs to evolve.

Thats it atm, i was thinking about trading for an abra, but i wasn't sure how i'd evolve Kadabra...

I'm going to make the team on my trainer card + a crobat which it doesn't want to show for some reason

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey ive looked and can't find the hidden ralts. Can someone please tell me where it is? Sorry if this would have been better under another thread but i really couldnt find much of a better one. why not

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Don't worry about it, Ralts is actually broken currently anyway. It's fixed for the next release.

But, remember, Ralts only appears to the most kind-hearted trainers...

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  • 11 months later...

Current Team, after starting anew on a new computer:

Wartortle, lvl 21

-Water Gun



-Rapid Spin

Felix (Meowth)- 20

-Fake Out




Sleeper (kadabra)- 16



Chester (Pachirisu)


-Charge Beam


-Quick Attack

Jama- 19


-Poison Gas



Undella (Trubbish)

-Acid Spray

-Toxic Spikes

-Poison Gas


Others of possible use:

Mankey 13

Helel (magby) 10

Zubat 17

Pidove 13, shiny

Shiny pokemon:




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My team at the end of the game ----40hours playtime :)

Firefly - lvl50 (charizard)


cut (im such an idiot for this)

wing attack

dragon claw

Flygon - lvl50


dragon tail

earth power

hyper beam

Luxray -lvl47

Thunder fang




Camerupt (shiny) lvl45

Lava plume

earth power



Toxicroak -lvl45

Ghost ball

sludge wave

nasty plot

mud bomb

Golem (shiny) lvl45

Rock blast

smack down



Seismitoad -lvl45

drain punch


muddy water

sludge wave

Ludicolo -lvl45

mega drain


zen headbutt


Dodrio (Shiny)-lvl41



double hit

drill peck

KING (nidoking) lvl43

poison jab

horn attack

earth power


Gallade -lvl45

leaf blade

pshycho cut

night slash

swords dance

Shiny pokemon:







I have more then 6 because i had 2 lvl 50 pokemon at the end of the episode, i cant use those in the next episode because of the lvl cap, so i figured i would replace them

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Blaze the Combusken - Lv20

Speed Boost

-Double Kick


-Focus Energy


Blaze, my favorite starter, has saved what would other wise be a lost battle. He is so far, stopping training so i can work with the other members of my team.

Bastet the Meowth - Lv20


-Fury Swipes



-Fake Out

Bastet is named after an egyptian goddess. She is my second pokemon, literally the very first one i caught. Due to her Fake Out getting such a nice boost from technician, i will use her to open up for battles that i know are tough. I like to imagine her as my "pet" that she travels with me outside her pokeball, much like Ash's Pikachu.

Nightwing the Zubat - Lv19


-Wing Attack



-Confuse Ray

Nightwing is a challenge to train, but it will all pay when he evolves into Crobat. Nightwing is the baby of the group. Hes getting the majority of training right now

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Oh no, I restarted cuz I couldn't be arsed to go through, find my save file, and load it onto my usb hard drive of stuff to transfer over. Plus, this team is working out way better for me anyways. I hadn't even run into a bidoof during my first runthrough cuz always playing at night, so there's that. Although that does remind me that I've yet to run into any ekans this time around. And instead of having to train a zubat from scratch and try to use it to confuse before it dies at Julia's gym, I caught a nice lvl 17 one after getting cut.

strhally3's team(s) give me hope for even more fun pokemon to play with later as I hit level caps.

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cuz always playing at night, so there's that.

^ me

It made the wasteland fun though~

I don't really have a defined team myself (and I'd only very recently started using Blaziken again due to level cap changes) as evidenced in the topic I made for my playthrough sort of thing- in fact, I've actually been catching a lot of the things I run into, upwards of 100 species at the time of typing this I think?

... But uh, to avoid sounding like I'm showing off, if nothing else Misdreavus is never leaving my team, and I think once I get ahold of some of my other favorites I'll probably have a solid team eventually... Maybe.

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I have been in the wastelands looking for misdreavus and mudkip for so long i actually have 4 shinys from this place... 2 trubbish 1 koffin and a venipede haha

and still no succes :( (also found a shiny weezing but you know... selfdestruct)

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i would love to add a mudkip to my team....speaking of which time for an update!

Blaze the Combusken - Lv23

Speed Boost

-Double Kick


-Focus Energy


Bastet the Meowth -Lv23




-Faint Attack

-Fake Out

Nightwing the Golbat - Lv24


-Wing Attack

-Confuse Ray



what should I add to my team? Im getting ready to battle Florina otherwise

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Another update from my wasteland adventures, i am still looking for the mudkip... i swear i have been searching for 5 hours now and i just ran into a munna, just in the wild, how can i have been in this place for so long and never have seen munna before?

im so confused...

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Team update, above you can see all my previous pokemon with moves,




Golem-lvl45 (shiny)



Camerupt-lvl45 (shiny)





New pokemon:

Steps (gardevoir) lvl45

Magical leaf


calm mind


THE CLAW (kingler) lvl45





Shiny pokemon:






Trubbish x2



Any suggestions? for new pokemon to add to my personal army?

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