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favorite final fantasy character


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As the title says what is your favorite final fantasy character and why? 


Personally my favorite character is vivi from final fantasy 9

edit: you can always choose multiple favorites ^ ^


Vivi is a character that I grew deeply attached to because of his tragic circumstances not knowing that his lifespan was short and that he was one one of many. He was like a child almost countless times I wanted to hug him and assure him that he would be okay. Honestly he was the only character I liked from the whole game to the point where I wished he was the main character.more spoilers--That ending where he was seen gave me hope that he was going to live longer than originally believed




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FF13 is the only FF game I've really gotten into, and that is largely because Vanille is best pony. I like Vanille alotalot.

and no one can stop me from shipping Fang with her.

like that scene on the airship when they meet up was. a lot to take in in a few seconds. 


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Top 3 would probably be Kain, Celes and Setzer. All of them have troubled trajectories, 2 of them have worked for their respective games' main baddies, all of them have their issues but deep down are good people, and all of them benefit from very good designs.

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Tidus. I liked him because his personality is a fresh change from the usual FF protags(Cloud, Squall), making him a lot more relatable for my standards.


Now, I know that many people hated him(and his memetic AH-HA-HA-HA-HA!!), but most of the time, they didn't see the development he went through to the game. He went from a spoiled brat who was always been a center of attention back in Dream Zanarkand, and only wanted nothing to go back there while barely giving a crap of Spira, into a mature person who desires to save Spira from Yevon's control and willing to sacrifice his existence and his life in Zanarkand for the sake of the world. Many people end up finding him annoying or whiny, but it's usually because they labeled him annoying at the early point of the game where he IS annoying and whiny(It's understandable though. I mean, he's literally have the attention of everyone wherever he goes! Of course he's gonna end up spoilt by the luxury of being a Star Player!), and keeps labeling him so without even looking at the development he went through.

A lot of people thought that either Yuna or Aaron should've been the main prontagonist, but they didn't understand that Tidus is the main prontagonist because he was the one who sparked the idea on the party of breaking the Yevon tradition, as his past life of living in a more ideal world(Dream Zanarkand) allows him to think of an alternative way out of defeating Sin, compared to the Spiran who is already used to the world, and simply accepts it as it is.

(Uh, did I do my argument right? First time trying to explain something in a forum...)



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Hmm... kinda hard to say. Most of my Final Fantasy experience is from Dissidia and Theatrhythm.


From Dissidia, I'd have to say that I enjoyed Lightning, Cloud, and Cain the most because they didn't really have the hang-ups and fears like some of the others. Despite the situation they were in, they forged ahead with determination. They picked their goal and set themselves to achieving it. Cloud and Lightning are really strong, serious characters, but they're mostly solo characters. Kain is also a strong solo figure, but he stands out to me because also looks out for the group, pushing them to learn the things they need to and giving sage advice. I relate to these protagonists the most.


But hey, I liked some of the 'antagonists' too. I liked Jecht in general, even if I disliked his cocky attitude and manner of speaking. It was more about what he did rather than the stuff he says. Much more to my liking was Golbez. I'll let this passage from the Wikia explain it for me:


Golbez wishes for Cecil and the other Warriors of Cosmos to prevail, and appears to Cecil and the other heroes to offer assistance at his own risk, as the other antagonists view his behavior as treachery. Golbez manipulates the heroes towards the ultimate goal of their victory, in particular, placing the Wild Rose for Firion to find to inspire his dream. Golbez has no qualms about attacking the heroes when called upon, including Cecil, but has good reason for this. His Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy museum profile states he was content to remain in the cycles of war as punishment for his sins, but Cecil's appearance, and the sacrifice of six of Cosmos's warriors at the end of the twelfth cycle, motivated him to help Cosmos end the cycles and free Cecil and the remaining Warriors


I also really liked Chaos for this memorable scene.




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I used to like Lightning and Cain... then I played ff13 and 4.... let's just say now I don't.


favorite MC: Cloud, I used to be meh about him, but then I actually took the time to finish ff7 and holy crap is Cloud awesome! There is a lot more to the character that I respect than what most people play his character up to being.

Runner up being Dark Knight Cecil, he loses all coolness when he changes into a Paladin...


Coolest Sword-y: again, Cloud. Second comes Auron-Senpai from FFX.


Coolest Thief: Rikku from FFX, she is cute and awesome as well as a amazing ally. I only put her below Locke because apparently he isn't a thief, he is a "Treasure Hunter."  Too bad he isn't a thief, he would be my favorite if he was. Despite that, he is a really fun character to use and interact with.  He also has an interesting backstory.


Coolest Mage: Rydia, for many reasons. 

A. Her design is fantastic.

B. Her story is fun.

C. Her skill set is great.

D. She's green.

runners up are Vivi and Lulu.


Best monk: I have to go with Snow.... shut up.

A. I like his design.

B. I like his personality.

C. He shares the same Amazing VA as Kanji Tatsumi and Joel from the last of us.

D.  I found him to be the most useful out of all of the characters.

runners up are Tifa from 7 and Sabin from 6.


Best Waifu: Rinoa from 8 followed by Rikku from 10, Tifa from 7, and Rydia from 4 in no particular order.


Best Villians: a tie between Golbez and Kefka.  I really enjoy both quite a bit.


other than those characters I also really like Red XIII from 7, Edgar from 6, and Khimari from 10.


also, Tidus wasn't the first happy go lucky MC, and neither was Zidane, iirc that title goes to Bartz from 5.

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This is literally impossible for me to answer... I've played every FF (except the MMOs and some other niche/Phone games) - currently even playing Brave Exvius on my Phone - it's a really great for a Freemium Phone game (and normally I'm all about "say NO to phone games")


There are just SOOOOOO many great characters... picking ONE as a favorite is impossible... however here are a few favorites, in no particular order:

Ramza Beoulve - Tactics    (god I can't wait for the day Dissidia arcade comes to the west on PS4... if ever... I was so hyped to hear that Ramza is in that game)

Sephiroth - VII (I mean... come on... it's Sephiroth... long silver hair, black cloak, friggin 2 meter long katana...)

Kefka Palazzo - VI (EVIL INCARNATE ... he is part reason why I hate clowns... playing FFVI and watching Stephen Kings "IT" while being young is not a great combination... - his 16 bit laugh still sends shivers down my spine...)

Beatrix - IX (she is just soooo cool... hell she even defies her Queen, because of her duty to the Princess - that is totally badass... telling your Boss, you can't do something because of the job she has given you)

Ultros - VI (it's just Ultros... you can hate him for being so annoying... but you love him for his incompetence)

Bahamut - ALL OF THEM (you know... giant Dragon... most of the time King of the Espers/Summons, whatever...)

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Why do I think that I've written the answer to this elsewhere.. Anyway..My favorite character is Lightning from FFXIII, I think I have similar traits in my character and that's why I relate myself to her. She's a strong, independent, stoic person who doesn't express too many emotions until the end of the trilogy and that made me see her hidden vulnerability. She's so badass, she's not afraid to kick some asses (ahem Snow) and also she's beautiful. I think she has that complexity that a main character should have. I also felt like she was a character that was missing something in order to be whole and happy, which is something I can really relate to..Um I think that's all.

Runner-up: Tifa from FFVII

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Multiple hmmm
Well based on what ive played


Vincent Valentine
Zidane Tribal
Freya Crescent
Shiva (Stiria & Nyx)
Y'shtola Rhul

Cid nan Garlond
Ser Aymeric de Borel

Ignis Scientia
Aranea Highwind
Cid Sophiar
Judgemaster Cid Randell
Luso Clemens
Frimelda Lotice


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