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Reborn and other games on mobile via stream


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Hey there,


so I wanted to play Reborn when I'm at school or somewhere else boring. As we probably all know there's no way to just load the game on your phone and run it. It doesn't work with RPGXP either and I don't think that it will in the near future. So I was wondering how else it could be possible to play mobile. Well, as the title already implies, the soluton is streaming. Or more like a work-around. It works quite well with my phone and computer, however I believe the real problem will be the mobile data. When I just tested it at home with Wifi the app used like 200mb in around 30 min (maybe even less). So this might just be a solution for those of us who can leave their computer turned on the whole time AND got enough highspeed data. I'll try it out tomorrow at school and will report back how it worked.
Okay but before I just go ahead and tell how it exactly works I just want to make sure that the devs are okay with it. I don't see a reason why they wouldn't be but better ask first, I guess. What do you say @Amethyst?

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I don't mind if you do, but when you say streaming, it's kind of like that new SimPlay thing?


I definitely have no problems with you doing something like that; let us know how it works!

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On 21.12.2016 at 9:15 AM, Amethyst said:

I don't mind if you do, but when you say streaming, it's kind of like that new SimPlay thing?


I definitely have no problems with you doing something like that; let us know how it works!

Thanks for your answer :) I don't know what SimPlay is though :o

So I tried using kainy. Basically it's an app/programm that is made for streaming computer games on your mobile phone. The reason I used this programm, is because of the controls. Streaming your desktop with, for example team viewer, and starting Reborn is possible, but the controls won't work reliable. Plus there are no arrow keys on the keyboard on the phone. Well at least not on mine.

I'm gonna give you a list of everything I used and then I'll give my feedback.


- Kainy (Programm) (http://www.kainy.com/download.html)

- Kainy (App) (available on Google Play as paid and Ad Version; not sure if it's available for IOS)

- Windows 10

- Android 6.0.1

- Wifi (200 mbits/s)

- Mobile data (50mbit/s)


Set up and first test (with Wifi)

I first set up kainy on my computer and then on my phone. I connected my phone to my computer and started the stream. Everything worked fine and smooth. The mouse was controlled by touching the screen, clicks and double clicks where made by buttons on the screen. Starting Reborn was no problem at all and worked fine. Using the keyboard I was able to load my savefile, however the keyboard was in the way. So what I had to do was "creating" new buttons (How that works is explained on the kainy homepage). Kainy comes with pretty much every button you could wish. There are buttons for every letter, for alt, ctrl, tab, numbers, controller buttons  and even special buttons for certain mouse movements. You can also reasign the function of the buttons. I used the "R1" and reasigned "F12" to it.

With this new layout I could play the game. It looked like this now:





The whole game ran smooth, with just one minor problem: The sound was of about 2 seconds. But was still fun to play.

Second test with mobile:
When I tried to connect to my computer, I got the error "Server unreachable". I googled what the problem could be and appearantly it was the firewall. The solution for this problem is also described on the kainy website. However it didn't solve my problem. So as for now I wasn't able to test the stream with mobile data and I couldn't find a solution yet. But I'll be on it and let you know as soon as I find one.

Some of you might be worried about the data kainy will use. Like I mentioned before it used around 200mb in about 30 min or less. Next time I'll try it, I'll make sure to keep track of that. That usage is for when you stream in best quality. Maybe setting up kainy to stream with lower quality will "fix" this, but it might as well make it pointless to stream in the first place. That too is a thing I will try though.

That's my report so far. If any of you got some more expierience with that or tried for themselves, please let us know.

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