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(SM) Beta features in Pokémon


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Have you ever noticed how GF first tries a feature in a game before, and then just makes it a great symbol of the next game?

The first time I noticed this was with the Amity Square in D/P/Pt: Only a few Pokémon could walk by your side and on a limited area.



Resultado de imagem para following pokemon hg ss gif


Then, one year later from Platinum, the remakes of Gold and Silver came out! HeartGold and SoulSilver brought with them the amazing and most missed feature in Pokémon: your Pokémon walking by your side. EVERY Pokémon had an overworld sprite to follow you in your adventure, and it was awesome. (They even had shiny sprites)



Resultado de imagem para following pokemon hg ss gifResultado de imagem para following pokemon hg ss gif


The second thing starts in BW: Now every Pokémon has a constant in-battle animation! Different from the previous generations where the Pokémon just had some sprite changes when the trainer sends it out, and that was all.



luxray_blackwhite_animated_front   gliscor_blackwhite_animated_front  ninetales_blackwhite_animated_shiny


Again in BW: Some trainer had a 2D animation before they send out the Pokémon, but (iirc) this action was restricted to only Rivals, Alder and N.

Then, in B2W2, ALL trainers had a 2D animation, including the leaders from the other regions who showed up in the PWT.


-insert gif here-


Later, in XY, they introduced us to a new feature: Riding Pokémon! But it was restricted to only Gogoat in Lumiose, AND YOU HAD TO PAY!!!!!

Then, in SM, the wonderfully amazing PokéRide was introduced to get rid of the HMs (THANK GOD I PRAYED SO MUCH FOR THIS).

Now you can call a Pokémon to smash rocks, search items, fly, surf and etc.

The featured pokémon were: Tauros, Stoutland, Lapras, Sharpedo, Charizard, Mudsdale and Machamp.



Resultado de imagem para sun and moon pokéride gif


Recently, FILTHY hackers discovered something in the files of SM: Every Pokémon had a walking and running animation!

This could be for the Poké Finder? Yes. But why would EVERY Pokémon have one?

Yes, this was a cutted feature from Sun and Moon. The games are already a bit heavy for the 3DS, so this feature unfortunately didn't make it.


Do you think that the next games will go to the NX to support this feature? What other "beta features" did you noticed? 

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I think that the fearute might be limmited for some pokemon only. also I assume the next games to be either the third game or diamond and pearl remakes. yes I can also sence some hinting toward gen 5 remakes in the game(grimsley and collres out of all people in the story)

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