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Gen 1 - Shiny Thread | Public Development


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possible pinser shiny (hopefully)

need some cleaning tho but its a good idea (again, I hope)

PINSIR AND ONIX (tried to go for the diamond/crystal onix from the anime)

front shiny pinsir 2.png127b.pngfront onix shiny.png095b.png

if I need to make more just tell me ;)

Edited by dragonza11
back sprites added
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  On 12/28/2016 at 10:27 PM, EliteFlyingTaco said:

Finally got the Mega Mewtwo's done. 


Edit: Dunno what was with that patch of white on X's foot







Approved and Marked as completed!


  On 12/28/2016 at 11:04 PM, Might Gai said:

i love making aura, shiny alakazam

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the big mustash on the male one was preventing more details but it turned alright

back sprite and pre-evos will be done next day


This is REALLY cool.


  On 12/29/2016 at 11:56 AM, WyNNeR said:

ca someone help me i dont understand how to recolor the video that jan left i dont understand can someone how me how to recolor whitout stayng with hours ??? plss


What don't you understand? If you go into detail I could probably help you.


  On 12/29/2016 at 3:08 PM, MakaTorracat said:

Here is a quick one I did ^^ I went for a shiny that I personally would hunt for. If you want anything (or all of it) changed just ask :) If it's all good I will work on the mega and backsprites

115s front.png


This is good! Though, they aren't in 200% resolution (Double size). Do you mind resizing them for me? If you can't I can easily do it myself. 

  On 12/29/2016 at 3:39 PM, Bluedodobob said:

Here are the Weezings

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And I made two different tauros, which one do you prefer?

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Weezing is fine, and I prefer the first Tauros. 


  On 12/29/2016 at 4:24 PM, Korvpizza said:

I was bored so I made Grimer.



EDIT: I made Muk too.


EDIT2: Just saw and error in Muk's backsprite. It's fixed now.





I like the idea a lot! It's very pretty. I just need them to be resized like Kang. 


  On 12/29/2016 at 4:52 PM, Dypatome said:

Sorry it took so long to fix; I was busy for most of yesterday after I posted.


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If that's fixed, I can move on to Zubat and Golbat later today?


Approved and Marked as completed. Zubat is yours


  On 12/29/2016 at 5:11 PM, dragonza11 said:

possible pinser shiny (hopefully)

need some cleaning tho but its a good idea (again, I hope)

PINSIR AND ONIX (tried to go for the diamond/crystal onix from the anime)

front shiny pinsir 2.png127b.pngfront onix shiny.png095b.png

if I need to make more just tell me ;)


The idea for Pinsir is there, but the coloring is really off. Especially for the horns, and as much as blue onix looks cool, I think Crystal Onix has been overdone. 


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This is on a side note, but what does everyone use to remove the backgrounds from their sprites? I'd like to not download Photoshop if I do not have to.


Edit: Thanks Jan; I didn't realize you could use GraphicsGale to remove the backgrounds from pictures. I'll start using that from now on then.

Edited by Dypatome
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  On 12/29/2016 at 10:55 PM, Dypatome said:

This is on a side note, but what does everyone use to remove the backgrounds from their sprites? I'd like to not download Photoshop if I do not have to.


I use GraphicsGale. I use the magic wand tool to highlight the background- Then I click on image/Create Alpha Channel. Then I save the image (With Alpha Channel on the saving screen)

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  On 12/28/2016 at 8:50 PM, Korvpizza said:

Clefairy and Clefable are done! Clefable's purple color scheme is based of the theory that Gengar is Clefable's shadow.






Oh geez, you're right. I did stkip this. My mistake. This looks fine to me! I was hoping for an evil looking Clefable and this is perfect. 

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Since Azery has not reported anything about Gengar, I decided to make its shiny.




These are two ideas I came up with, and I could not decide between them. Therefore, I'm asking you to choose between them Jan (none is also an option, but that one will make me sad :( ).


I shall claim Golduck, Rhyhorn and Rhydon as well.

Edited by HYCROX
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  On 12/30/2016 at 2:02 AM, HYCROX said:

Since Azery has not reported anything about Gengar, I decided to make its shiny.




These are two ideas I came up with, and I could not decide between them. Therefore, I'm asking you to choose between them Jan (none is also an option, but that one will make me sad :( ).


I shall claim Golduck, Rhyhorn and Rhydon as well.


I like the one on the right the most. Also Golduck should match Psyduck.

  On 12/30/2016 at 1:27 AM, Bluedodobob said:

Tauros back sprite.


I'll do Krabby and Kingler next.



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It's been like... 3 pages?


Finally got this bad boy done.


@Jan As of rn, I'm going to give Paras and Parasect to someone else because I don't really have the time to do these sprites like I did earlier.

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i didnt understand what amethyst said in the video in the important part he talked to fast and i didnt understand 

can you show me pls how to recolor whithout taking pixel by pixel??? plss i really want to help


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  On 12/30/2016 at 2:09 PM, dragonza11 said:

worked on a krabby and kingler shiny

who doesnt know what the red is, its bloodfront krabby shiny.pngfront kingler shiny.pngback krabby shiny.pngback kingler shiny.png


Why are you removing the shading? That's important to the sprite. As of now the sprites look really weird because it's all one color.  Also if iirc, someone already claimed the krabby line.


  On 12/30/2016 at 3:08 PM, Atticus said:

Mmm, I decided to make the "sniper" version instead.


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Also, I'd like to claim Paras and Parasect since Guzam doesn't have time to do them.


Oh wow, yeah, I like this much better. approved. 

  On 12/30/2016 at 1:32 PM, MakaTorracat said:

Kang has been resized(or should be) and backsprite is here :D 115s front.png115bs.png

Just noticed the weird pixel in Kang's fixing now

115s front.png




  On 12/30/2016 at 7:42 AM, Guzam said:


It's been like... 3 pages?


Finally got this bad boy done.


@Jan As of rn, I'm going to give Paras and Parasect to someone else because I don't really have the time to do these sprites like I did earlier.


All right, Atticus will take over. Just need a backsprite. 


  On 12/30/2016 at 9:28 AM, WyNNeR said:

i didnt understand what amethyst said in the video in the important part he talked to fast and i didnt understand 

can you show me pls how to recolor whithout taking pixel by pixel??? plss i really want to help



Go to AllFrames/ColorDepth then change it to 8 bit. The colors of the pokemon on the sprite should appear on the color box. If you edit those colors, it will edit the Pokemon. 

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  On 12/30/2016 at 8:20 PM, Might Gai said:

"Progressively Overflowing Psychic Energy With Evolution" Abra, long name but whatever

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This is extremely well done. Great work!



Also opening up Cubone and Marowak. I haven't heard from the person who was originally editing this sprite.

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