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EV training



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48 minutes ago, dotahkin01 said:



I need some places to EV train. since EP 16 had changed a lot of mons and I can't find the EP 15 EV guide anymore, can somebody help me out for all the EV's?

what i usually do is just infect my mon with pokerus first

then let it hold the relevant power item (anklet, band, belt, bracer, lens or weight)

usually sp.attk or attk

then quickly grind at the 2 woobat spots in Peridot ward again and again till it maxes out

then i take off the speed EV using EV reducing berries or the EV removing disc sold in the new peridot ward market


this method is the best especially if speed is one of the stats you're maxing out on EV

then you dont even need to remove the speed EV then! :) 

it takes me no more than 10 mins to max my mons EV this way ;) 

hope this helps!



Edited by Nico_Robin
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^ This, you could also train on bouffalants on route 2 for 2 attack evs + everything said above. That way you get 12 attack evs in one battle. If you also need to train speed and attack, I usually train on the tauros instead and max out the attack first then do the speed. This is the episode 15 ev training guide which should be correct in some places,  but you shouldn't rely on it with most places.


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Just now, dotahkin01 said:




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:o:o you upgraded the underground railnet didnt you....

oh dear me..

looks like your best option is either the tauros/ bouffalant in route 1

(but they''re quite high levelled for EV training IMO)


or...i have another option but this is only from expereince

you can find butterfree and beautifly (both very common) in peridot ward grass

so you can use them for training special attack (they both give 3 base sp.attk EV)



ducklett/audino in the tanzan cove is how i do it


i think the guide mentioned above ^^

should be valid for most places (except the water places of course) 

no more easy grimer HP EV :( 


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For HP


Water treatment plant super rod fishing gives almost exclusively Muk, Grimer, Swalot, and Grubin or whatever that thing is called which all are HP evs.  The only other thing on the team is tentacool for special defense, but pretty rare.

Alternatively those damned Foongus on Azurine Island


For Speed


As noted the underground railnet would have been great.  Without it.... try the sands outside Apopopopoopopopil Academy (I did spell that right didn't I?).  Wingul are 1 speed.   Pelipper are not.


For Attack


Bouffalant on route 1


For Defense


Rock Smash Magargo in the volcano


I don't have great solutions for special attack or defense, but I've never needed to make a 252 special attack 252 special defense mon, so this has worked for me without any need for reset disks.  I try to start training against the highest level pokemon possible since I'll be switch training anyway that way the new pokemon hits the point it can handle the lower level EV grinding spots on it's own.

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On 24/12/2016 at 11:35 AM, Nico Robin said:

what i usually do is just infect my mon with pokerus first

then let it hold the relevant power item (anklet, band, belt, bracer, lens or weight)

usually sp.attk or attk

then quickly grind at the 2 woobat spots in Peridot ward again and again till it maxes out

then i take off the speed EV using EV reducing berries or the EV removing disc sold in the new peridot ward market


this method is the best especially if speed is one of the stats you're maxing out on EV

then you dont even need to remove the speed EV then! :) 

it takes me no more than 10 mins to max my mons EV this way ;) 

hope this helps!



Basically is what Robin said, but if you already have upgraded the railnet, your best bet is the slums (the place that have mankey,panchan,pidoves e makuhitas), get pokerus,put a power item and start beating everthing that move then use EV berrys for the evs that you don't want, this place is good because all pokes have low lv,what is ideal for pokes that just hatched from eggs.

Edited by ~ Guiller ~
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@Fyermind @~ Guiller ~

Thx for your answers! For everyone who searches for EV spots in EP 16, I found these places to be decent:

To be noted: This is based on my personal expierence with the pokerus virus, a pick-up team the "Alt-speed abuse" and EV items.


As what I have found out (After Reborn is rebuild), based on availability and acces to a regeneration point:

Attack & Speed: Bouffolant (2att. EV) or Tauros ( 1 speed, 1 att. EV)


Speed optional: Obsidia ward, right side of the "Sweet kiss" candy shop. Buenary and it's evolve gives some Speed EV's (some other mons apear too, just search there ratings)


Special attack and special defence: Peridot ward at the "Mosswater Market". Dustox gives 3 spec. def. beautifly and butterfly give spec. att.


HP: I found that noctowl is fairly common and u can probably find a spot anywhere, gives 2 HP points. My preferred spot was: Route 3 at evening / night, The way towards Calceon and where we fight team metor, where there is a healing unit as well. Attack and defense points are found there as well (Ursaring gives 2 att, donpan gives 1 att. 1 defense, gligar gives 1 defense)


HP 2: The water treatment facility as @Fyermind suggested. However, it does require surf, waterfall and a super rod and regeneration point is not as easily accesapble. IT's a great spot for sure.



I have yet to find a realy good place The macargo seems good. Alternative perhaps could be the Crustles.


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