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Looking at weather or not things are working right


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So, as many of you may know, a new weather system came packaged with E16. While the community release had some issues with it, we fixed it, so everything should be working well now, right?



...So, as many of you may have noticed, there have been a large number of topics around the forums lately regarding issues with the weather. We thought things were working fine but it looks like the system still needs some adjustments. With this in mind, we really want to ascertain what, if anything, is going wrong, which is where you all come in! I'd really appreciate as many people as possible answering the following questions:


To be clear, these questions ONLY apply to time spent playing the PUBLIC RELEASE of E16. It would be greatly appreciated if you could add any further information, like ingame location and whatnot, to your responses if you can.


Have you experienced windy weather at any point?

Lots of people are reporting being stuck on the same weather for extended periods of time, have you, and if so, which weather?

Does the weather seem to more or less match up with the TV report?

Are you encountering any events that appear to be for weather that is not the weather you are currently experiencing? If yes are you CERTAIN you are playing the public release and not the community release (i.e. 16.2, not 16.1?)

Have you experienced anything else that would lead you to believe the weather system isn't working as intended?


Thanks for your input, we'll do our best to see what issues there are with Weather and try to fix them!

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Haven't really checked the TV report, but I did notice that during rain, the hoppip event would be going on and possibly any other windy event pokemon. My game has usually been going through the weather as it's supposed to. If I notice anything else I'll edit my response

edit: nice pun by the way ;) 

Edited by Okirua
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Well, after update, the constant rain from community release, continued for a couple of days for the public release too.  Within the constant rain, there was the occasional thunderstorm too. Until, one day, the weather became perfectly clear.  And it has remained clear for almost a week now, with not any other changes at all (sunny, windy, etc).


According to how the weather cycle should work, i should have some little variations of weather inbetween, but nope. Full clear weather. Not that i'm complaining.  Dusk does not know what a clear day is.


Also noticed that certain events that require a different weather, were happening while in the constant rain, like the ice cream girl for example. It is like the events recognised a potential change in the weather, while in reality the weather did not change.  And maybe that's the bug, that the weather is programmed to change,  is treated like it has changed for certain events, but it remains the same for the player....

Edited by DemICE
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Woohoo, been waiting for this kind of topic!

I'm past Luna and I haven't experienced windy weather at any point so far.

I'm having rainy weather, it has been like that for a good number of days (cannot tell exactly how many, sorry).

My weather matches the TV forecasts. However said forecasts have been continuously announcing sunny weather after the rain, which never came.

I have not experienced anything weird other than that.


Thank you for listening to the community and doing your best! I hope it's nothing too bad and can be fixed in the near future.

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1. Up until now I still haven't experienced any windy weather, my game save has almost 30 hours of playtime.

2. I've been stuck with Rainy weather for quite some time, although right now I have clear weather (in Reborn City). But in the other regions I still have rain.

3. I haven't checked the forecasts much, but the few times I saw them they seemed to match the weather.

4. As some people said above me, some of the weather related events seem wonky. I also experienced some weird things related to weather events, such as Hoppip showing up on a rainy day and the ice cream truck showing up on a snowy day (in Opal Ward).


Another weather related thing that I noticed is that at least in my save file the weather in Aventurine/Route 1 seems very bizarre. There are some entrances in South Aventurine that changes my weather to rain, while others change it to clear skies. This happens every time I go through these entrances (I can post screenshots as to which entrances I'm referring to if you want).

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  • No windy weather so far for me.
  • Since the release of public E16 (started a new game), I'm stuck in a loop of clear weather, rain and storms.
  • So far I had two different weather reports, one predicting clear weather, followed by rain and storms, the other right now telling me about "gusty" weather and about being ready for rain. If that means there should be wind in between rain and storm, then nothing has shown of that, otherwise rain and storm with clear weather in between shows as intended I guess.
  • Apart from not seeing sun or wind, nothing seems to indicate something not working right, no wind events in the rain like mentioned above, either. Of course, with only two different weather reports I have seen so far, this is difficult to say, so maybe a 5-day cycle of weather is a bit long.
    Edit: Okay, just witnessing the wind events in rain. Maybe the particles showing are screwed up, finally got that Drifloon event sticker.
Edited by Sejiren
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Since updating to 16.2, I have had the same weather the whole time.  I have Rain in the east (wasteland, Iolia valley, east route 1) and clear weather in the west.  I have roughly 300 hours playtime since updating.  Weather based events seem appropriate for the weather I am having 


Remoraid and the start of the squirtle quest went as expected

The TV report just changed for the first time since the update was released to "We'll be Kicking off with light rainstorms all across the city.  Don't fret though, because those storms will soon give way to clear skies and sunny days.  Keep cool and carry on Reborn"

The weather has not changed.

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I have had only rain in areas outside of Reborn City pre-Agate, post-Agate I only have hail. Inside Reborn City I have only had clear weather. These weather conditions have lasted since the beginning of my run (currently at Ametrine). All events have been running as usual per the weather, which means I've been locked out of Windy/Clear weather events in said areas. My TV report has said the same thing for at least 2 weeks, with it beginning in saying that the city will have windy weather followed by rain and then clear/sunny skies, which has not happened.

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6 hours ago, Marcello said:

Have you experienced windy weather at any point?

Lots of people are reporting being stuck on the same weather for extended periods of time, have you, and if so, which weather?

Does the weather seem to more or less match up with the TV report?

Are you encountering any events that appear to be for weather that is not the weather you are currently experiencing? If yes are you CERTAIN you are playing the public release and not the community release (i.e. 16.2, not 16.1?)

Have you experienced anything else that would lead you to believe the weather system isn't working as intended?


1. No windy weather at all

2.Yes on extended weather, and the weather is Rain in the City, Hail outside the city

3. Weather does NOT match up with the TV report

4. No, I can't accurately answer this, however I am 100% certain I'm on the Public Release.

5. The weather report hasn't changed in 2 weeks and the Rain/Hail I'm experiencing has lasted even longer, with small moments of clear weather.

Edited by ShadowDusk
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1-Yes, but during the community release of ep 16, I was stuck at clear weather on reborn, somehow after messing with my clock(or coincidence) the weather changed to windy, after a while went back to clear
2-I am stuck at rainy days in spinel town(which host the clean day sticker)
3-The TV mention cold like ametrine
4-Did not find any events that I shoudn't
5-The TV weather did change,but the actual weather hasn't changed in 2 weeks.

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