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Incense Locations



Call me crazy, but I'm trying to fill up my Pokedex completely, which for me means filling up my PC boxes with one of each mon, in numerical order. I was wondering where I could get all the incense so I could breed baby Pokemon (eg Azumarill + Sea Incense = Azurill), as I've heard that all of them have been made available in E16. If it helps at all, I've already finished the main story content and done a bunch of the sidequests.


Specifically, I'm looking for the Sea Incense, Odd Incense, and Full Incense.



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Hi there, I'm in the same boat as you and have a Marill that I can't breed. You cannot get the Sea Incense at this point in the game actually, so if you want to get Azurill just wait for future episodes.

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In e16 you can get:

- 2 rose incenses (one is next to Laura's house, the other is given to you by a female trainer in Peridot Ward)

- 2 sea incenses (don't remember where I picked them up, but I have had at least one for the longest time, definitely before Apophyll)

- 1 full incense (from the Spyce)

- 1 rock incense

- 1 odd incense

- 1 wave incense

- 1 pure incense (I think from Apophyll)

- 1 lax incense (almost 100% sure this one comes from the Wasteland)


Source: all of them are in my bag and were picked up in that order.



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42 minutes ago, BIGJRA said:



Seemingly recently added, it's in a warehouse in Coral.

You mean before the city is fixed up? Bc when I checked there's only two warehouses, the one with the Spoink and the one where a bunch of people are standing around the entrance. Or do I have to wait for a certain day/weather where they'll go away?

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1 hour ago, huangover said:

You mean before the city is fixed up? Bc when I checked there's only two warehouses, the one with the Spoink and the one where a bunch of people are standing around the entrance. Or do I have to wait for a certain day/weather where they'll go away?

Yep, it's only in the old city. If you really want I can trade it to you - I'm in a fighting mono and don't need it.

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I'm actually doing the same as you, but I'm only missing the Wave and Odd Incenses. The Rock Incense can be found in the cave above Beryl Cemetary. Unfortunately I read in another topic that the Odd Incense is found in a room within the locked orphanage up in Lapis Ward, meaning you can only access it during the quest. Really sucks for anyone that's already passed the point of no return for that. :/

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11 hours ago, zaqrwe said:

So, anybody can give me a hint where Wave Incesne is? I searched Apophyl Beach and still got no clue

When you get to the beach go west and just follow the path. It is only available if you are there before city restore and if you've started a new save file because it replaced a random item.

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