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I need help and advice


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I am playing through this game blind


My team is:


Samurott M (Kaiyo) Lv52

NAIVE nature (+Speed -Sp. Def)

Ability: Torrent (Will change to Shell armor if I can find the right item)

Moves: Aqua Tail, Slash, Aqua Jet, Focus Energy (Would like a high power physical water attack that does not miss as often)


Pachirisu F (Yoro) Lv51

TIMID nature (+Speed -Attack)

Ability: Volt Absorb (Changed form pickup)

Moves: Discharge, Super Fang, Nuzzle, Sweet Kiss (Love the support Nuzzle, sweet kiss, and super fang give, I would like to have something stronger like thunderbolt to replace Discharge)


Meowstic F (Trama) Lv52

NAIVE nature (+Speed -Sp. Def)

Ability: Competitive (Changed form keen eye)

Moves: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Light Screen (Love this move set, might replace light screen or signal beam if I find something I like)


Roserade M (Vetch) Lv55

MILD nature (+Sp. Atk -Defense)

Ability: Poison Point (Will change to natural cure when I find the right item)

Moves: Giga Drain, Hidden Power, Petal Dance, Leech Seed (I do not know what type hidden power is, but it is neutral to grass/steel pokemon. I would like a poison attack to replace petal dance)


Ursaring M (Hageshi) Lv53

QUIRKY nature (+Sp. Def -Sp. Def or neutral)

Ability: Quick Feet (I don't have an opinion on changing it)

Moves: Strength, Shadow Claw, Slash, Rock Smash (I want a better fighting attack to replace rock smash, and a non-normal attack to replace slash)


Arcanine F (Amber) Lv52

HASTY nature (+Speed -Defense)

Ability: Intimidate (Changed from flash fire)

Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Crunch, Outrage (I would like to trade flare blitz for flamethrower because recoil is Amber's biggest weakness and there is a 1 point difference between Attack 126 and Sp. Atk 125)


If Waterfall is in this game then I'll probably use that to replace Kaiyo's aqua tail, if not then I'll leave it. I might replace his slash or aqua jet if I find something I like.


My biggest complaint is Yoro's damage output. Discharge does not do much damage and hurts my ally in a double battle, and it has made training a hassle. I am considering a replacement, but I like the support attacks. I would like suggestions for a possible replacement. I do not like overlapping types, so no water, psychic, grass, poison, fire, or normal types please. The biggest reason I've kept her until now was because nuzzle (or any paralyzing attack on a fast pokemon) is amazing, and super fang helps break walls and those high leveled single pokemon bosses.


I love Trama's moves. She is probably my best team member.


I was disapointed when I learned Vetch didn't learn any poison attacks by level up and clouldn't use the sludge wave TM I have, I would like to know where I can get sludge bomb or where someone who can identify his hidden power is.


Hageshi's move set could use some improving, I would like to replace rock smash with brick break, but any strong physical fighting attack will do. I am also open to suggestions for what (and where if it is a TM or TMX) to replace Slash with.


Another big problem is Amber's Recoil issue. She knew flamethrower as a growlithe, but I forgot it for flare blitz. I know it will be a while before I get the flamethrower TM, so is there a move tutor that can teach Amber Flamethrower again?


I am on route 1 outside of the South Aventurine Woods (Grinding to level 55 for for the Fern fight)

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Waterfall isn't for a while i'm afraid. Brick break will be coming in three or so gyms. Yes, in the onyx ward,there is the move tutor, but idk if you can relearn flamethrower as an Arcanine. At this point in the game, i wouldn't use Pachu. I see that its a nice utility, but in these parts of the game, you'll wanna start using more sturdy or more hard hitting mons. Have you tried Tynamo or Magnezone? Those worked for me in my run, especially magnezone who is my favorite pokemon in reborn so far. Elektross is nice for a mixed amount of damage. As for ursaring, go to the move tutor and get Hammer arm for some nice physical damage. The electric recommendations are slow tho. So be careful with that, but they are very useful in attacking and defending.  I also see that you arent very bulky on any mons.  You wanna get some pokemon that can take a hit, since all your pokemon are minus some defense. Magnezone one again with sturdy can take a hit and counterattack with a flash cannon or discharge. Go change your natures to some minus whatever attacking stat you arent using for trauma, Ursaring, Roserade, and Samurott.  Also consider changing out trauma for a gardevoir, which will do much better on your team with almost every stat being above Trauma's.

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I agree with the post above, Pachirisu is really weak at this point in the game, you should consider dropping it for a stronger electric type like Magnezone or Ampharos. Magnezone has access to thunder wave, and when you combine it with Sturdy it means you have a guaranteed paralyze in any pokemon that gives your team trouble (or the OP pokemon like the PULSEs).


On that note, your team seems to lack a lot of STAB coverage, considering every single one of them can only use one STAB type (since Roserade/Roselia don't learn any poison attacks). I'd suggest replacing Ursaring for something that can add a bit more coverage to your team like a Scrafty. Fighting/Dark STAB would really help round out the coverage in your team allowing you to hit ghosts, dark, psychic, normal, etc which are typings your team seems to struggle with offensively. If you want to I'd recommend giving it some egg moves, especially dragon dance and maybe one of the elemental pucnhes. With DDance, Scrafty becomes a fearsome sweeper that can tear through teams.


Another good dark type option is Krook, it really put in a lot of work in my mono ground playthrough. If you can get its Moxie going, it can easily sweep entire teams.



Forgot to say that the Sludge Bomb TM is still unavailable, so sadly you won't be able to teach Vetch any poison type attacks.

Edited by Farnsworth
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I agree with most of what has been said and recommend you to check the item guide at the "On The Hunt" section of the forums. There you can see what TMs and Tutors are available (Don't get your hopes up, though; since most of the good ones aren't)


Regarding Arcanine, you seem to be running a more physical set.. I would stick to flare blitz, change his nature to adamant and EV train him when you can.. 


Finally, please try not to use the nicknames of your pokemon when asking for advice; I know you mentioned them at the beginning, but people shouldn't need to memorize the names in order to keep up with the rest of your post.



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