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Spinel Town Sticker



I've recently begun doing a Psychic monotype run, so I'm trying to get all the stickers so I can access the nice things in the Obsidia Dept Store.  I know that in Spinel Town, there's supposed to be a lady who gets teleported and lands in the forest, and then you have to get medicine to help her. I also know that she'll only show up on a clear day (it's been raining in my game for more than a week... 8 DAYS? SERIOUSLY?! Is that normal???). I haven't defeated the PULSE Abra yet because I'm afraid that doing so will be the point of no return. So, will finishing off Team Meteor at Tanzan Mountain permanently lock the sidequest? Thanks!

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I am in a similar situation to you, where I am locked out of that sidequest due to weather, but to my knowledge and experiences, you can still do the sidequest after defeating pulse Abra as long as the weather is clear. You're problem will probably be like mine in where the weather just won't change (mine has been raining there for about 3 weeks now), and it may be that we will have to wait for a possible weather fix.

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As Swampellow said, the quest is still accessible after defeating the PULSE Abra. If you are having trouble with the weather I suggest that you change to episode 15, since in that episode you can still manipulate the weather by changing the dates on your computer.

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