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[Season 2] Redemption League Rate-My-Team


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20 minutes ago, Mr. Penglog said:


Aqua tail is good coverage move for your scolipede but if you want a guaranteed speed boost pass on it, try adding protect rather than solely relying on your focus sash. You could also transform it into a full support role by also having substitute so you could pass it into your other mons (I think that requires you to transfer 252 EVs of your attack to hp). Other than that, I think you have a good semi offensive scolipede if you stick to your original build. Hope I helped :)

My thinking was that after a single boost, scolipede outspeeds almost any unboosted mon, and no longer needs to fear a talonflame bravebird with gen 7 mechanics because it would outspeed and ohko on the second turn with aqua tail after sash. so the only things that can stop it are things that pack priority and can 2HKO, or scarfed mons that can outspeed it at +1 and 2HKO, both of which need to be the lead mon so that should be moderately uncommon?. protect would be good for just passing speed, but because I want to pass attack too it seems less useful unless I feel it necessary to pass +2 speed. If I don't lead with scolipede, I'd need to make sure that hazards were gone (which is why I needed a spinner in the 6th slot) and give it a free switch off a faint or a volt switch against a faster mon. sash should be fairly reliable in these situations right?

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On 1/9/2017 at 4:50 PM, DreamblitzX said:

My thinking was that after a single boost, scolipede outspeeds almost any unboosted mon, and no longer needs to fear a talonflame bravebird with gen 7 mechanics because it would outspeed and ohko on the second turn with aqua tail after sash. so the only things that can stop it are things that pack priority and can 2HKO, or scarfed mons that can outspeed it at +1 and 2HKO, both of which need to be the lead mon so that should be moderately uncommon?. protect would be good for just passing speed, but because I want to pass attack too it seems less useful unless I feel it necessary to pass +2 speed. If I don't lead with scolipede, I'd need to make sure that hazards were gone (which is why I needed a spinner in the 6th slot) and give it a free switch off a faint or a volt switch against a faster mon. sash should be fairly reliable in these situations right?


This surely depends on what you feel you need on your team. The thing is a focus sash scolipede with no protect can only guarantee you a one time +1 speed boost pass on a teammate. It cannot guarantee you a second or a third time since scolipede is fragile. That build is alright if you're planning to use your scolipede more offensively (meaning, using its own boosts to attack) rather than being a support (passing it to others). Sash is really reliable if you're sticking with the offensive scolipede. But just to give you options, A common full support scolipede has leftovers so entry hazards are not that big of a threat compared to an offensive build since it can just regenerate health while using protect.

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3 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:

Scolipede @ Focus Sash  
Ability: Speed Boost  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Swords Dance  
- Baton Pass  
- Poison Jab  
- Aqua Tail  


The gimmick here is scolipede passing a dance and a speed boost to one of several potential physical sweepers, or attacking himself depending on the opponent. all tips appreciated as I dunno what I'm doing.


baton passing speed AND another stat at the same time is not allowed by the rules, just asked @Xiri on server. for some reason it isnt included yet in the laws of the league, tho.

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On 1/9/2017 at 7:03 PM, Kiteruguma said:


baton passing speed AND another stat at the same time is not allowed by the rules, just asked @Xiri on server. for some reason it isnt included yet in the laws of the league, tho.


Better stick to that offensive scolipede instead @DreamblitzX. Full support build got axed. Thanks for the info @Kiteruguma.

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6 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:

OK, I have no competitive battling experience but I thought trying this out might be fun so I picked some things from my reborn team that worked decently together then tried to shore up some holes with the rest.


Gallade @ Galladite  
Ability: Justified  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Zen Headbutt  
- Drain Punch  
- Knock Off  
- Swords Dance  


Bisharp @ Lum Berry  
Ability: Defiant  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Sucker Punch  
- Knock Off  
- Iron Head  
- Low Kick  


Scolipede @ Focus Sash  
Ability: Speed Boost  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Swords Dance  
- Baton Pass  
- Poison Jab  
- Aqua Tail  


Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe  
Calm Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Volt Switch  
- Hydro Pump  
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Pain Split  


Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet  
Ability: Rough Skin  
EVs: 240 HP / 176 Def / 92 Spe  
Impish Nature  
- Stealth Rock  
- Earthquake  
- Dragon Tail  
- Fire Blast  


Starmie @ Leftovers  
Ability: Natural Cure  
EVs: 240 HP / 16 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature 
- Rapid Spin  
- Scald  
- Recover  
- Psyshock  


The gimmick here is scolipede passing a dance and a speed boost to one of several potential physical sweepers, or attacking himself depending on the opponent. all tips appreciated as I dunno what I'm doing.



Your team is truly great . Tried to came up a few flaws, but couldnt find anything remarkable :P Goodjob making this team


Anyways here's my thoughts about this team. 


1) First of all, your team is highly relied on physical offense; gallade,bisharp,scolipede and garchomp may have hard time towards some physical walls with whirlwind/roar, some are skarmory, hippowdon,gliscor. List goes on but you get the point. No chance to set up, no chance to one hit ko, all walls has a decent recovery move. (Also, garchomp can barely check steel types with fire blast, ferro survives a hit.)


My suggestion here would be adding one special sweeper, pokemons like charizard Y, alakazam ,chandelure etc. This would also increase your coverage.


2) Aqua tail on scolipede is pointless, it only has 100 base attack which means it will have 299 attack stat. You cant deal a significant damage to any fire/rock/ground type pokemon with this sort of damage, you may consider replacing it with protect. Protect gives you a guaranteed +1 speed, that may follow up sash and a possible +2 speed pass on a pokemon. At this point pokemons like bisharp and gallade may do a decent work. 


(Also, if your intention is speedpassing with scolipede, you may also reconsider removing positive speed natures from your sweepers. Even bisharp with base 70 speed will have 478 speed at +2 calculation, this is an overkill. (With positive nature, it is 524). At 478, not every pokemon is able to outspeed you anyways.


3)Starmie doesnt have decent bulk to utilize HP ev's, you may go timid instead perhaps with life orb? It would serve as a great offensive pokemon along with rapid spin and recovery move.

( Also, dont forget to change attack IV's to 0. Rapid spin damage wont ever matter for you, its 20 bp.)



On another note, your team has been built with a common sense where a pokemon covers another one's weakness. But considering your team is based on offense, you may have hard time playing around the pokemons ( I mean switching ), because in hyper offense teams, switch ins mostly means sacrificing, you will mostly lose your pokemons like this. ( As if players can predict that your defensive pokemon is garchomp, and your spdef pokemon is rotomw) So you may consider having some momentum in your team. ( By momentum, I mean moves U turn and volt switch, dealing damage before switching, occasionally avoiding pursuit damage, occasionally avoiding your opponents correct switch prediction. Because pokemon switches has top priority over moves, and volt turn has 0 priority. If your opponent is faster than you, this may be in your favor)


My honest opinion on this would be replacing bisharp with a band/leftovers/lifeorb scizor. Scizor has a godlike typing that is only weak to fire, has technician to boost its priority and several great moves, access to u turn,defog,roost and swords dance, has a goodly hp/atk/def stats and has nearly same speed as bisharp. In those cases scizor is far more benefical than bisharp, but still its up to you. ( You can also ask it around, many people will choose scizor over bisharp)

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OK, so if Swords Dance passing is off the table, I can drop that off scolipede in favor of protect for more usability if I want to do a second pass when he's on low HP. Swap Aqua Tail for Megahorn and go Adamant with Life Orb so scolipede can function as a decent physical attacker without dance.


Switched starmie to the offensive smogon set with boltbeam and analytic with life orb for good damage on switches, HP EVs moved to SP.Atk.


Swapped fire blast for rock slide as that should be better in doubles and if I decide to switch to a more offensive garchomp spread part way though.


Bisharp can be swapped for a special sweeper, as scolipede is no longer passing attack boosts so a special can benefit from the speed too. How about a special attack Aegislash? shield form lets it receive a pass well and it should hit very hard even without an offensive boost and it helps against fairies which I seemed to be a tad weak to before.


Aegislash @ Weakness Policy  
Ability: Stance Change  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Naive Nature  
- Shadow Ball  
- Flash Cannon  
- Sacred Sword  
- King's Shield


Went with Naive as positive speed nature should help it outspeed a bunch more things at +1 but I don't want to weaken sacred sword with timid, and it's probably more likely to get switched into physical as gallade can switch into special rather well.


also decided to keep jolly on gallade so It can function better without a speed pass.


I'll sleep on scizor some more, it's definitely tempting.

Edited by DreamblitzX
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9 minutes ago, DreamblitzX said:

OK, so if Swords Dance passing is off the table, I can drop that off scolipede in favor of protect for more usability if I want to do a second pass when he's on low HP. Swap Aqua Tail for Megahorn and go Adamant with Life Orb so scolipede can function as a decent physical attacker without dance.


Switched starmie to the offensive smogon set with boltbeam and analytic with life orb for good damage on switches, HP EVs moved to SP.Atk.


Swapped fire blast for rock slide as that should be better in doubles and if I decide to switch to a more offensive garchomp spread part way though.


Bisharp can be swapped for a special sweeper, as scolipede is no longer passing attack boosts so a special can benefit from the speed too. How about a special attack Aegislash? shield form lets it receive a pass well and it should hit very hard even without an offensive boost and it helps against fairies which I seemed to be a tad weak to before.


Aegislash @ Weakness Policy  
Ability: Stance Change  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Naive Nature  
- Shadow Ball  
- Flash Cannon  
- Sacred Sword  
- King's Shield


Went with Naive as positive speed nature should help it outspeed a bunch more things at +1 but I don't want to weaken sacred sword with timid, and it's probably more likely to get switched into physical as gallade can switch into special rather well.


also decided to keep jolly on gallade so It can function better without a speed pass.


I'll sleep on scizor some more, it's definitely tempting.


Aegislash really doesn't need any Speed invest unless you NEED it to outspeed certain things. That invest is probably better placed in Attack or HP.

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1 hour ago, Bazaro said:


Aegislash really doesn't need any Speed invest unless you NEED it to outspeed certain things. That invest is probably better placed in Attack or HP.


My thinking was that with the speed investment, a +1 boost (what can be commonly passed) allows it to outrun unboosted things up to base 125 with neutral natures like greninja, alakazam and weavile, and base 110s with speed boosting natures like gengar. obviously many of these threats are type-dependant so I guess I can change the spread round based on the battle and what I'm likely to see.

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Still need some advices with my team before i sign up, thoughts?


- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Earthquake
- Bullet Punch

- Flamethrower
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled/Moonlight
- Moonblast

- Dark Pulse
- Heat Wave
- Flash Cannon
- Draco Meteor

- Earthquake
- Roar
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock/Ice Fang

- Scald
- Psyshock/Dazzling Gleam/Thunderbolt
- Recover
-Rapid Spin/Filler

- Nasty Plot
- Heat Wave
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot

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12 hours ago, AndSoThereIsSt3ffo said:

Still need some advices with my team before i sign up, thoughts?



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- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Earthquake
- Bullet Punch

- Flamethrower
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled/Moonlight
- Moonblast

- Dark Pulse
- Heat Wave
- Flash Cannon
- Draco Meteor

- Earthquake
- Roar
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock/Ice Fang

- Scald
- Psyshock/Dazzling Gleam/Thunderbolt
- Recover
-Rapid Spin/Filler

- Nasty Plot
- Heat Wave
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot




Your team is solid enough. Just dont get why you run flamethrower when you have 2 heatwave users in your team. 2 pokemons is enough for 1 type coverage. For clefable, I would suggest the move "Follow me" if you trust your strategies enough, clefable would be a great bait pokemon with it. Another cool idea is healbell on clefable.


Other than that, be careful when you pick clefable's recovery move. Due to softboiled being a gen1 move, its not accesible in other generations, it will not work with unaware.


Clefable's recovery/ability situations.


1) If ability is unaware

Can use wish and moonlight


2) If ability is Magic guard

Can use all 3 recovery moves .


But in gen7, softboiled clefables are not transferred to the game yet, so softboiled is banned in both cases.



Other than that, I feel like you may need a ice type move for extra coverage, your team lacks a great potential versus flying / dragon types. I see that hydreigon exists, but it wont be able to do much after a draco meteor, this may lead to a potential set up by some pokemons with speed boost moves or offensive powers or may even end up with a revenge kill. My suggestion on this would be removal of rapid spin from starmie and adding icebeam in that slot.


Reasoning : As for stealth rocks, no pokemon takes higher damage than 12.5%. As for spikes, you shouldnt really let your opponent set up 3 layers of spikes. If there arent 3 layers of spikes in field, u wont have any worry ( You may also consider this as a turnloss that you may get freekill over your enemies pokemons. As for toxic spikes, metagross is immune,hydreigon is immune, probably clefable will be immune with magic guard and doesnt matter on starmie/infernape being paper sweepers anyways.(What I mean is they will probably get oneshotted or something, even if you switch, toxic damage will reset, so no downsides on this). Only pokemon that would get affected is hippowdon, but thats not a big downside.

Edited by Cyczer
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On 10/1/2017 at 8:09 PM, Cyczer said:


Your team is solid enough. Just dont get why you run flamethrower when you have 2 heatwave users in your team. 2 pokemons is enough for 1 type coverage. For clefable, I would suggest the move "Follow me" if you trust your strategies enough, clefable would be a great bait pokemon with it. Another cool idea is healbell on clefable.


Other than that, be careful when you pick clefable's recovery move. Due to softboiled being a gen1 move, its not accesible in other generations, it will not work with unaware.


Clefable's recovery/ability situations.


1) If ability is unaware

Can use wish and moonlight


2) If ability is Magic guard

Can use all 3 recovery moves .


But in gen7, softboiled clefables are not transferred to the game yet, so softboiled is banned in both cases.



Other than that, I feel like you may need a ice type move for extra coverage, your team lacks a great potential versus flying / dragon types. I see that hydreigon exists, but it wont be able to do much after a draco meteor, this may lead to a potential set up by some pokemons with speed boost moves or offensive powers or may even end up with a revenge kill. My suggestion on this would be removal of rapid spin from starmie and adding icebeam in that slot.


Reasoning : As for spikes, no pokemon takes higher damage than 12.5%. As for spikes, you shouldnt really let your opponent set up 3 layers of spikes. If there arent 3 layers of spikes in field, u wont have any worry ( You may also consider this as a turnloss that you may get freekill over your enemies pokemons. As for toxic spikes, metagross is immune,hydreigon is immune, probably clefable will be immune with magic guard and doesnt matter on starmie/infernape being paper sweepers anyways.(What I mean is they will probably get oneshotted or something, even if you switch, toxic damage will reset, so no downsides on this). Only pokemon that would get affected is hippowdon, but thats not a big downside.

RIP i forgot about Soft-Boiled being currently banned in gen7 on Clef, and Moonlight in Sand heals just a tiny 25% wich is terrible so the only option left is Wish. I agree on changing one move on Clef and Follow Me would be good for Doubles/Triples so the final set for Clef would be:


- Thunder Wave

- Moonblast

- Wish

- Follow Me

Idk about that single attacking move but it can work as a Wish-Passer

The hazards that pisses me off tbh are SRs. My team isn't really weak to them but Clef is my only hope in terms of recovery (bar Starmie) and in a long match hazards can be a pain to deal with if Clef is done, but i suppose Ice Beam can work on Starmie with a LO/Expert Belt set so i'm putting it > Rapid Spin.

Ice Fang is also confirmed to be Hippowdon's last team, coverage is always a good thing.

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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3 hours ago, Cyczer said:

But in gen7, softboiled clefables are not transferred to the game yet, so softboiled is banned in both cases.


[23:23:56] Kitеrugumа: baz
[23:23:58] Kitеrugumа: quick question
[23:24:14] Kitеrugumа: softboiled clef allowed in redemption
[23:24:16] Kitеrugumа: yes/no
[23:24:30] +Bazаr🌀: yes, but it cannot be used with Magic Guard
[23:24:34] Kitеrugumа: aight
[23:24:42] +Bazаr🌀: er... Unaware I meant


this is because softboiled clef is currently not in gen VII, but as stated in the laws of the league currently unavailable content from gen VII is also allowed.



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On 1/8/2017 at 7:55 PM, Drymus said:

I decided to go back to the drawing board, this time taking a shot at a Fairy/Dragon/Steel core.



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Steve Jobs (Metagross)  
Ability: Clear Body  
Shiny: Yes  
- Meteor Mash  
- Ice Punch  
- Zen Headbutt  
- Earthquake  

Jaws (Garchomp)  
Ability: Rough Skin  
- Stealth Rock  
- Earthquake  
- Rock Slide  
- Dragon Claw  

Morticia Adams (Gardevoir)  
Ability: Trace  
Shiny: Yes  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Psyshock  
- Protect
- Focus Blast  

Old Father Williams (Hitmontop) (M)  
Ability: Intimidate  
- Close Combat  
- Rapid Spin  
- Wide Guard  
- Rock Slide  

Winston Churchill (Whimsicott)  
Ability: Prankster  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Switcheroo  
- Giga Drain  
- Tailwind  
- Dazzling Gleam  

Thomas Edison (Rotom-Heat)  
Ability: Levitate  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Overheat  
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Thunderbolt  
- Foul Play  




It has 2 special attackers, 2 physical attackers, and 2 supporters.


Also, two options for mega evolution. (Let's face it, Garchomp is a terrible choice for the mega slot)


Reposting due to lack of response.


I'm considering trying to find room for HP Fire on Gardevoir, Gyro Ball/Bullet Punch on Hitmontop, and/or Poison Jab on Garchomp.


Any feedback would be appreciated.

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13 minutes ago, Drymus said:


Reposting due to lack of response.


I'm considering trying to find room for HP Fire on Gardevoir, Gyro Ball/Bullet Punch on Hitmontop, and/or Poison Jab on Garchomp.


Any feedback would be appreciated.


Sorry for late reply friend! I seem to not notice your post.


Anyways here's my feedback. I checked your coverage and u seem to have lack of dark and ghost coverage. I can see clearly you have hitmontop in your team, but well, a sableye would shut it down with a willowisp, and u'd lose all your chance of defeating a dark team. Skilled players that doesnt utilize smogon builds always runs bold sableye with 252+def/252 hp, that makes a hell of a physical wall that may shutdown all your physical attackers, as for fairy moves, bisharp shuts them down. With this sort of team, you will have a very hard game of predictions versus dark leader. Also note that no dark type pokemon gets wide guard, so probably dark leader will use singles battle.


As for ghosts, You dont seem to have much to hit them, I dont count foul play because thats not going to hurt most of them. When you consider it, it may even lead to a problem, where you hit an aegislash with foulplay when its at defensive stance and activate its weakness policy, then end up getting sweeped. (Chance of killing something with foulplay is really hard, considering you already got willowisp in your team to cripple physical attackers. Also, dont expect to make hard hits to psychic pokemons with it, as if most of them are spatk oriented. Again, you may end up giving gallade a free boost from justified.)


Because of that, I will suggest a basic change on rotom's moveset.


- Change thunderbolt with discharge. 

Reasoning: Well, it hits 2 mons, para chance is 30%, and bp is just slightly lower than thunderbolt. Can be properly used with garchomp + hitmontop.


- Change foulplay with voltswitch/painsplit.

Reasoning : Your team lacks switchers in general, this may lead to a couple of turn losses if your opponent is using those moves, you shouldnt give your enemy the advantage of switching.

As for painsplit, it may be used as a recovery move to cripple your opponent at the same time. Considering rotom has 50 hp, this may deal great damages versus some walls, like the annoying chansey,audino,clefable etc.




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11 hours ago, Cyczer said:


Sorry for late reply friend! I seem to not notice your post.


Anyways here's my feedback. I checked your coverage and u seem to have lack of dark and ghost coverage. I can see clearly you have hitmontop in your team, but well, a sableye would shut it down with a willowisp, and u'd lose all your chance of defeating a dark team. Skilled players that doesnt utilize smogon builds always runs bold sableye with 252+def/252 hp, that makes a hell of a physical wall that may shutdown all your physical attackers, as for fairy moves, bisharp shuts them down. With this sort of team, you will have a very hard game of predictions versus dark leader. Also note that no dark type pokemon gets wide guard, so probably dark leader will use singles battle.


As for ghosts, You dont seem to have much to hit them, I dont count foul play because thats not going to hurt most of them. When you consider it, it may even lead to a problem, where you hit an aegislash with foulplay when its at defensive stance and activate its weakness policy, then end up getting sweeped. (Chance of killing something with foulplay is really hard, considering you already got willowisp in your team to cripple physical attackers. Also, dont expect to make hard hits to psychic pokemons with it, as if most of them are spatk oriented. Again, you may end up giving gallade a free boost from justified.)


Because of that, I will suggest a basic change on rotom's moveset.


- Change thunderbolt with discharge. 

Reasoning: Well, it hits 2 mons, para chance is 30%, and bp is just slightly lower than thunderbolt. Can be properly used with garchomp + hitmontop.


- Change foulplay with voltswitch/painsplit.

Reasoning : Your team lacks switchers in general, this may lead to a couple of turn losses if your opponent is using those moves, you shouldnt give your enemy the advantage of switching.

As for painsplit, it may be used as a recovery move to cripple your opponent at the same time. Considering rotom has 50 hp, this may deal great damages versus some walls, like the annoying chansey,audino,clefable etc.





Thanks for the response!


The Protect slot on Gardevoir was originally Shadow Ball, and was swapped out for doubles utility as well as minor Sucker Punch evasion. However, looking back at the team, it may be better to put it back.


You make a good point for Foul Play as well. I'm slightly cautious about Discharge, partially because I tend to have bad luck with paralyze rolls.

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I pushed my thoughts about a team a bit further since, and I think I came up with a good result. I'm still sharing it for more advices, just in case.



- Meteor Mash  
- Zen Headbutt  
- Earthquake  
- Ice Punch  


- Knock Off  
- Roost  
- Toxic  
- Defog  


Ability: Levitate  
- Hydro Pump  
- Discharge 
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Trick  


- Stealth Rock  
- Earthquake  
- Dragon Claw  
- Swords Dance  


- Nasty Plot  
- Sludge Wave  
- Fire Blast  
- Hidden Power [Grass]  


- Hyper Voice  
- Heal Bell  
- Wish  
- Protect  


A nice balanced team, which I like particularly. This duo of (primarly) supporting Pokemon back up my sweepers nicely. Somehow, I miss a Paralyze inducer, for tripling the statusing. 


I'm hesitating between volt switch and discharge on rotom, though, maybe I need momentum.


As usual, I'll thank you for any advice you could give about that.

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On 1/12/2017 at 5:03 AM, Shinyrio said:

I pushed my thoughts about a team a bit further since, and I think I came up with a good result. I'm still sharing it for more advices, just in case.


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- Meteor Mash  
- Zen Headbutt  
- Earthquake  
- Ice Punch  


- Knock Off  
- Roost  
- Toxic  
- Defog  


Ability: Levitate  
- Hydro Pump  
- Discharge 
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Trick  


- Stealth Rock  
- Earthquake  
- Dragon Claw  
- Swords Dance  


- Nasty Plot  
- Sludge Wave  
- Fire Blast  
- Hidden Power [Grass]  


- Hyper Voice  
- Heal Bell  
- Wish  
- Protect  


A nice balanced team, which I like particularly. This duo of (primarly) supporting Pokemon back up my sweepers nicely. Somehow, I miss a Paralyze inducer, for tripling the statusing. 


I'm hesitating between volt switch and discharge on rotom, though, maybe I need momentum.


As usual, I'll thank you for any advice you could give about that.


For me, I would pick volt switch over discharge for a few reasons. To get advantage during pokemon switches and to not harm your team mates during double battles. You would have to switch your team mate to either garchomp or sylveon to safely use discharge. Both moves have a slight difference in power but the utility that volt switch gives is much more important on setting up strategies. And also 30% chance of paralysis on discharge is not a sure shot so you need a bit of luck if you're relying on it. Other than that, you've made a pretty great team. Just be careful on double battles because your salazzle has two of its move that could endanger most of it's team mates so pick it's partner carefully.

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9 hours ago, Shinyrio said:

I pushed my thoughts about a team a bit further since, and I think I came up with a good result. I'm still sharing it for more advices, just in case.


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- Meteor Mash  
- Zen Headbutt  
- Earthquake  
- Ice Punch  


- Knock Off  
- Roost  
- Toxic  
- Defog  


Ability: Levitate  
- Hydro Pump  
- Discharge 
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Trick  


- Stealth Rock  
- Earthquake  
- Dragon Claw  
- Swords Dance  


- Nasty Plot  
- Sludge Wave  
- Fire Blast  
- Hidden Power [Grass]  


- Hyper Voice  
- Heal Bell  
- Wish  
- Protect  


A nice balanced team, which I like particularly. This duo of (primarly) supporting Pokemon back up my sweepers nicely. Somehow, I miss a Paralyze inducer, for tripling the statusing. 


I'm hesitating between volt switch and discharge on rotom, though, maybe I need momentum.


As usual, I'll thank you for any advice you could give about that.


Damn, so many metagross users in the league. Goodluck to leaders :v


It seems like the only type your team cant cover up is normal types. When someone says normal type, first thing you should think is stall (Cuz chansey/porygon2/cancerous ditto)

My suggestion would be adding at least 1 fighting type move.(Or pokemon, u can replace the coverage)


Other than that, mandibuzz is quite passive versus pokemons like mega scizor, mega metagross that can set up freely with this moveset. (Some metagross that runs agility will outspeed your salazzle, metagross just wins the game after salazzle is down.) I'D say you need foul play in your team 100%.


As for rotom, discharge is a quite risky move, only good use of it would be with garchomp, they make a solid duo in doubles. One is immune to ground, other is immune to electric. But once one of them is down, you probably shouldnt use discharge ever, and garchomp wont last long for sure. You should replace with volt switch perhaps, you would get the momentum you need.



Other than the coverage issues, your team seems quite weak in double teams, I'd suggest you to get a wide guard user. ( I also suggested a fighting type pokemon, maybe hitmontop will work w/ intimidate ) 



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Hey my friend kind of introduced me to this site/community and I was hoping I could get some feedback on the team he and I made.




Soulflare (Charizard-Mega-Y) (F) @ Charizardite Y  
Ability: Blaze  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Heat Wave  
- Solar Beam  
- Overheat  
- Protect 


Marcy (Aegislash) (F) @ Weakness Policy  
Ability: Stance Change  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Quiet Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe  
- Flash Cannon  
- Shadow Ball  
- Wide Guard  
- King's Shield  


Myst (Decidueye) (M) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Long Reach  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD  
Impish Nature  
- Roost  
- U-turn  
- Spirit Shackle  
- Defog  


FLUFFY  (Bewear) (M) @ Choice Band  
Ability: Fluffy  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Hammer Arm  
- Return  
- Ice Punch  
- Earthquake  


Cain (Primarina) (M) @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Liquid Voice  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 136 HP / 252 SpA / 120 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Hyper Voice  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Ice Beam  
- Psychic  


Sazandora (Hydreigon) (M) @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Dragon Pulse  
- Dark Pulse  
- Heat Wave  
- U-turn  


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2 hours ago, Drakonia101 said:

Hey my friend kind of introduced me to this site/community and I was hoping I could get some feedback on the team he and I made.


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- Heat Wave  
- Solar Beam  
- Overheat  
- Protect 

- Flash Cannon  
- Shadow Ball  
- Wide Guard  
- King's Shield  


- Roost  
- U-turn  
- Spirit Shackle  
- Defog  


Adamant Nature  
- Hammer Arm  
- Return  
- Ice Punch  
- Earthquake  


- Hyper Voice  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Ice Beam  
- Psychic  


- Dragon Pulse  
- Dark Pulse  
- Heat Wave  
- U-turn  



Overheat seems kinda redundant on Charizard with Heat Wave, maybe a coverage option like Focus Blast or Air Slash? Dragon Claw or Earthquake could also work if you wanted to use Xzard instead of Yzard for a certain battle. Overall looks pretty solid.

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10 hours ago, Drakonia101 said:

Hey my friend kind of introduced me to this site/community and I was hoping I could get some feedback on the team he and I made.



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Soulflare (Charizard-Mega-Y) (F) @ Charizardite Y  
Ability: Blaze  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Heat Wave  
- Solar Beam  
- Overheat  
- Protect 


Marcy (Aegislash) (F) @ Weakness Policy  
Ability: Stance Change  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Quiet Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe  
- Flash Cannon  
- Shadow Ball  
- Wide Guard  
- King's Shield  


Myst (Decidueye) (M) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Long Reach  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD  
Impish Nature  
- Roost  
- U-turn  
- Spirit Shackle  
- Defog  


FLUFFY  (Bewear) (M) @ Choice Band  
Ability: Fluffy  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Hammer Arm  
- Return  
- Ice Punch  
- Earthquake  


Cain (Primarina) (M) @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Liquid Voice  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 136 HP / 252 SpA / 120 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Hyper Voice  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Ice Beam  
- Psychic  


Sazandora (Hydreigon) (M) @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Dragon Pulse  
- Dark Pulse  
- Heat Wave  
- U-turn  



Nice team overall. 


For charizard Y, you already got a heatwave, which will be effective in singles aswell, I would really recommend another coverage move with it. Moves like air slash,focus blast and dragonpulse perhaps.


For primarina, it has a base 60 speed, with 120 speed EV, you will have a speed stat of 186. Without speed ev, you will have 156. "Unless" you are trying to outspeed certain stuff, I wouldnt really recommend you to use speed EV's on this, would have a better use in hp.


Bewear's band gets shutted by ghost types with levitate, this is a 1 big problem for you. (Not really a big problem since we got 5 pokemon that fits to this). But mainly a defensive ghost pokemon will probably willowisp it.


Other than that your team is decent. Maybe you should get a fighting type coverage moves. ( Chansey has potential of stopping all 5 pokemon in your team except for bewear. Considering its a band bewear, you have to make lots of predict games.)

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So this is my team for the redemption league. After testing it, it seems to work well. But with a community with people who have done the league before and with this being my first time it wouldn't hurt to review it with some people. Its in the spoiler below.





Ariel (Primarina) (F) @ Choice Specs 
Ability: Torrent 
EVs: 164 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 88 Spe 
Modest Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Sparkling Aria 
- Moonblast 
- Psychic 
- Energy Ball 

SHARKURSIO! (Garchomp) (M) @ Choice Scarf 
Ability: Rough Skin 
Shiny: Yes 
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Jolly Nature 
- Poison Jab 
- Dragon Claw 
- Earthquake 
- Stone Edge 

My PeRsOnAlItY (Magnezone) @ Choice Specs 
Ability: Magnet Pull 
Shiny: Yes 
EVs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe 
Modest Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Volt Switch 
- Thunderbolt 
- Flash Cannon 
- Hidden Power [Fire]  

Cool story BroBat (Crobat) @ Black Sludge 
Ability: Infiltrator 
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 200 Def / 16 SpD / 24 Spe 
Impish Nature 
- Cross Poison 
- Roost 
- U-turn 
- Defog 

LEVIATHAN! (Gyarados-Mega) @ Gyaradosite 
Ability: Intimidate 
EVs: 248 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Adamant Nature 
- Dragon Dance 
- Earthquake 
- Crunch 
- Waterfall 

ITSMYRUBBERDUCKY (Porygon2) @ Eviolite 
Ability: Download 
Shiny: Yes 
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD 
Calm Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Toxic 
- Recover 
- Tri Attack 
- Ice Beam 


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1 hour ago, Jmanultrax1 said:

So this is my team for the redemption league. After testing it, it seems to work well. But with a community with people who have done the league before and with this being my first time it wouldn't hurt to review it with some people. Its in the spoiler below.


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Ariel (Primarina) (F) @ Choice Specs 
Ability: Torrent 
EVs: 164 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 88 Spe 
Modest Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Sparkling Aria 
- Moonblast 
- Psychic 
- Energy Ball 

SHARKURSIO! (Garchomp) (M) @ Choice Scarf 
Ability: Rough Skin 
Shiny: Yes 
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Jolly Nature 
- Poison Jab 
- Dragon Claw 
- Earthquake 
- Stone Edge 

My PeRsOnAlItY (Magnezone) @ Choice Specs 
Ability: Magnet Pull 
Shiny: Yes 
EVs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe 
Modest Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Volt Switch 
- Thunderbolt 
- Flash Cannon 
- Hidden Power [Fire]  

Cool story BroBat (Crobat) @ Black Sludge 
Ability: Infiltrator 
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 200 Def / 16 SpD / 24 Spe 
Impish Nature 
- Cross Poison 
- Roost 
- U-turn 
- Defog 

LEVIATHAN! (Gyarados-Mega) @ Gyaradosite 
Ability: Intimidate 
EVs: 248 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Adamant Nature 
- Dragon Dance 
- Earthquake 
- Crunch 
- Waterfall 

ITSMYRUBBERDUCKY (Porygon2) @ Eviolite 
Ability: Download 
Shiny: Yes 
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD 
Calm Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Toxic 
- Recover 
- Tri Attack 
- Ice Beam 



Sparkling Aria hits your allies in Doubles/Triples too, use Hyper Voice instead. And maybe Rock Slide over Stone Edge on Garchomp if you want more spread attacks?

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Hi there.  Please rate this team?  Thanks.  


Shiny: No
- Play Rough
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance

This is my setup sweeper.  It works really well under Trick Room, and Sucker Punch gives it priority that hits hard after a SD.  Intimidate in its base form also helps my teammates with setting up TR and everything.  


Shiny: Yes
- Flare Blitz
- Shadow Bone
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock

I'm looking forward to using this thing.  I can give it Lightningrod to take electric attacks or Rock Head so it can spam Flare Blitz.  It also is my hazard setter.  


Shiny: Yes
- Scald
- Roost
- Defog
- Haze

My defogger.  It basically supports the team.  


Shiny: Yes
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Rock Slide
- Wide Guard

Rock Slide is there to hit birds, which my team has a bit of a weakness to.  Wide Guard is useful in doubles.  Flame Orb+Guts protects it from other status, or Iron Fist boost its fighting moves.  I realize Rock Slide's not as good as Ice Punch, but I wanted another spread move.  Tell me if I should replace it.  


Shiny: No
- Trick Room
- Draco Meteor
- Giga Drain
- Flamethrower

My first Trick Room setter, it also hits pretty hard.  


Shiny: Yes
- Trick Room
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Protect

I wasn't sure about having two offensive special attacking TR setters, but redundancy might not be a bad thing.  Protect also helps it in doubles/triples and scouting for Dark moves.  I also could give it Leftovers and Regenerator to be more defensive, or Magic Guard to be a stallbreaker (TR doesn't like stall) or Overcoat for status.  


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