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Trading with myself? Is it possible?


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I haven't tried the online features yet, but I do have a question:

let's say that I have an endgame savegame.

Let's say I don't really like any of the starters.

Let's say I breed a pokemon and give it 4 rare candies


My question is: could I trade it for the starter in a new playthrough right after choosing one?

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Mmm... looks like I'll need 2 accounts ("you can't trade with yourself!"), even though it seems possible to juggle 2 different savegames on the same machine.

Meh, if this was a paid service I'd have less qualms about creating multiple accounts, but as it is it would at least be rude, wouldn't it?

Cheating in a different starter will probably be a better option.

Thanks anyway!


6 hours ago, Bafabon said:

You may ask a friend to keep the pokémon from your endgame save, then trade it with your new playthrough.


I hope this helps!

Getting them to play pokemon is easier said than done...  :(

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tried to trade with myself on a single pc, had to do some save copy-pasting and create a second account. in the end still didn't work because of the games pausing while in background mode.

I did manage to accidentally merge my 2 savefiles giving my character 10 minutes into the game all badges and party pokemon from my lategame save. dont really understand how to recreate this but with some creative fiddling this could give an option of "trading" on the same pc.

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I managed to trade my two run in the game.

My beedrill with my previous crobat.

trade each other.png

Am I going to be banned now?


I'm using a software called Sandboxie, open one of it with it, changes the save, open it again normally. The one with [#] is sandboxed.


Also, interestingly if one of them lag too much and exits. It can cause a pokemon to be missing. Game that successfully traded, still receive the pokemon, while the lagged Game that cancel the trade in middle, doesn't have changes in the trade.

trade each other bug.png

Look, my beedrill is gone!


Sandboxie duplicates everything that's happening, along with your saves. So your saves in sandboxie saved in C:/Sandbox.

Sorry I didn't make this into like proper guide. I don't think I'm allowed to broke the game like this.

Edited by Arys
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