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Ultra Beasts in future episodes?


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I'm willing to bet that the remnants of Meteor will manage to open a dimensional hole to allow the UBs through in the postgame. So as far as that goes, I'm envisioning something kinda like Team Galactic's meddling with Heatran in the Gen IV games. And they'll certainly be roaming.

Actually, that raises another question -- what legendaries will roam around Reborn?


Edited by WujiKyurem
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Every single pokemon will be available in-game, this is something Ame has confirmed multiple times so UBs won't be any different. Considering the recency of Gen VII I don't think UBs will have any relevance to the main story but they will most likely get post-game events. That being said, if the Cosmog event doesn't involve Nebby getting into bags I will be very disappointed.

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39 minutes ago, Farnsworth said:

Every single pokemon will be available in-game, this is something Ame has confirmed multiple times so UBs won't be any different. Considering the recency of Gen VII I don't think UBs will have any relevance to the main story but they will most likely get post-game events. That being said, if the Cosmog event doesn't involve Nebby getting into bags I will be very disappointed.

Idk about that seeing how the New World field works.  They might have a last minute role.

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So I wonder then, if we'll be able to get more than one Cosmog in-game.

If not, the only way to get both Solgaleo and Lunala to complete the dex would be by trading. definitely not bc Ame loves making us suffer

Edited by WujiKyurem
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Let's think about this for a minute:

-Ultra-Beasts have legendary stats and are super broken. They also played a critical role in Gen VII in being foreign dimension pokemon.

-Reborn has only had one single legendary appear in game (though not really) and only refer to one other throughout the entire storyline

-Reborn focuses less on Pokemon and more on characters


If they are going to appear, it will be brief and not catchable so...I wouldn't count your chickens to see them until Post game. GF games do a lot more around lore building and stories regarding the legendaries (which ultra beasts are and are not at the same time). In fact after Gen I, a non mascot legendary makes an appearance at some point in the game. Reborn is different and it showcases how powerful people can become using the pulse machines to turn meh Pokemon into absolute monsters. Wouldn't really make so much sense to build up how powerful these ideals and tech is to the point we see what happens when you put an Arceus in one then suddenly, a whole swarm of monsters just as strong as pulses appear because...why not? I'm sure somebody could, but I just don't see any logical sense or effect adding the UBs in would do other than a few jarring/forced moments.

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