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Should I change something in My Team?


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Hey everyone,

I was wondering if my reborn team is good enough or if I need to change something so I´m here to show my team and know if there is something I should change, here we go :


Gardevoir (Synchronyze) (twisted Spoon):

Evs: 252 Special attack ,the remaining in speed



Light Screen or Calm Mind (wich do you think I should  choose?)

Destiny Bond


Escavalier(Swarm) (kings Rock) :

Evs:252 attack , 50% of the remaining in defense , the other 50% in special defense

Mega Horn

Swords Dance

Iron Head

??????? (Pls tell me)


Swampert (torrent) (Leftovers):

Evs: 252 hp , the remaining in attack




Hammer Harm


Electivire (vital spirit) (magnet):

Evs: 252 Attack,70% of the remaining in defense , the other 30% in special defense

Thunder Punch (I´m trying to teach him wild charge by breeding )

Light Screen

Cross Chop



Heracross (guts) (fist plate):

Evs: 252 attack , the remaining in speed


Close Combat

Brick Breack

Rock blast


Chandelure (infiltrator) (air baloon) :

Evs: 252 in special attack , the remaining in speed

Fire Blast


Shadow Ball

Solar Beam



And thats my team , If anyone thinks that I should change something pls let me know : )


Edited by Dr4gn33l
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As of right now, the most I can say is that your team has good coverage for any type that your opponent wishes to use against you.

If you'd like some constructive criticism, you'd have to show what items and abilities you will have on your Pokemon, and you may also want to show the EV spread of each of them, but that is not 100% necessary.

Edit: It'd also be good to know if this is for Singles, Doubles, or Triples, and whether it's for one of the mainseries games, a fan game, or Showdown.

Edited by Dypatome
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No Mega-evolutions? Also, what is this team for?

-Gardevoir with Calm Mind would be good if you are going to Mega and then get one off; if you're leading with Gardevoir and not going to mega, then Light Screen is a better first turn move.

-Knock Off could be a good fourth move for Escavalier 


Other than that, it could be good to have some sort of a setup mon on your team; someone who sets up stealth rocks and can get some nice hits in before going down.


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Your team is very solid, so much so that I suggest keeping the members as they are. Though I'd recommend changing their movesets and items a bit:


  • Give Escavalier either Drill Run or Knock Off. Also change its item to the bug or steel boosting item.
  • For the Swampert remove Surf and give it Rock Slide. 
  • Calm Mind is much better on Gardy. You could instead try some coverage moves like Shadow Ball or Grass Knot. Also consider running Trick Room to help out Escavalier and Swampert.
  • Take out Light Screen and Discharge from Electivire. Give it the two remaining elemental punches (Fire Punch and Ice Punch). Change its item to Expert Belt.
  • Brick Break is useless on Hera. Give it something else like Bullet Seed, Shadow Claw, Aerial Ace or Dig (I think we have access to it by now). Change its item to Flame Orb to abuse Guts.
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