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A strange message (SPOILERS)


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I've completed the sidequest with the wedding ring, the classified information and the pink pearl at the point that the medium told me a strange message:


During a time that this ward is still garnished with a deadly flora, a boy with a beaded tooth necklace steps forward to stop the chaos. He earns friends to fight alongside him. A man with spiked bracelets, another azure hair, a girl blessed with a sleeping star, and a taciturn woman in a black and red suit. Together, they cut the tainted toots away from the city, purge poison from the lake, and chase fire from the mountain peaks. And then the city streets crack, spiked bracelets splinter in the fissure below. Shining armor strikes, azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him, and beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again. The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disapears. And that future follows shortly after.


In this odd speech we can recognize these characters:

-The man with the spiked bracelets, Arclight

-The azure hair tainted in red, Cal

-The girl blessed with a sleeping star, Anna and her Nostra

-The taciturn woman, Titania

-Finally, the hero (in my case, Vero)


We can also recognize the following events:

-The mess with the three PULSE-Tangrowth

-The events in the water treatment center

-the events at Pyrous Mountain, with the PULSE-Camerupt


I am not fully certain about how to interpret it,but I think these events will happen:

-Team Meteor will prepare a big attack in the city

-Cal will earn rage and anger again

-Nostra will be revealed as a real Jirachi


If you have other suggestions, just post them in the replies

*no bullshit please*


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This message is actually an account of events that happen in a world where the player character doesn't exist. You can tell this because in that world the hero is actually Fern, since he is described as having a "beaded tooth necklace". There are still parts of this excerpt that are mysterious such as the identity of the taciturn woman and what it means for the story. Also, the taciturn woman isn't Titania, Tania is the "shining armor". And Blake is also part of this message, "an enemy of his own blood".

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17 minutes ago, Farnsworth said:

This message is actually an account of events that happen in a world where the player character doesn't exist. You can tell this because in that world the hero is actually Fern, since he is described as having a "beaded tooth necklace". There are still parts of this excerpt that are mysterious such as the identity of the taciturn woman and what it means for the story. Also, the taciturn woman isn't Titania, Tania is the "shining armor". And Blake is also part of this message, "an enemy of his own blood".


OK thanks for correcting me

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This was widely discussed in another topic, check it for more conclusions and theories. In short, it`s been theorised that prophecy is a description of alternate reality, where Fern is a hero (that`s why he`s such a douche in current state - he ''feels'' that something`s not right and he`s meant to be the best one, not our character) and Jirachi`s wish caused it to reset, this maybe even occured more than once.


Characters more or less are guessed to be as above, but nothing is certain, taciturn woman gives a lot of possibilities, shining armour MAY fit Titania, but I dont think it is correct. Also, in my opinion, azure hair can also mean Amaria, and only re-dyed red hair is about Cal. Enemy of own blood is pretty obvious, Blake vs. Cal or Florinia vs. Fern, but the latter doesnt fit Fern as a hero scenairo. Also, disaster cracks down a city, and we havent witnessed it yet in this reality (nooo, new city is just marvelous) or somehow we prevented it - disaster switched with restoration.

I`ll place my bet that ''From there, the suited girl disapears'' part hints us that Shade used to be somebody different, and mere shadow is what is left of her.

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10 hours ago, example said:

I`ll place my bet that ''From there, the suited girl disapears'' part hints us that Shade used to be somebody different, and mere shadow is what is left of her.


That's actually a very valid point. Do we know for a fact that Shade's male?  I know Anna calls him Mr. Shade, and Anna sees things that no other character does, but does that really mean that Shade's male?


If the alternate reality is true, and Anna made a wish that "created" the player character who leads instead of Fern, could this mysterious taciturn woman, who's described as disappearing after Anna's wish, have been used as the basis for creating the player character? Like, she vanishes so the player can exist and Shade is, as you say, what's left of her?

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34 minutes ago, Therrester said:


That's actually a very valid point. Do we know for a fact that Shade's male?  I know Anna calls him Mr. Shade, and Anna sees things that no other character does, but does that really mean that Shade's male?


If the alternate reality is true, and Anna made a wish that "created" the player character who leads instead of Fern, could this mysterious taciturn woman, who's described as disappearing after Anna's wish, have been used as the basis for creating the player character? Like, she vanishes so the player can exist and Shade is, as you say, what's left of her?

 Actually I think she refers to Shade as mr. Shadow. Shade and Anna share an interesting relationship, with Anna someho contacting Shade and Shade recommending her for her position. So this might be plausible. But if it is it would strongly imply has shade is male and probably would have been male considering she sees the 'truth'.  Another part is that Shade is shadow by Anna vision which is basically darkness while the player character is glowing which could be considered light. The player character and shade being light and darkness would solidify this theory that the taciturn suited woman has been split in two parts, the player character and Shade.

Edited by FairFamily
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