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The Gods want me to do a ice Monorun -_-


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Hi guys!
I come here today to ask for advises for my first Monorun in this beautiful region that is reborn.
Well, seems that i already finished E17, finaly have a team that i can be pround of (good ivs and evs) and all the reputations points available till now, i caught me thinking that i do not have much to do in the game besides Complete the pokedex (and i think this is a total pain -_-).
I think a monorun should be fun, reborn is already a hard game in comparison with the main series and limiting me with only one type should make things even challenging!
But choose a type that i like will make things look easy, so i asked the gods (called random number generator) to pick one for me, and the type chose by the gods is....ICE! (gods, why did you forsake me D: ? ).

So, I gonna use some rules that i have see through the forum about monorun, do you guys think these are enough?

Basic rules:
1- I have to beat Garchomp and Dittorceus!
2- Pokes of another type ONLY to HM slave.
3- Healling itens ONLY in the overworld, but garchomp and dittorceus is fair game.
4- ONLY set mode.


Special clauses:
1- I have the right to bring from my main save 2 pokes not OP (because there is no ice types in the game till florinia).

2- Can't repeat species

3- No stress and smilling always

The 2 pokes i can bring from my main save have been picked by te gods too! and the winners are....SNORUNT and SNOVER

Dipper (male) 

snow warning
-Leech seed

-powder snow


Mabel (female)

Inner focus
-powder snow

Well, thats it, if you guys think that there is something that i have forgotten about mono run or some tips feel free to share, i appreciate it.
Now wish me luck!
And, To the unknown!

Edited by ~ Guiller ~
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1 hour ago, Chessdude said:

Aye Good luck


Mamoswine will help a bunch with thick fat

Thanks! and don't worry man, Mamoswine is already in my plain (wait for me Manfred)


1 hour ago, Nico Robin said:

weavile is a must have for an Ice Mono run :D 

Weavile is really awesome, if only the gods would have give me one early... (wait, even so i won't be able to evolve to weaville too soon t-t)

45 minutes ago, Rainlove said:

May the force of gods be with you on your journey darling~


I suggest Lapras to be part of your team ^.^


Thanks ^^, i really look forward for a lapras im my team

17 minutes ago, Damage said:

Why male snorunt? Froslass is like key part of almost all ice monos

I will be using a female, glalie scary me t-t

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I found Aurorus pretty handy for my Rock Mono! If your team has some holes against Special Attacks, Aurorus is pretty solid with Light Screen, it also has access to Nature Power and Snow Warning which would definitely come in handy.


Cryogonal could also be good too, both good speed and access to Rapid Spin to remove obnoxious things like Stealth Rock and has really high Special Defense, Ground immunity and access to Recover will help out a lot too.

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Thanks you guys for all the tips :D, I'm writing down everything for later when all these pokes became reachable.

The run is going smoothly until now at least, i got my first badge and lost a battle only once ( Damn you!, fisherman with your 2crit horn attack goldeen -_-).
Rose incence + razor leaf snover is really good in the early game and Dipper carried me all the way to Julia.
Aster and Eclipse were a problem for me, their magby and elekid both outspeed Dipper and ganged in with ember and low kick till his death (Why me D:? I swear to both of you that Fern is much worse than me), but Mabel (the snourant) avenged him with ice wind and double team (magby missed ember 2 times in a roll,lol!), i had the luck to find a ability capsule near the factory and shift her ability to ice body to regain hp in hail.




Now for JULIA, i think her battle was pretty easy even with 2 pkms. Dipper OHKO her helioptile with razor leaf, but i totally forgot that her blitzen have sap sipper...(Damn), the consequence? Dipper got 2HKOed with flame charge because my stupidity (sign...), now took up to Mabel to clean my mess...which was better than I expected! with only 3 double teams the blitzen can't even touch her ( but she took a flame charge and a charge beam, but ice body helped recover some lost hp), then the sweep started, with ice wind she took down all Julia's pokemons by herself! only took one charge beam for electrodode (not even close a 1HKO). she is my new Goddess now! (random number generator be damn).


And that's that for now, hope things keep going this way for a while (what i doubt! but i can dream).
Wish me luck o/

My team Now:





Edited by ~ Guiller ~
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  • 5 weeks later...

Finally, after a whole month since my last post here i finally beat chapter 16 with only Ice types \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/!!!!!!!!
What can i say about the experience? it as great! but pretty damn HARD TOO!
I really feel in love with ice type in this first monorun, but i have to say, ice is not a good type, even against Serra (damnit flash cannon and mirror shot) ice have it rough, too many weakness for a type that only resist himself, but when we do a monorun we want a challenge right? and a challenge is what i had:

Vs florinia


A nightmare! pretty much this, with only a snover and snorunt vs 6 pokes i had to count with RNGesus to beat her, all my attempts are setup double team in her maractus and pray for the better


Vs Corey


Got a seel for this one, but with only 3 sub-evolved pkms this fight looked impossible, so i evolved seel in dewgong (lv 34), then used commun candy and the fight became Manageable


Vs Shelly


Hard fight.... anorith and yammega with rock moves really annoyed me, had to kill ilumise and maskerain first and then put snover snow warning in battle, otherwise her anorith destroyed my team with swift swim + rock slide


Vs Shade



really easy! with pillowswine and play rough + night slash beartic (YES!i really breeded theses 2 moves in a cubchoo in this point of the game!) i dont even remember how the battle goes


Vs Cal


First time that i as gratful for the eternal rain in my game,i just had to cool down the field with a ice move and spaming earthquake with pillowswine and cal is no more


Vs Kiki


jynx + psychic + ...and with focus! = Sorry for this kiki :)


Vs Solaris


dewgong + perish song, you know the drill


Vs Aya


Relatively easy, with 3 pkms weaks to ice, the only problem is her field, but with abomasnow's mist the field has not so bad, gengar's focus blast as a pain however (this thing only have 70 accuracy, why the hell it never miss?????)

Vs Serra


A pain in the ass! can't use earthquake because destroying her mirros will make she hate me :< ( i don't like being hated by character that i like) and my only super efective moves against her is mirror shot's vanilluxe and super power's beartic, meanwhile flash cannon and mirror shot everywhere....but i managed somehow -_-


Vs Noel


Wigglytuf tried to kill me instead setup stealth rock and reflect, and his cincinno missed rock blast :)
I think this battle should have been way worse if theses things don't have happened
Anyway, beartic was my mvp with super power \o\

Vs Dittorceus


See "vs solaris" above (but with jynx instead)


Vs Radomus


Horrible! have to kill all the trick room's setups because everytime her put this shitty in play is game over for me, had to use gems to kill reuniclus and slowking before they have the chance to setup trick room, but thanks god that was the only hard part of the battle, mamowswine earthquake + froslass with ballon take care of the others minions


Vs Luna


Too easy! mamoswine earthquake + beartic super power absolutely destroyed her :')


Vs Sansom


Hard...even with jynx psyshic (she as underleved), have to use gems because hariyama and conkeldurr are too bulk, Fortunately earthquake and super power get nice boosts for the field and froslass outspeed every Sansom's pkm (and used destiny bound when her hp is too low)


Vs Charlotte


The absolutely BANE OF MY EXISTENCE! too many fast pkms, too many field boost, too many super efective moves against me, too many sunny days....
Have to put abomasnow in the box for this fight (hail only made things worse) and put rain dance in froslass, but even this as not enough, everyone had occa berry and jynx with psichic gem, can't have the luxury to put air ballon in all my pkms so earthquake as risk =/, the first thinks as to setup rain dance and blizzard to get rid of the field, but the fight as still damn hard, lost count of how many times i have to redo this fight till i win, almost wanted to kill Charllote for real because of this battle :')


Vs Terra


Easy, spamed ice beam/ blizzard/ wood hammer till her death


Vs Ciel


See "Vs terra" above (but with no wood hammer)


Vs Adrienn




Can someone please tell me why this guy have too many rock, fight and steel moves in his team? I thought that as a fairy gym man, and the fact that i have too many sp.atackers in my team really don't helped ( xen pokemons have too much special bulk...) .but in the end i win after a few tries.


Well, and this conclude my ice monorun, i really hope that articuno show up soon because have to get delibird from the box everytime that i want to fly is a pain =/
Thanks for read till here :>

backup team:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Huh. Aside from me using Aurorus in place of Abomasnow, your team is looking the same as my Ice Mono.


Honestly, I can say that an Ice Mono is really not as hard as you claim it is. Yes, there are some difficult parts (Hello, Kiki), but after Radomus, really, there wasn't too much I had trouble with. Samson? I one-shotted, Charlotte? 3-shotted. It's a case of strategy over brute force.


Still, glad there are people doing Ice Mono runs and showing off the strengths of the type instead of dismissing the type and bemoaning it's weaknesses.

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