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Pokemon in Space [Interest Check]


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I haven't said it but this system has been made with the idea of 3 players battling on one side to beat down tougher opponents, so battles are usually gonna be 3v1, or 3v2 or 3v3. Or special legendary Pokemon battles I'm just gonna mention now but not explain in order to hook you~


In such a system, a flinch which severely impaires the Pokemon's ability to both dodge attacks (speed drop) and clash them (moves can only clash moves with the same or lower priority) could make or break you if you're not careful, coupled with the ability to up your own chances of landing a flinch by x4.00 through accuracy and evasion...




Statuses can still work too, it's all about timing them well enough to hit your opponent. They do have a very high chance of failing though, with that they need to both logically be applicable (ie, Smokescreen won't work if your opponent uses Gust to blow it out of the way, but if you use Smokescreen when at really close range, they would have a really limited amount of time available to deal with it). Same goes for moves like Will o' Wisp, Thunder Wave and Hypnosis. Spore is a pretty rad status move since spores are kinda really hard to avoid when poofed into your face. Not to mention lots of moves have secondary effects inflicting statuses whose chance of success can be increased by either lowering the opponent's evasion or raising your own accuracy. And there's 3 of you battling, so combo it up~


Talking about that...I may change up Prankster again. I feel like I can't really get the core idea behind it to work in this system.


For now it's all about balance, I think, so flinching doesn't make you outright unable to move, but it does make you a pretty sweet target while still giving you a chance to fight back


Maybe I should also mention that you will only carry 3 of your Pokemon with you on missions. The others meanwhile remain in containment areas. That's so you guys could get swept even if there's like 3 of you in a battle : d

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So basically, if Flinching worked as normal in this, such moves would be really OP since there's an even higher chance that the opponent couldn't even move if the one using said move was extremely fast while it's accuracy was buffed and/or while the target's evasion was debuffed. Good to know it's not like that, especially since a lot of our battles will consist of more than two Pokemon on the field. It makes a few more Pokemon a lot more bearable. Try and stop us now, Togekiss!


...Actually, speaking of Togekiss, How would happiness and trade-based evolutions work?

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On 06.01.2017. at 10:19 PM, Bfroger6 said:

Pokemon that evolve by trading can also be evolved by talking to a specific NPC. You'll be able to evolve a Pokemon that evolved at max friendship after going through a set number of missions/sub-missions together with that Pokemon. You'll be notified once your Pokemon is ready to evolve.

Non-dungeon missions apply to this as well. For evolutions like Golbat -> Crobat, missions done as a Zubat also count, of course. Basically they collect points that count towards Friendship by accompanying you to missions~

Trading Pokemon isn't a thing anymore since the public doesn't have access to Pokemon. So there's a guy with a link cable machine who can pretend-trade with you~ This will be restricted though, so you don't go insta-evolving your starters.


Pokemon like Magneton/Nosepass and others that evolve when leveled in a certain location evolve when leveled in a certain location. There's a bunch of Nexuses, so I'm sure there's at least one with a strong magnetic field. Or lots of moss for you to coat your Eevee with~ Or a fridge to put that Eevee in, hehe

How Sylveon evolves is a mystery

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Uh, whoops. Guess I missed that part. Still, it's nice to have some more detail on it. I appreciate that.


As for the Sylveon thing. Maybe it could be like the other mons that evolve through friendship while it knows a fairy type move (pretty sure the fangames do that anyway). Either that or you could put something in one of the nexus dungeons. Misty Terrain is a fairy type move after all. I dunno, just throwing out suggestions. That one's probably gonna have to need a bit more time to think through. Unless, wait... you already have a plan, don't you? Eh, whatever. I'm too tired to actually think right now. I need sleep. So... yeah. You're on your own for right now. Good night. 

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This seems very cool.  I want to join this.


But, as per usual for me, I already have a strange and unconventional character concept.  I just can't seem to make standard characters.  Oh, well, my way is fun.

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2 hours ago, Cronos5010 said:

By the way is the skill list complete or anything? (The trainer skill list)

I have decided that the basic skills you can choose to start with are the Attacker (Atk/Sp.Def), Defender (Def/Sp.Def), Trickster (Status), Technician (renaming Ninja) and Explorer (renaming Dungeoneer) skills. For now you don't need to know anything more than these five categories : d


Froger out~

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So wait, we can get more skills later on?


Also yay I helped with attracting attention, watch out for Zoe_Walker, they can be quite a handful when it comes to character building.

Edited by Cronos5010
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On 20.01.2017. at 3:22 PM, Cronos5010 said:

So wait, we can get more skills later on?


Also yay I helped with attracting attention, watch out for Zoe_Walker, they can be quite a handful when it comes to character building.

Yes, you can get more skills later on~ And you'll have customisation options for how you want your skill growth to progress.

i.e. your basic lvl 1 skill is Attacker, but then you can take Trickster's lvl 2 to handle statuses better or choose Attacker's lvl 3 and just whoosh everything away. Keep in mind your starting skill will determine your Category (Attacker, Trickster, Dungeoneer, Technician, Defender) and your Category may lock you out of gaining skills from one of the other Categories.


Basically, missions award you points. There's a table with all the skills. Each skill costs points. There are also restrictions, as I've said, so you won't be able to gain a Defender skill if you already have an Attacker skill and vice versa. 

Be patient though, I'm gonna put it all up clearly in the OoC : d


Hmhmhm. I'm looking forward to seeing all the characters, then. Though I'll still be strict to all of you during character creation~

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Personally, I am going to focus Radovan on destroying pretty much everyone and everything in combat, because duh, but anyway what is your expected character limit? It may be wise to set one since this is the first time you are GMing.

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Ahaha, but I've already got it covered, my dear friend!


Minimum is 6, and maximum is 9. Because too many can be chaotic and I need 6 so that there are at least two teams of three people active at all time to do missions and sub-missions.


Also, if you're wondering about my progress so far, I've completed 7 character portraits out of 10 I'd need for the start, made concepts for the main Nexuses #00 - #07 and conceptualized a few ideas for Nexus Dungeons #08 - #17.

2 out of expected ~10-ish sub-missions (not important for the actual beginning) ideas have been firmly established and Dungeon #1 - Crystal Forest has gotten its boss with an exploitable niche for system training. Furthermore, NPC teams are falling into place one by one and their respective battle musics are in the process of being decided on. Start and end goals are set in stone, while the rest of the story focuses on slowly uncovering the mysteries of all the Nexuses and the Last Star.


My progress has been slowed down by some exams, but it's all good right now and I have lots of free time in February to do everything I need to do. I'd expect the OoC out soon-ish and then I can make finishing touches as you guys do your sheets for the sign-ups.



Space Aether Employee Cadet Betani

-your colleague and totally not your future rival or anything; two years your senior regarding graduation from the Space Aether Academy and a battling-genius whose hot-headedness sometimes cuts her judgement short-



Nexus #02 - (former) Village of Victors

-an urban slum that used to be beautiful plains stretching as far as the eye could see with a small village where legends were born; it lost its splendor after its people were blamed for the incident that happened 20 years ago-


-Froger out~

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13 minutes ago, AGuyPassingThrough said:

Btw, Frogger, you might want to start a Discord channel for this. It's a good, quick way to communicate with your players.

Mhm, was gonna do that when the thing actually started but I suppose it couldn't hurt to make one now, since I'm getting legit interest: https://discord.gg/SVgzWqx

Feel free to join, I suppose~


Also, the official sign-ups start when I put the OoC/Sign-ups thread up sometime after February the 2nd.

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